Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 479: The splendor of the gods

Emperor Zhou said, "The pioneer did not fall in this place. I am not particularly clear about where exactly he fell. I also don't know exactly when he fell. After all, I had already fallen at that time and had not yet become a human being. The Inferi know nothing about the outside world. As for the original blood of the pioneers, or other things on their bodies, they are scattered in the heavens in some extremely special places!"

"Yeah!" Lin Feng nodded.

They continued flying towards the place Di Zhou said, but when they passed a lake, Lin Feng stopped.

The area of ​​this lake is extremely huge, almost as huge as an ocean.

When he arrived here, Lin Feng discovered that his stone sword made a slight vibrating sound.

Don’t forget, this is in the past time and space.

Most of the thirty-six stone swords are in the time and space where Lin Feng is, that is, the current time and space, but there are still some stone swords left in the past and future time and space.

This is also the main reason why it is difficult for Lin Feng to collect all thirty-six stone swords.

If the thirty-six stone swords were really gathered together, it is impossible to imagine how amazing the power of the thirty-six stone swords could be combined.

But Lin Feng felt that it might be much more powerful than the pioneer-level treasure.

With each additional stone sword collected, the power of the sword array combination will be greatly increased. Now that the stone sword is vibrating, could it mean that there may be a stone sword hidden in this lake.

Lin Feng felt that this possibility was very high. After all, it was not impossible to find a stone sword in the past time and space.

"What's wrong?". The Lord of Qilian Mountain looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Emperor Zhou also looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "My stone sword made a vibration. It seems that there may be a stone sword here!".

"Stone sword? Could it be...". Di Zhou squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Feng. He seemed to have guessed a certain possibility.

The origins of the thirty-six stone swords are extremely ancient and can be traced back to a history as old as the Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Court of Heaven, and the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet.

Judging from what is known so far.

The Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Court of Gods, the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet, and the thirty-six stone swords should have been born in a similar era, but what is the relationship between them is unknown.

But from this we can also see the terrifying nature of the thirty-six stone swords.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, it's the kind of stone sword you guessed!".

Emperor Zhou said, "The thirty-six stone swords represent the supreme power, because once the thirty-six stone swords are collected, it means that this monk will be the nemesis of all monks who have transcended reincarnation. However, the thirty-six stone swords The stone sword also represents some kind of terrible curse, because in history, those who collected thirty-six stone swords did not end well and died miserably! So, take my advice and stop it!" .

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't know if Di Zhou was being alarmist and deliberately trying to scare him.

Lin Feng asked, "Have many people in history collected thirty-six stone swords?".

Emperor Zhou said, "There should be many. Anyway, I know one person, and that is a name that cannot be said!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly. A strong man like Emperor Zhou still knew a lot of things. No one in this reincarnation could collect all thirty-six stone swords. In other words, in the previous reincarnations, there was a high probability that only one person could do it. Just collected thirty-six stone swords.

One person's fate cannot be radiated to others.

As for the so-called curse.

Lin Feng was not afraid at all. When he was a boy, he was plagued by various curses and almost died from curse attacks several times. But didn't Lin Feng successfully resolve all the curses?

Lin Feng still wanted to wait for an opportunity in the future to find the Lord of the Curse, give him a good meal, and let him know that he would use the curse to calculate the price of himself.

However, as one of the big bosses in the past, the Lord of the Curse is probably quite likely to have seized the opportunity of the great changes in the world and completed a key transformation. He is not an ordinary person.

Even if we really deal with him, we have to take a long-term approach.

Lin Feng said, "I have collected many stone swords, and I can no longer stop. I will not give up collecting these stone swords. Even if I may encounter some troubles, the predecessors cannot overcome these troubles, but it does not mean that I will not give up collecting these stone swords." I can’t get over these troubles either!”.

Emperor Zhou said, "If you insist, then I won't say anything else!".

Lin Feng communicated with Shi Jian.

Through the vibration of the stone sword, he tried to sense where the stone sword hidden in the dark was.

Lin Feng sensed a very slight movement.

He relied on this sense to fly forward. Of course, he did not always fly in one direction.

It will also keep changing direction.


Half an hour later.

Lin Feng stopped.

He said, "It seems to be down there, let's go down and have a look!".

He took the lead and flew towards the bottom of the lake.

The lake water temperature is extremely cold.

But this is nothing to Lin Feng and the others.

Dive all the way down.

After diving for more than three thousand meters, we arrived at the bottom of the lake. This lake is really deep enough, almost as deep as some oceans.

"Look, there is an ancient city ahead!".

The Lord of Qilian Mountain pointed to the deep location.

Lin Feng and Di Zhou also saw the ancient city.

The ancient city was so huge that it sank to the bottom of the lake.

It's like a sleeping ancient city, and no one has visited this place for who knows how many years.

This ancient city is very special. It forms a magnetic field of its own, which can interfere with other people's judgment.

Therefore, when flying from here, even as powerful as Emperor Zhou, he did not notice that there was such an ancient city here.

If Lin Feng's stone sword hadn't sensed it, they wouldn't have come down, let alone discovered this ancient city.

Not long after, they arrived outside the ancient city.

I saw the words "Glory of the Gods" written on the plaque on the gate of the ancient city.

When they saw these four words, Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain didn't feel anything special. They just felt that the name of this ancient city was a bit strange. Other ancient cities would probably be named after some city, with the same name, but This ancient city is actually called Glory of the Gods, which doesn't seem like the name of a city.

But when Emperor Zhou saw the name of this ancient city, his eyes suddenly widened.

Full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How can the glory of the gods still exist in the human world? Wasn't the glory of the gods destroyed two reincarnations ago?".

Emperor Zhou said with an moved expression. His emotions were obviously difficult to calm down because of this ancient city.

(End of chapter)

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