Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 502: So what happened?

Although he has already made up his mind to enter the reincarnation passage, nothing can be accomplished overnight. There is no use in rushing now. Lin Feng plans to wait a little longer.

After returning to the Samsara Immortal Sect and setting up the altar, it would not be too late to enter it.

Lin Feng left Skull Island. When he went back, he went to the place where the Nine True Dragon Sons were and found that the place had long been deserted. Lin Feng thought that Poison Ancestor might have gone back with the True Dragon Nine Sons, so he Without any stop, he returned directly to the Samsara Immortal Sect.

The Samsara Immortal Sect is naturally prosperous now. After the news of Lin Feng's return spread, many people showed up one after another.

Lin Feng told everyone to do whatever they were supposed to do.

Since Lin Feng expected that people on Su Yuexi's side would make a big move later, the people on his side should improve their strength as much as possible. Only in this way can they be more effective when the war breaks out. important role.

And the Poison Ancestor and the Nine True Dragon Sons are indeed back.

Lin Feng also chatted with the Nine True Dragons, who joined the Samsara Immortal Sect to practice.

Afterwards, Lin Feng began to arrange the altar.

Arranging the altar is naturally nothing to Lin Feng. Lin Feng spent five days and successfully arranged the altar connecting the reincarnation passage. In fact, there is more than one way to enter the reincarnation passage.

For example, when you enter the underworld, there is a place in the underworld that connects to the passage of reincarnation.

But Lin Feng felt that it was too much trouble, so it would be more convenient to arrange the altar himself. It would be directly connected to the reincarnation passage, making it easy to go and come back.

Going to the Reincarnation Passage this time is just like going to the South China Sea World. Lin Feng doesn't plan to take many people with him.

Beibei and the others spend most of their time practicing in time and space, so there is no problem in following along.

Among the members of the strongest heavenly group, Lin Feng planned to bring Poison Ancestor with him. Anyway, this guy is a person who can't stand loneliness, so it would be difficult for him to stay in seclusion for a long time.

It's better to let him follow you.

As for the rest, they should continue to practice in seclusion to improve their strength.

After making up your mind.

Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor activated the altar.


The altar shone with dazzling light, and the light shrouded Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor.

The next moment, Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor disappeared.

When they appeared again, they had arrived in a foggy world. This world exuded a cold and forbidding atmosphere.

It is very similar to the breath of the underworld.

The reincarnation passage is a very special place. It also belongs to the underworld and is connected to many underworlds, such as the underworld, the realm of reincarnation, the Nine Nethers, the Eighteenth Level of Hell, and other underworlds, all of which are connected to the reincarnation passage. , but some people may not know where the specific connection is.

The reincarnation channel was suppressed by many powerful people, so it has changed a lot. For example, the original ten evil demon kings should be regarded as the top strong ones in the reincarnation channel. However, after the great changes in the world, he was in the reincarnation channel. There is no flow in the passage.

Lin Feng planned to find Gui Dagui Er first.

Lin Feng sensed it carefully, but failed to sense the aura of Ghost Dagui Er. ….

Lin Feng said to Poison Ancestor, "Let's go and see if there is a city. If there is a city, it won't be too late for us to enter the city first and then find out the information about Ghost Big Ghost Er!".

"good!". Poison Ancestor nodded.

On the way, Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor chatted about the Nine Nether Tree.

Previously, Lin Feng sent the Nine Nether Tree into the Samsara Passage to look for Ghost Da Gui Er, and asked him to assist Ghost Da Gui Er in integrating the monk army of the Samsara Path.

But there was no news after that.

Originally Lin Feng's plan was to integrate the monk armies from the Nine Nether Purgatory and the Reincarnation Passage. In this way, the power of the undead monk army would reach an astonishing level.

However, this is easy to say, but not easy to do.

Poison Ancestor said

, "The guy from the Nine Nether Tree hasn't sent any news back for so long. Considering that guy's rather flamboyant personality, could he have offended some powerful person and been killed by someone?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but said speechlessly, "You have such a big brain, why don't you write a biography?"

Poison Ancestor said, "I think what I said is quite reliable!".

Lin Feng said, "If the Nine Nether Tree really dies like this, it will be his own fault, but I don't think he will be that stupid! This reincarnation passage is quite special. There were too many powerful people who were suppressed back then. After the great changes in the world, the powerful Players are born one after another, so this place is extremely chaotic. Today, a certain place may be occupied by a strong person, but tomorrow, that place may change its owner! Therefore, it is also very difficult for the Nine Nether Tree to not pass the news back in time. Normal, maybe there is no particularly important news in itself!"

Poison Ancestor said, "Then do we need to change our aura? After all, this is the world of the undead. Although there are shadow cultivators, ghost cultivators, corpse cultivators, etc., if we don't cover it up, we will definitely cause a lot of trouble! ”.

Lin Feng said, "I have this plan, but I have to wait until I see the monks in the reincarnation channel to see what characteristics their aura has. It is not too late for us to change our own aura. If it is too early, even if we change the aura, Maybe I can’t hide it from some strong people!”

In the next few days, Lin Feng and the others had been trying to find an ancient city. However, there were too few ancient cities in the reincarnation passage. After searching for several days, they could not find any ancient city. Moreover, Lin Feng and Poison were unable to find any ancient city. Zu felt extremely surprised that they had not seen any monks in the reincarnation channel in the past few days, which was really surprising.

The situation doesn't seem normal.

It wasn't until the next day that Lin Feng and the others saw a few monks.

These monks are all undead monks, and there is even a monk who was transformed from a Yin god.

These people also looked like they were in a hurry, as if they were rushing to go somewhere.

Lin Feng discovered that these undead monks in the reincarnation channel were indeed quite different from normal monks.

Their bodies contain some extremely special power of reincarnation. This power of reincarnation is completely different from the power of reincarnation in the outside world. However, Lin Feng can simulate this power of reincarnation through the magical power of Great Destiny.

Soon, Lin Feng simulated this power of reincarnation, and used this power of reincarnation to cover up the auras of him and Poison Ancestor, making them look at the undead monks who were also in the reincarnation passage.

"Let's go over and ask what happened here." Lin Feng said.

"Okay!" Poison Ancestor responded.

The two of them quickly flew towards the undead monks who were in a hurry. .

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