Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 490: Heavenly Punishment Pavilion, Baili!


With a flash of light, Lin Feng and others had arrived in the outside world.

The monks here at the Gate of Eternal Life are still discussing enthusiastically who the mysterious strong man who came to help them is.

Lin Feng knew it, but he wouldn't say it.

His hands remained clenched.

Because in each palm, there are five black lotus seeds, which are the lotus seeds produced by the Demonic Lotus of Blood. It should be that when darkness fell before, his father Lin Baitian snatched some of the Demonic Lotus Seeds from Cang Jie when he was fighting with Cang Jie. .

Cang Jie must not be angry to death.

It seems pretty cool to think about it.

Lin Feng looked at the Lord of Qilian Mountain. He winked at the Lord of Qilian Mountain, and then said, 'It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After all, we don't know if Cang Jie has other terrifying methods to deal with us! ’.

"Um!". The Lord of Qilian Mountain nodded, fully agreeing with Lin Feng's words.

At the same time, he was extremely confused.

Lin Feng just blinked at her, as if he meant something.

She kept it in mind.

Emperor Zhou said, "Without further delay, let's go quickly. I don't want to continue to face Cang Jie. He is a pervert. There will be no more than five people in this world who can defeat him!".

Lin Feng and the others quickly flew outside.

Naturally, the monks on the Gate of Eternal Life did not dare to stay any longer, and flew outside just as quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the place became quiet.

Lin Feng and the others successfully left the wasteland.

Lin Feng took out two lotus seeds.

He said, "One for each person!".

The Qilian Mountain Lord's eyes suddenly brightened. Although he was not able to obtain the original blood of the pioneers, if he could obtain such an extraordinary lotus seed, it would be a huge harvest, which would make people happy.

She happily accepted the magic lotus seed.

Emperor Zhou also accepted the magic lotus seed, but looked at it with great interest.

Then he turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "If my guess is correct, that person should be related to you, right?"

This is actually very easy to guess.

After all, Lin Feng was the only one who got the lotus seeds, so it was definitely not the lotus seeds that Lin Feng got himself.

It wasn't Lin Feng's words.

The only thing that can be explained is that the mysterious strongman took the lotus seeds and gave them to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not refute this, but he did not explain to Emperor Zhou who the person who took action was. Only by maintaining a sense of mystery could Emperor Zhou be more determined to cooperate with him.

Lin Feng naturally understands this truth.

Lin Feng looked at Di Zhou and said, "The matter is almost settled, and we have to leave. Let's say goodbye and see each other again in the future!".

"good!". Emperor Zhou nodded.

After the two parties separated, Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain wanted to find a secret place in the starry sky world, draw a formation diagram, get in touch with the formation diagram of the previous world, and then return to the real world.

Of course, this is only one of the methods. If Lin Feng relies on his own thoughts to get in touch with the formation map of the real world, he can link it with his thoughts.

In fact, it is also possible.

However, Lin Feng tried to sense it several times, but was unable to make any connection with it.

It seems that the strength is still lacking.

One day later.

Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain found a quite quiet uninhabited planet.

Lin Feng decided to arrange an array on this uninhabited planet.

Lin Feng has already studied the formation diagram. It is quite complicated to say that it is complicated, and it is not complicated to say that it is not complicated. Of course, the uncomplexity mentioned here is for Lin Feng, but for 99% of cultivators It's absolutely extremely complex.

As for the materials for setting up the formation, Lin Feng had already prepared them.

Now, everything is ready.

All I owe is the east wind.

I have been in the past world for so long, done a lot of things, and accomplished more than one goal.

Lin Feng was extremely satisfied with this trip.

This time I go back and digest it well.

The strength will definitely be improved a lot.

Lin Feng found a quiet valley and began to arrange the formation.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain was guarding Lin Feng.

But just as Lin Feng was setting up the formation, a monk came step by step from outside the territory. This monk seemed to be ordinary.

But if you sense it carefully, you can feel a suffocating and desperate aura from him.

And his eyes were cold and indifferent to life.

This monk is none other than someone else.

It was the strong man behind the Colosseum. After the accident in the Colosseum, the Origin Stone was born. The strong man behind the Colosseum completely hated Lin Feng. They felt that if it weren't for Lin Feng, they wouldn't have lost a lot of people. Strong.

He even let the Origin Stone escape.

Lin Feng, of course deserves death.

One of them volunteered to deal with Lin Feng.

The person who volunteered to deal with Lin Feng was none other than the monk in front of him.

This person is an unknown and terrifying existence.

The breath has long since returned to its original state.

He is a member of Zhulaodian.

He is one of the leaders of the unknown and terrifying existence, and also one of the most terrifying existences.

Now, he came to the door.

He has completely locked onto Lin Feng's aura, and he is naturally very confident in dealing with Lin Feng. In his opinion, if he kills Lin Feng, it will not just be as simple as taking revenge.

It is impossible to imagine how astonishing the wealth of a young monk like Lin Feng is.

Take a step back.

Even if there is not enough wealth.

But this young monster has a lot of luck.

Being able to swallow up Lin Feng's luck was already an incredible opportunity.

How exciting.

Suddenly, this unknown and terrifying existence saw a woman in white appearing in front of him.

The woman in white stood in the void, looking at him.

This being could not help but frown slightly.

However, he is extremely powerful and naturally has no fear of anyone.

He flew forward quickly.

He stopped when he was still more than ten meters away from the woman in white.

"Leave, I won't make it difficult for you!". The woman in white said.

After hearing the words of the woman in white, the face of this unknown and terrifying existence suddenly darkened.

He even felt a little baffled.

Who is this woman? She dares to be so presumptuous in front of him.

However, reason told him not to be angry, but to stabilize his emotions.

He looked at the woman and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?".

The woman in white said expressionlessly, "Heavenly Punishment Pavilion, Baili!".

After hearing the words "Tianwen Pavilion Bai Li", Tong Kong, the top powerhouse among all the old halls, couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

Without saying a word, he turned around and flew away into the distance.

In the blink of an eye.

He fled without a trace.

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