Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 477: Lin Feng breaks the formation and the Emperor appears!

While looking for these formation eyes, Lin Feng was actually thinking about how to crack the formation eyes here.

These formations are indeed very unique, and they are indeed the formations arranged by the Emperor.

Lin Feng felt that normally, with his current level, it would definitely take a long time to crack the formation here.

It's not that Lin Feng's level is not good enough, but that Emperor Huang's level is too high.

But Lin Feng discovered something that surprised him. He found that the formation eye arranged by the Emperor was similar to the formation arrangement technique passed down by the Tianshi lineage.

The inheritance of the Tianshi lineage originated from Yu Shang, a good friend of Ye Xuan.

Needless to say, Yu Shang, as the founder of the Celestial Master lineage, has extremely profound attainments in formations. He has created many top secret methods related to formations. He understands all kinds of powerful He also understands the secrets of formations, the secrets of heaven and earth, and the changes in terrain formations, etc. Therefore, Yu Shang is a very impressive person.

So, as the founder of Tianshi Dao in the last reincarnation, Yu Shang must have studied many top-level formations and secrets before founding Tianshi Dao.

It is quite normal for him to improve these formation secret techniques.


Lin Feng guessed that this might be the origin of the inheritance of Tianshi Dao.

As for this arrangement method, Lin Feng probably did not create it by the Emperor, because if it was created by the Emperor, Yu Shang would not have the chance to understand it.

Lin Feng thought about it for a while.

There are many wonderful things in this supreme court, and it is extremely possible for a natural magic circle to evolve.

And every few years, some people are lucky enough to enter the Supreme Court of God.

Will there be a situation where Yu Shang and Huang Tianzi both saw the place where the natural magic circle evolved?

Yu Shang understood the mysterious method.

The emperor also understood the mysterious method.

However, the content of their enlightenment is not exactly the same.

Lin Feng felt that this possibility was still very high.

But even if they are different, they are similar in many places, and the method of cracking them can naturally be used as a reference.

"Heaven, earth, mountains and rivers are ahead...".

"Water, fire, thunder and wind are behind...".

Lin Feng followed the inherited method of Tianshi Tao and began to try to crack the core formation here.

Naturally, this matter did not happen overnight.

It needs to be tried and explored.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. What we have to do now is to quickly find a way to crack the first core formation. After the first core formation is broken, it will be relatively easier to crack the subsequent formations. .

Lin Feng fumbled and tried many times.


Lin Feng found a method that he thought was very good. It still needed to be combined with the secret techniques passed down by Tianshi Dao. Lin Feng felt that relying solely on secret techniques might still be a little less effective.

Perhaps the method of "breaking the formation with formations" can also be added.

This is the method Lin Feng is best at.

It can even be regarded as a method invented by Lin Feng himself.

So Lin Feng began to think about what kind of formation would be the best to combine with the secret method of Tianshi Tao.

Lin Feng continued to deduce.

Another day passed, and Lin Feng finally successfully deduced the formation.

Next, it’s time to officially break the formation.

Combining the formation with the secret technique, Lin Feng began to forcibly crack the first core formation.


But at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly filled the air, and that aura made Lin Feng's hair stand on end.

Then a deep voice resounded throughout the world, "Who is so bold as to dare to break the formation I have arranged?".

This voice was filled with a majesty that was almost indescribable in words.

This kind of coercion is no less than the coercion emanating from Emperor Zhou.

Lin Feng knew that it must be some of the methods left behind by Emperor Huang.

Although Lin Feng had never been in contact with the Emperor, judging from Emperor Zhou's description of the Emperor.

The Emperor is absolutely terrifying.

Some of the methods he left behind were naturally terrifying and unimaginable.

After the voice fell, a man surrounded by endless royal aura appeared in the void.

He was covered by royal aura, so he couldn't see clearly what he looked like.

However, he seemed to be the master of heaven and earth.

A single glance can wipe out all directions.

This is the Emperor, the true helmsman of the Holy Week Divine Dynasty now.

After he appeared, the coercion he exuded had a huge impact on Lin Feng, making Lin Feng feel quite bad.

After the Emperor appeared, he launched an attack on Lin Feng, seeming to want to obliterate Lin Feng.

But this time.

Emperor Zhou appeared, and Emperor Zhou shouted coldly to the emperor, "Your opponent is me!".

Immediately afterwards, the war broke out.

Although what appeared in front of him was not the Emperor's true form, but an incarnation that the Emperor had manifested by some unknown means. However, this incarnation was so tyrannical that the Emperor was unable to capture this incarnation in a short period of time.

With Emperor Zhou dealing with this incarnation, Lin Feng could use all his strength to break the formation. A quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng successfully broke the first formation eye.

When the first formation eye was broken by Lin Feng, something magical happened immediately.

The strength of the incarnation of the Emperor who was fighting against the emperor suddenly dropped a lot. Obviously, the strength of this incarnation has a huge relationship with the formation here.

When the formation here is in a perfect state, the strength of this incarnation is extremely powerful. But when there is a problem with the formation here, the strength of this incarnation will also decline rapidly. At this time, Emperor Zhou The advantages are immediately apparent.

Emperor Zhou laughed loudly and said, "Your Majesty, you are really a man who has been calculating for eternity, but you have not thought that my little friend's formation attainments are no less than yours. How long have you been practicing? He has been practicing again. How long has it been? But my level has caught up with yours. Are you envious or jealous?"

When he heard what Emperor Zhou said, Lin Feng was actually a little offended. After all, the Emperor himself hated him enough, but Emperor Zhou actually used himself to provoke the Emperor. This was because he felt that the Emperor hated him. You don’t hate yourself enough, do you?

Lin Feng suspected that this guy deliberately put himself on the fire.

But Lin Feng was too lazy to argue so much with Emperor Zhou's associates. Anyway, he already had a grudge with the Emperor. Furthermore, the two camps were inherently opposed.

Lin Feng is not afraid that the Emperor will hate him. Anyway, he will return to the future world soon, and the Emperor may not even know who he is.

Lin Feng quickly ran towards the second core formation. He wanted to take this opportunity to quickly break through the formation here.

Otherwise, the nights will be long and the dreams will be many.

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