Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 501: Talisman of Reincarnation

Although he was wary in his heart, it was naturally impossible for Lin Feng to know the specific plans of Su Yuexi and others.

Now Lin Feng is exploring the island.

He always felt that there was too much weirdness in this skeleton-like island, but everything was still his guess. The specific situation would only be known after Lin Feng explored it.

The long years, the geometry of life.

Suddenly, Lin Feng seemed to hear a voice, and he didn't know who it was. This voice was mysterious, illusory, and surrounded by an unknown power, making it difficult to grasp.

But after hearing this voice, Lin Feng couldn't help but cheer up. After all, this sudden voice seemed to represent some kind of turning point.

It also represents some kind of clue.

"Who are you?".

Lin Feng asked aloud, but no one answered him.

So Lin Feng tried to expand his spiritual sense to see if he could sense something special. However, after carefully sensing it, he couldn't find anything. This made Lin Feng frown slightly. Logically speaking, not This should be the case, unless the other party hides it very well, but since the voice is coming out, it should be connected with myself. Why can't I sense anything now? Everything is weird and weird.

Lin Feng searched the entire huge skeleton island, but could not find anything useful or an opportunity that he knew.

Even if I use my heart to deduce it, I can't deduce it.

Lin Feng sighed, there may be a chance here, but even if there is a chance, the chance here will most likely have nothing to do with him.

I can only wave goodbye to this place.

Lin Feng was about to fly outside.

Suddenly, Lin Feng once again had a strong feeling, and this feeling seemed to come from the rocky hills in front.

This surprised Lin Feng.

He flew towards the rocky hill in front and saw Lin Feng wave his hand.


All the gravel flew up.

Lin Feng glanced at everything flying. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly focused on one thing.

It was a black iron plate.

However, only half of the black iron plate was left.

Broken black iron plate.

That's you.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and the incomplete iron plate flew towards him quickly, and then fell into his hand.

"What a quaint iron plate. The patterns on it are also very old, and the material seems to be very special. This material is very strong, but it was destroyed. Who cast it?"

Lin Feng observed the iron sign and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

His spiritual sense sensed it.

Suddenly a sigh was heard.

"It's useless for me to wait, it's hard to save my best friend...".

"Um?". Lin Feng was surprised. The sighing words of the owner of the voice seemed to reveal some things that happened in the past, and seemed to be related to saving people, but the specific person he saved was unknown.

It's a pity that Lin Feng doesn't recognize this black iron plate.

Lin Feng thought that he could ask about the undead in the Book of the Dead.

The reason why I asked about these undead was because Lin Feng felt the strong power of death from this iron plate. This iron plate seemed to be related to some powerful undead. Lin Feng was not particularly sure whether this was the case. After all, it was just His guess. But Lin Feng felt that this possibility seemed to be very high.

So Lin Feng sent the incomplete black iron plate into the Book of the Dead and asked the undead to observe it to see if anyone recognized the iron plate.

"This seems to be the magic talisman of reincarnation?". A somewhat uncertain voice came out.

The one who spoke was the Yin Ghost King.

The Yin Ghost King is quite knowledgeable.

The leader of the Tree Man Sect said, "Yes, it is indeed the Talisman of Reincarnation. It is rumored that the Talisman of Reincarnation is

It had been completely destroyed a long time ago. Unexpectedly, this thing was not completely destroyed! ”.

Lin Feng took back the black iron plate, and then asked through a message, "What is the origin of this reincarnation magic talisman you are talking about?".

The Yin Ghost King said, "It is rumored that the magic talisman of reincarnation is the supreme magic talisman in the reincarnation passage. Throughout the ages, there has been a saying that once the magic talisman comes out, the demons will bow their heads. There is also a rumor that this reincarnation passage seems to be connected to a more mysterious The realm of reincarnation is one of the most important places in the underworld. Such a place has always been a place of contention for all parties. However, when the previous master of the reincarnation passage was alive, this place was not particularly chaotic. After the death of the previous master of the reincarnation channel, the magic talisman of reincarnation also disappeared, and this place became completely chaotic!"

Lin Feng knew that Gui Da Gui Er and his old friend the giant goddess Feng Yaoguang were all in the reincarnation passage.

Seems to be doing pretty well.

Although it is called a passage, in fact, it is a vast and boundless world, even much larger than the world of Kyushu, and it seems that there are some extremely terrifying existences sealed in it. Since the great change of heaven and earth, Those terrible beings opened the seals one after another and appeared, stirring up endless storms in the reincarnation passage and making the chickens and dogs in the reincarnation passage restless.


Judging from the information currently available to Lin Feng, the current reincarnation channel can be described in just one sentence.

That's chaos.

Belonging to a world in constant war.

"What kind of person was the previous master of the reincarnation channel?". Lin Feng asked.

The Yin Ghost King said, "I heard that he is a friend of the pioneers!".

"Oh? A friend of the pioneers? So, his death is probably related to rescuing the pioneers?". Lin Feng couldn't help but said in surprise.

In fact, it is still a mystery how the pioneer died that year. Although Lin Feng guessed that the death of the pioneer was the result of the joint efforts of the powerful people from the Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Court, and the terrifying existence of the Zhulaodian, but he always felt that Things are far from that simple, and now there are some who boast that the pioneers are the top strong men they have killed, but how can those people be qualified to kill the pioneers, so the details of that year are no longer known except for the parties involved. .

But obviously, before the pioneer fell, there were still some people who wanted to help him.

This Lord of the Reincarnation Channel is probably one of them.

It's a pity that he died before he left the army.

The Yin Ghost King said, "Although this iron plate is incomplete, it is estimated that the other parts are probably in the reincarnation passage. If you enter it, you may be able to fill in the missing parts of this plate, and Su Yuexi and others may have already They have set up a huge conspiracy to deal with the young master, but considering the power that the young master has, they must mobilize a large number of monks to participate before they can be confident that they can kill the young master. The Yin Army may even participate. , Therefore, I think that the young master may be able to enter the reincarnation channel. If the monk army can be integrated and the three legions are awakened, plus the monk army coming from the wasteland world, we can definitely defeat Su Yuexi and others. With our plan, we might even be able to annihilate them all!"

"Yes, yes, this plan is quite good!". Lin Feng couldn't help but admire him, he was completely moved by King Yin Gui's suggestion.

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