Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 478: Did the pioneers also die in the wasteland?

Since he already had experience in cracking the first formation, Lin Feng encountered much less pressure when cracking the second formation than when he cracked the first formation.

In fact, in a sense, cracking the formation is the same as solving complex mathematical problems. Once the ideas are opened, the difficulty of cracking will be greatly reduced.

Immediately afterwards, the third, fourth, fifth... more and more formations were cracked by Lin Feng. As these formations were cracked by Lin Feng, the power of the incarnation of the Emperor became more and more powerful. weak.

Under Emperor Zhou's extremely powerful attack, the incarnation gradually became unable to hold on. It seemed to have become very illusory, and it was estimated that it would be completely destroyed by Emperor Zhou soon.

"Boy, I remember you. You ruined my big things. In heaven and on earth, all over the world, I will definitely find you and kill you!" The incarnation of the Emperor looked at Lin Feng coldly and said this His words contained overwhelming murderous intent, which showed that he really hated Lin Feng.

In fact, Lin Feng was a little surprised. After all, the emperor had a gloomy temperament and was a relatively tolerant person, just like a poisonous snake in the dark.

Such a person would not say harsh words to others easily.

But now that he said such harsh words to himself, Lin Feng naturally did not expect this, but Lin Feng did not have any fear about it.

The Emperor is too self-righteous.

You are very good, Lin Feng admits this.

However, no matter how awesome you are, when I return to the future world, you will not be able to find me in this world, and you will want to seek revenge on me.

It’s better to wait for the next life.

So Lin Feng also said very forcefully, "I'm waiting for you to come to me, and I will definitely blow your head off when the time comes!".

Lin Feng's words greatly stimulated the emperor.

But he had no chance to get angry.


Emperor Zhou had seized this golden opportunity and directly destroyed the incarnation of the Emperor.

Emperor Zhou said, "I feel really happy now!" ".

Although Emperor Zhou was arrogant, he had the capital to be arrogant, and his character was actually a little bit cute.

But Lin Feng didn't pay attention to this guy Di Zhou, he was still breaking the formation.

Lin Feng must speed up now to break the formation.

Mainly because Lin Feng didn't want to spend too long in the wasteland. After all, the emperor would probably come after suffering such a big loss. If he arrived in time and he hadn't left yet, then for him To put it bluntly, it is a rather sad thing.

Therefore, it is better to fight quickly.

Lin Feng used the fastest speed to break through the formation here.

It took more than two days in total.

Not too much.

Lin Feng was quite satisfied with the time spent.

Lin Feng then looked at Emperor Zhou and said, "I have destroyed the formation here, but I don't know if there are any other hidden and undiscovered special formations here. You can try it. , see if we can leave this mountain range!".


Emperor Zhou nodded.

The next moment, he rose into the sky and rushed outside quickly. Lin Feng and Qilian Mountain Master also followed him and flew outside. The direction Emperor Zhou was flying was opposite to where the Yin Army of Desolation was. , obviously, he is not willing to collide head-on with the Yin Soldiers of Desolation.

When we were about to leave this mountain range, something unexpected happened.

I saw countless runes emerging in the void, and each rune shook out powerful fluctuations. This kind of fluctuations made Lin Feng feel moved.

This should be another means of blocking.

However, these runes are still condensing. It will take time to completely condense and form a ban system. Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, "Let's rush out together!".


Emperor Zhou and the Lord of Qilian Mountain responded.

Lin Feng even mobilized the power of the undead army within the Book of the Dead, and rushed forward together with Emperor Zhou and the Lord of Qilian Mountain, and they locked a position.

The powerful attack hit that place.

Ten consecutive attacks were carried out, and they all hit the same location.

Finally, a gap the size of a palm was blasted out in that position, and the gap was quickly repaired. Emperor Huang's method is really powerful. Such a powerful formation can actually produce such a fast self-healing ability. This is a comparison. rare.

Fortunately, Lin Feng and the others were relatively close to the gap.

Lin Feng's body quickly shrunk, and before the gap quickly recovered, Lin Feng and the others successfully rushed out of the mountain range.

Emperor Zhou scolded, "The formation of the grandson of the Emperor is really powerful. Fortunately, these runes have not been completely condensed, so we have defeated his method. If it were later, it would have caused a lot of trouble."

Lin Feng asked, "Didn't this guy show any ability in formations when he got along with you people before?"

Emperor Zhou said, "Yes, that's why I say this guy is really insidious."

Lin Feng sighed and said, "If this is the case, then this person is definitely more terrifying than imagined. You can think about it, how could a person like him not have other means to suppress the situation? Well, in my opinion, he may even have hidden a lot of his strength, so after you get out, I advise you not to seek revenge against him for the time being. It’s not too late to go after you have accumulated strength!”

Lin Feng said this to Emperor Zhou at this time because Lin Feng knew that Emperor Zhou had too much hatred for the Emperor.

And Emperor Zhou was also the kind of person who thought highly of himself.

It is really possible that after leaving, he will seek revenge on the Emperor.

Lin Feng still hopes to be able to use Di Zhou at critical moments in the future.

He didn't want Emperor Zhou to be killed like that.

After all, it is not easy to find such a powerful helper as Emperor Zhou.

Di Zhou thought for a while and nodded, but he didn't say much on this topic, and he didn't know if he listened to Lin Feng's words.

He said, "Let's go, I will take you to a secret place. If I guess correctly, that place may contain the original blood of the pioneers!".

Hearing this, the eyes of Lin Feng and Qilian Mountain Master suddenly became bright.

The original blood of the pioneers is naturally something that people look forward to.

In that kind of place, it is estimated that it is not just about origin blood, but there may be other opportunities.

The two of them followed Emperor Zhou and flew towards the place where Emperor Zhou said.

Lin Feng asked a question that he was very concerned about, "After you fell, did the pioneers also fall in this place?".

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