Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 491: Lin Feng's Magic Lotus


With a flash of light, Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain returned to the real world.

Lin Feng is still so handsome and handsome.

However, the Lord of Qilian Mountain has undergone great changes, because when the Lord of Qilian Mountain returned to the past era, he changed from old to young.

Now that she has returned to the real world, her body has begun to age rapidly.

Lin Feng and the Qilian Mountain Master were quite unhappy and even somewhat hostile before. The Qilian Mountain Master followed Lin Feng back to help, and it was Lin Feng who forced the Qilian Mountain Master to agree. But to be honest, after this period of time, the relationship between Lin Feng and the Qilian Mountain Master suddenly changed. A lot has been made by leaps and bounds. Of course, the leaps and bounds mentioned here do not refer to the leaps and bounds in the relationship between men and women, but the friendship between the two parties has grown by leaps and bounds.

Lin Feng naturally hopes that the master of Qilian Mountain can regain his youth soon.

After Qilian Mountain Master became old again, she put on a bamboo hat to hide her face. Lin Feng could also understand Qilian Mountain Master. It would be difficult for men to accept that they suddenly became gray-haired, let alone a woman who loves beauty.

Lin Feng asked, "What are your plans now? How about joining my strongest heavenly group?".

Lin Feng had invited the Lord of Qilian Mountain earlier, but the relationship between the two parties was not that good at that time. Lin Feng was sternly rejected by the Lord of Qilian Mountain, but now the situation has changed dramatically. Lin Feng felt that inviting the Lord of Qilian Mountain at this time might help Let the Lord of Qilian Mountain change his mind.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, "I still have some things to deal with, and there is no way to join your strongest heavenly group for the time being. Wait until later. If there is a chance, I will come to you. There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Let’s say goodbye here today!”

"Okay, we'll see you later!" Lin Feng said.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain nodded and then waved goodbye to Lin Feng.

It quickly disappeared without a trace.

Lin Feng sighed slightly, the farewell between friends always makes people a little sad.

"It's a pity that we still haven't found that shocking stone tablet!".

Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

But there are too many things in the world, and it is impossible for everything to go as planned.

The same goes for collecting stone swords, and the same goes for collecting sky-shaking stone tablets. This time when he returned to the past world, Lin Feng did not expect to get a stone sword.

But I got it.

This is what is destined to happen.

If there is no other choice in life, force it.

Everything has its own theorem.

Lin Feng did not stop at this place. After he quickly left this place, he quickly flew in the direction of the Ula tribe.

Lin Feng's speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long before Lin Feng arrived at the Ula tribe.

When they heard that Lin Feng was back, many people came out to greet Lin Feng, including Sun Keqing.

After experiencing many things with Lin Feng, Sun Keqing, the eldest lady of the Ula tribe, seemed to have a deep affection for Lin Feng. She was very happy to see Lin Feng back.

Lin Feng briefly chatted with the people of the Ula tribe for a while and then went to retreat.

This retreat.

Lin Feng has a lot of things to deal with.

For example.

He needs to practice the indestructible power of the Vajra and continue to cultivate the magic lotus he got before. The magic lotus he got before is also a magic lotus made from special seeds, but after all, it is a magic lotus that has grown from a seed state. Refining special seeds are two different concepts, and they are far less effective than refining special seeds and cultivating a special plant yourself.

But no matter what, they are special vegetation, and their effect is not small.

In addition, Lin Feng will continue to cultivate the special seeds he obtained, refine the twenty-third stone sword, and so on.

So many things came together.

The time spent will naturally not be short, but Lin Feng has time and space, so he will not worry about time.

Soon Lin Feng went into seclusion.

After entering time and space, Lin Feng first spent a certain amount of time adjusting his own state. After his own state was almost adjusted, Lin Feng checked the state of the magic lotus.

There is a big difference between this magic lotus and the blood magic lotus.

Although they are both magic lotuses, their auras are completely different.

And it doesn't seem to be as powerful as the Blood Demon Lotus.

Special seeds themselves also have strengths and weaknesses, which Lin Feng can accept.

Lin Feng had previously arranged a large formation to mobilize the power of death and reincarnation.

It took so long to cultivate this special magic lotus.

Now this special magic lotus can finally be truly refined and controlled by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's magic power continued to pour into this magic lotus. With the influx of large amounts of magic power, this magic lotus was gradually refined by Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng refined the magic lotus, Lin Feng immediately felt that there was some powerful, mysterious, and terrifying power stored inside the magic lotus. When he tried to mobilize this power, his combat power instantly increased. It has soared several times. Lin Feng made a detailed estimate and it seems that it can increase his combat effectiveness by about two to five times.

Moreover, this improvement can be superimposed with other secret techniques that enhance combat effectiveness, such as superimposing with the Chi Zha Jue. This is an extremely terrifying method, because many secret techniques that improve attack cannot be superimposed.

The improvement of Lin Feng by the magic lotus can be superimposed with any secret technique, and can even be superimposed with the Eight or Nine Mysterious Techniques.

If it is superimposed with the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, theoretically speaking, the combat effectiveness can be increased by more than a hundred times.

And it lasts long enough.

It can last for an hour, which is also extremely unbelievable.

To know.

Even if the Chi Zha Jue, a heaven-defying art, can only last for half an hour.

The improvement of Lin Feng by Magic Lotus was not just an improvement in combat power.

The magic lotus can actually condense a magic lotus protective mask. This magical lotus protective mask can form a powerful protection for Lin Feng, which is at least equivalent to the defense formed by a top-level quasi-pioneer level magic weapon.

This surprised Lin Feng. This magic lotus was so powerful. It was indeed a special seed, giving Lin Feng both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Moreover, this improvement is not a small improvement, but a substantial improvement.

Lin Feng was quite satisfied with the role played by the magic lotus.

However, when Lin Feng got the following piece of information, Lin Feng suddenly became a little depressed.

This piece of information was also passed on to Lin Feng by Magic Lotus.

The content is as follows.

Since the magic lotus you get is a mature magic lotus, not a magic lotus cultivated from special seeds, you can only get part of the feedback from the magic lotus.

When reading this, Lin Feng's mood had not changed much, because these contents were within Lin Feng's expectations.

The next paragraph made Lin Feng depressed.

Because the following paragraph told Lin Feng that Lin Feng only received a quarter of the magic lotus's power feedback.

In other words, if this magic lotus was cultivated by Lin Feng using special seeds, the offensive and defensive capabilities it would bring to Lin Feng would be increased by four times.

The abilities that this magic lotus now provides to Lin Feng are already quite incredible. If on this basis, various abilities are increased fourfold, it will reach such an incredible level.

Thinking about it, it feels incredible.

It’s no wonder that so many top experts in the world are fighting desperately for a special seed.

Lin Feng can now understand why those people are so crazy.

ps: I have a bad cold and feel weak all over. This is the second update. I will try my best to write the third update.

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