Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 489: Cang Jie roared: "Who are you?".

"Is this the strength of the Lord of the Supreme Divine Court?". The woman surnamed Bai beside her looked pale.

As an existence at the level of the Elder of the Universe, she has never been as frightened as she is today.

After all, even now, within the Gate of Eternal Life, there are only a handful of existences at the level of cosmic elders from major forces.

There are even fewer strong men of this level outside.

A strong person at this level can walk sideways anywhere.

However, when he met Cang Jie, the Lord of the Supreme Court in the early stage of his first reincarnation, the gap immediately became apparent.

The woman surnamed Bai finally knew why Cang Jie dared to attack the Gate of Eternal Life back then, and finally knew why her grandfather still wouldn't mention Cang Jie's root cause now. Not only did his grandfather keep secrets about Cang Jie, but also the eternal life. Other ancient beings in the Gate will try their best to avoid this person when mentioned.

It seems that, in the final analysis, it is because Cang Jie is too terrifying, and the process of Cang Jie's attack on the inside of the Gate of Eternal Life is definitely not something that can be described in a few sentences. It's just that those who experienced that peak battle at that time simply can't do it now. I dare not mention what happened back then.


The woman surnamed Bai took action. Infinite divine power burst out from her body, and a mysterious world emerged behind her. It seemed to be an eternal divine kingdom, bright and mysterious, with countless fairies dancing in it.

The woman surnamed Bai took action because she knew very well that Cang Jie would not let her go.

But now, Cang Jie seemed to want to devour Lin Feng.

But Emperor Zhou wanted to keep Lin Feng alive.

Their Eternal Life Gate and Lin Feng will at least stand on a united front. This is the only possibility to deal with Cang Jie.

If Cang Jie separates and defeats them, it will be disastrous for both parties.

After the woman surnamed Bai took action, the monks on the Gate of Eternal Life also shouted, and they all looked like they were going all out. In fact, they were really going all out, burning their origins one by one, increasing their combat power, and at the same time, they were still fighting. Mobilize the power within the gates of eternal life.

The realm of these guys is high and there are many of them.

With everyone trying their best, the fighting power displayed was also quite terrifying. The Lord of Qilian Mountain also took action. He could no longer wait any longer and had to take action, otherwise it would be a dead end.

"Save people!" the woman surnamed Bai shouted in a deep voice, and she killed Cang Jie.

I saw that the mysterious world behind her was changing from illusion to reality, and it was becoming more and more real. As the world became more and more real, the fluctuations coming out of the world were also increasing.

Although I don't know what the method is, Cang Jie is so powerful. In order to fight against Cang Jie, the method used by the woman named Bai is definitely one of the tricks to defeat the enemy.

The monks from the Gate of Eternal Life were killing Emperor Zhou.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain rushed towards Lin Feng.

The monks at the Gate of Eternal Life were still very powerful. Together with Emperor Zhou, they destroyed the great hand that suppressed Emperor Zhou.

Emperor Zhou was able to get out of trouble.

At the same time, the master of Qilian Mountain's magic weapon struck Cang Jie's big hand that was grabbing at Lin Feng. Cang Jie felt pain and his speed slowed down slightly.

Lin Feng seized this opportunity and resolved Cang Jie's restraint on him, and then cast an illusory spell. Cang Jie grabbed it with his big hand, and Lin Feng became illusory.

Cang Jie was unable to catch Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took this opportunity to retreat quickly.

"Ants, you all deserve to die!".

Cang Jie seemed to be angry. He opened his mouth and spat out the power of billions of thunders. The power of billions of thunders he spat out immediately collided with the attack of the woman surnamed Bai, instantly destroying the power of the woman surnamed Bai. world.

The terrifying force then blasted the woman surnamed Bai away. The woman vomited blood and flew backwards as if she could not control her body.

Cang Jie's other big hand grabbed the woman named Bai.

Just when he was about to catch the woman surnamed Bai, Lin Feng suddenly appeared in front of the woman surnamed Bai and grabbed her hand.

Lin Feng had no intention of taking advantage of her.

Lin Feng used the Sky Mending Technique.

Ask God for another chance.

After repelling Cang Jie's attack, Lin Feng quickly grabbed the woman surnamed Bai's hand and escaped.

After getting rid of Cang Jie, Lin Feng let go of the woman named Bai's hand, mainly because he was worried that the woman did not want to be touched, and if he tried to deal with him, Lin Feng would be in trouble.

Lin Feng shouted loudly, "Let's go, let's get out of here!".

"We are at the rear, you run first!". Emperor Zhou shouted in a deep voice.

He and the woman surnamed Bai stood between Lin Feng and the others and Cang Jie, wanting to make Lin Feng and the others run away first, and then the two of them escape again.

Lin Feng and others did not dare to hesitate and quickly fled outside.

Cang Jie sneered, "No one can escape! Floating space!".

After the last four words were read out, something terrible happened. Lin Feng and others felt as if the void had lost all gravity. Their bodies were suspended in mid-air, and they could no longer even fly, even if the starry sky world was weightless. State, they will not be in this situation.

But now, they are weightless.

This is true for both Emperor Zhou and the woman surnamed Bai.

This method is too terrible.

"Die!" Cang Jie laughed cruelly.

I saw that the tentacles were like extremely sharp spears, stabbing towards the hearts of everyone.

At this extremely critical moment.

Everyone heard a low voice coming from the void.

This sound seems to transcend time, space, reincarnation, and new life.

"I am walking in the long river of history. I can look back at the past and look forward to the future. The fate of reincarnation does not affect me, and my destiny and cause and effect are under my control...".

As this voice came out.

Everyone saw that a dark world appeared above the nine heavens. That dark world seemed to be able to swallow all the light, and even all life.

That dark world is a world of despair.

But at this time, in the dark world, a path emitting glittering light appeared.

That kind of light is really too weak.

It seems that it will be swallowed up by darkness anytime and anywhere.

However, when darkness struck, that path resisted the erosion of darkness.

This is because, in that darkness.

There is a man walking forward.

Wherever he passed, darkness was dispersed.

But no one knew where he was going.


He turned his head.

It seems that across endless distances of time and space, it is looking towards this side.

The whole world became dark.

Just like that person, he can both dispel darkness and release the power of darkness.

In the darkness, Cang Jie's roaring voice came out, "Who are you? Dare to ruin my important affairs? Are you looking for death?".

How to listen.

There was a feeling of frustration in Cang Jie's voice.

The power vibrating in the darkness is extremely terrifying.

Apparently there was a terrible force eroding from the darkness, and he started a shocking showdown with Cang Jie.

When the darkness dissipates.

Only Cang Jie was left panting violently.

Lin Feng and others, who were imprisoned by Cang Jie, completely disappeared without a trace.

"who are you?". Cang Jie roared unwillingly, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burn the world to ashes.

It can be seen that Cang Jie is now in a state of being so angry that he is about to explode.


No one responded to Cang Jie's question.

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