Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 488: The Lord of the Supreme Court Reappears

"No, go back quickly." Emperor Zhou roared in a low voice the moment the man opened his eyes. That man brought great danger to even strong men of his level. This showed that the man's strength was definitely far beyond imagination. It seems that even the powerful ones at the level of the Elder of the Universe have a huge gap in strength.

Emperor Zhou retreated behind him immediately, and the woman surnamed Bai did not dare to stay. He also retreated behind him immediately.

But the man took action. He stood up and quickly punched Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai. The speed of his punch was so fast that even Lin Feng could not clearly see the trajectory of his punch. What is it like.



Along with the sound of two dull collisions, Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai each took action and collided with the man. The violent collision produced a collision sound that shook the world. That sound was as if It's like piercing a person's eardrum.

The bodies of Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai flew backwards uncontrollably. Their faces were flushed and they almost spat out a mouthful of blood. It could be judged from their violently fluctuating breaths that they had endured that name. After the man's attack, both Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai were greatly shocked.

This shocked Lin Feng. After all, Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai were so powerful, but they were actually injured by the monk when they faced off. This was really unbelievable.

How powerful is that guy sitting on the lotus pod?

"Did you know that I still have a month to go before I leave seclusion, but you came here to destroy my seclusion. You deserve death!" Suddenly, the man spoke, his voice was low and hoarse. , cold.

The moment he spoke, everyone felt their bodies become cold. A monk was affected by this and his attack speed was slower. A tentacle flew quickly and pierced his heart directly.

Then everyone saw that his flesh and blood were sucked dry by the tentacle in an instant.

The monk just now turned into a skeleton.

It was such a miserable death.

It's creepy.

"Back off, back off!". Lin Feng shouted loudly.

The opponent was too powerful. Why fight? There was almost no chance of winning. Everyone did not dare to continue fighting and retreated hundreds of meters.

The densely packed tentacles did not pursue Lin Feng and others, but wandered back and danced around the mysterious man.

Obviously, as long as the mysterious man gives an order, those tentacles can launch a new round of attacks on Lin Feng and others.

So Lin Feng and the others don't dare to be careless now.

"Who are you?". The woman surnamed Bai asked.

The mysterious man did not answer the question of the woman surnamed Bai. Instead, he took a deep breath of air and said to himself with an intoxicated look on his face, "Well... this is the smell of sweet air. It's really quite good!".

He then looked at the woman surnamed Bai and said, "It seems that you should be a descendant of the Lord of the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion. With such a strong bloodline, it seems that you are a direct descendant within three generations. The Lord of the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion once had a close relationship with the Gate of Eternal Life. A group of strong men surrounded me, if I eat you today, it will be regarded as a small interest!"

"You are Cang Jie...". The woman surnamed Bai asked with a confused look.

It is not an accident that she can connect this person with Cang Jie. After all, this place itself is the glory of the gods. It is a city built by Cang Jie in the past, but there are also some confusing places.

First of all, it is said that Cang Jie was killed when he attacked the Gate of Eternal Life, so his body should be inside the Gate of Eternal Life after his death. Secondly, the glory of the gods built by Cang Jie was not destroyed by the monks inside the Gate of Eternal Life. Yes, it was destroyed by the monks within the Supreme Court. Even if Cang Jie's body was preserved, the glory of the gods was not completely destroyed, but they should not be together.

Unless someone spent a huge amount of money to arrange everything in front of them, and then waited for Cang Jie to return from the disaster.

Who it is is unknown.

"Yes, I am Cang Jie!". The mysterious man once again confirmed his identity.

His words sent everyone into a huge shock. Obviously, many things must have happened that year that they were not aware of, and many things that happened back then are probably not entirely true. After all, endless years have passed. , the specific things that happened that year, and what kind of person Cang Jie was, there are probably some differences.

"Hey, you are...".

Suddenly, Cang Jie passed by the woman named Bai and looked at Lin Feng. A dazzling light burst out from his eyes.

In fact, Lin Feng had been deliberately hiding his bloodline aura for a long time.

He was worried that Cang Jie would target him.

But he was still targeted by Cang Jie.

The moment Cang Jie stared at Lin Feng, Lin Feng felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake. That feeling was really terrible.

As for the monks at the Gate of Eternal Life, they were all surprised. After all, even if Cang Jie targeted everyone, he would be the first to target the two universe elders.

But Cang Jie now no longer even pays attention to the two powerful men of the universe elder level, but directly focuses on Lin Feng.

This is a little weird.

That kid.

Is it so extraordinary?

Cang Jie's interest in him even exceeds his interest in the powerful person of the universe elder level?

What kind of monster is this guy?

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Hello, Senior Cang, is there anything I can do for Senior Cang? If I can do it, I will definitely do it without any hesitation!"

Cang Jie sneered and said, "Boy, you are quite tactful. If you had not met me, you might have a bright future, and your future achievements would even far exceed those of the two in front of you, but you You happened to meet me, and your bloodline is really important to me!"

Lin Feng knew that the bloodline he was talking about was probably his innate bloodline.

That is, the pioneer bloodline.

After Cang Jie finished speaking, he opened his big hand and grabbed Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to avoid it.

But he was shocked to find that his body could not move.

"Senior Cang Jie, please stop and listen to me!" Emperor Zhou shouted loudly.

In fact, he has always regarded Cang Jie as his idol.

But Cang Jie ignored him.

Emperor Zhou gritted his teeth and rushed towards Cang Jie again, as if he wanted to rescue Lin Feng.


Cang Jie snorted coldly, looked at Emperor Zhou with cold eyes, and said, "Bitch, I think you are from the Supreme Divine Court and I want to spare your life. Are you looking for death now?".

Emperor Zhou said, "I don't want to be an enemy of my seniors, so I ask my seniors to give me some face and let my friend go!".

"Who are you? Are you worthy of me giving you face?". Cang Jie's voice was cold. He pressed the air with his left hand, and a palm condensed into it, falling from the sky and blasting towards Emperor Zhou.

"Break it for me!". Emperor Zhou roared and punched away, but he was unable to resist Cang Jie's palm.

Emperor Zhou was directly slapped to the ground by Cang Jie's condensed large handprint, unable to struggle.

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