Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 503: The peerless goddess——Goddess Ji Yao!

"Fellow Taoists, please stay!" Poison Ancestor shouted.

Several undead monks looked at Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor and couldn't help but stop.

Lin Feng discovered that the undead monks here are indeed somewhat special. The undead monks in the outside world are more like undead and have a more cruel and violent personality. However, the undead in the reincarnation channel are more like "normal people" and not so cruel and cruel. Lin Feng felt that it might have something to do with the special power of reincarnation in this place. This special power of reincarnation would transform their bodies. After their bodies were transformed, they would naturally be quite different from the undead in other places. There is a difference.

One of the undead asked, "I wonder what's the point of calling us?".

Poison Ancestor said, "It's like this. It hasn't been long since we woke up, and we haven't found any trace of the undead monks for many days after we came out. Did something happen? Where have all the undead monks here gone?"

Even though Poison Ancestor is usually unreliable, he still has a lot of experience in dealing with things. He knows exactly what to say when and what to say.

Several undead monks did not doubt the words of Poison Ancestor. One undead monk said, "Something important is indeed going to happen. Goddess Ji Yao, the first goddess of the reincarnation channel, is going to be reborn. Countless people have come to watch."

Even if the undead form looks little different from normal people, they will still endure endless pain. This kind of pain makes them miserable, so they all hope to be reborn. The so-called rebirth is easy to say, but difficult to say. Difficult and requires special methods.

For example, Lin Feng's Soul Body Pill can help the undead complete rebirth, but it is not necessarily true that it can complete rebirth, because there are many conditions for rebirth. The Soul Body Pill only increases the success rate, and It doesn't mean that getting the Soul Body Pill will 100% allow you to do this kind of thing.

Poison Ancestor said, "Is this goddess Ji Yao so beautiful? How can she be so popular?".

"Yes, she is really beautiful. As long as a man takes one look at her, he will never forget her. Her beauty is indescribable. It is said that she was one of the most powerful ones who besieged the pioneers back then. First, the Gate of Eternal Life is the most top-notch, with the most mysterious power background, and the status can be said to be extremely noble."

"After the pioneer injured her, he could have killed her, but even the pioneer couldn't bear to kill such a beauty. He just suppressed her in the reincarnation passage. It can be seen that if the relationship was not hostile, the pioneer Even the pioneers can't resist her charm. Who in the world can resist her charm!" Another undead monk said.

When he said these words, he looked intoxicated. It was obvious that this guy had probably seen the so-called goddess Ji Yao and was immersed in infinite beautiful fantasies.

Lin Feng was actually a little surprised. After all, the empress was beautiful enough, right? Lin Feng even once felt that purely in terms of appearance, it would be difficult to find a female monk with better looks than her in this world. Although there are many beauties in the world, ranging from fat to thin, there are different types of beauties. But the Empress is definitely not afraid of any challenge.

But even if she is as beautiful as the Empress, she will not make all the monks in the world so obsessed with her, but this goddess Ji Yao actually did it.

Lin Feng felt that this matter was a bit weird. Maybe it was not just beautiful. This goddess Ji Yao must have some weird and unpredictable means that could affect other people's minds. Otherwise, she wouldn't let so many powerful people deal with her. She is so obsessed.

Lin Feng said, "Is this goddess Ji Yao also born in recent years?".

"That's right." The monk who was transformed by the Yin God said, "In addition to Goddess Ji Yao, there are also some terrifying beings who were born in these years. Goddess Ji Yao and the others formed the organization of Immortality, but there are some that are more ancient. existences, and may even be existences that reincarnated earlier. After they were born, they also formed several terrifying forces, such as Changye, Jingtian, Xuanhun Sect and other forces. They were formed by this more ancient existence. Of course There are also some external forces, or the monks who have risen later, have formed forces here, such as the Yaoguang Immortal Platform established by Empress Yaoguang, the Nine Heavens Dao Sect established by the Nine Heavens Taoists, and of course the Netherworld Divine Kingdom established by the Lord of the Netherworld Kingdom, etc. Wait, these forces are extremely terrifying, and they are all increasing their strength crazily. It is said that they want to compete for the rumored disk of reincarnation!"

"The Disk of Reincarnation? Isn't that thing the incarnation of Tao?". Poison Ancestor said.

The monk transformed by Yin Shen said, "It is the incarnation of Tao, but the disc of reincarnation I am talking about is not the disc of reincarnation that we usually mention, but a treasure. It is said that this treasure supports the passage of reincarnation. Movement is an invincible treasure that commands the heavens. In the past, pioneers once peeked at this treasure, but were almost injured by the disc of reincarnation and had to choose to retreat."

"Holy crap? Such an exaggeration? How could there be such a terrifying treasure in the world?". Poison Ancestor said in disbelief.

The monk transformed by the Yin God said, "You have to believe this, because the Disk of Reincarnation has existed for several reincarnations, and the pioneers were just monks in the early stages of this reincarnation. The Disk of Reincarnation itself is terrifying, After accumulating the power of several reincarnations, it is understandable that the pioneers will be injured. Although the pioneers cannot obtain this kind of thing, it is said that strong people who are closely involved with the reincarnation passage may be able to obtain the disk of reincarnation. Recognition, now so many top monks have formed forces and are getting more and more involved with the reincarnation channel, just to have the reincarnation disk recognize them!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh, "There are always some things between heaven and earth that take over the creation of heaven and earth. It is even difficult for the world to understand. However, the more such things are, the more heaven-defying they are. It is no wonder that today's reincarnation channel is like this Such excitement, if that thing is really born, it will definitely cause a **** storm. I am afraid that not only these people in the reincarnation channel will fight for it, but also strong people from the outside world will definitely come here to see if they can Take that treasure!”.

After a pause, he planned to ask about Feng Yaoguang, the now famous Empress Yaoguang.

In the early years, Feng Yaoguang entered the reincarnation channel because she lost her memory and wanted to retrieve her memory.

But Lin Feng felt that in terms of Feng Yaoguang's ability, she should be far from the level of those elders, and the force she formed was definitely far from being comparable to the forces established by those elders.

But the fact is that this is not the case. The reincarnation passage is now so complicated, but Feng Yaoguang can occupy an important position. This is a bit strange.

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask himself, is the current Empress Yaoguang still the Feng Yaoguang he knew before.

Lin Feng looked at Yin Shen and others and asked, "What's going on with Empress Yaoguang? Do you know?".

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