Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 505: ceiling of enchantment

"It's so beautiful, she is indeed a peerless beauty!".

"Goddess Ji Yao, I love you!".

"If I can become the man of Goddess Ji Yao for one day, I will die in peace!".

There was a lot of discussion around, and many monks were expressing their love for the goddess Jiyao.

Goddess Ji Yao is indeed very beautiful. Lin Feng also saw her face. Not only is she full of fairy spirit, but her face is extremely delicate and beautiful. That face is no less than that of the empress. This is one of the few people who can be compared with the empress. Women who are equal in appearance.

Such a woman is naturally loved by thousands of people. It is not surprising that she has countless admirers and admirers.

But it is indeed an exaggeration that almost everyone admires her.

This would not be the case under normal circumstances. Lin Feng thought to himself, could it be because the more people lack something, the more they like it. For example, more than 95% of the monks in the reincarnation channel may be transformed by the undead ( There are also some who may be foreign monks, or monks born from the reincarnation channel, such as fairies transformed into flowers, plants and trees, practicing Taoism, etc.), even if they are not monks transformed from the dead, they are all monks infused with yin energy.

Such monks lack immortality.

Who doesn't want to be that kind of fairy-like person? Such a person is simply the darling of God.

Exactly, this is how Goddess Ji Yao thinks she exists. Even though she has transformed from an undead spirit into a yin cultivator, her immortality remains undiminished.

As a result, everyone chased her even more crazily.

"I'm in love with this woman, I want to be her licking dog!". Poison Ancestor on the side said exaggeratedly.

"what's going on?". Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He felt that Du Zu was joking. After all, this guy always liked to joke.

If it was said that Poison Ancestor was fascinated by a certain woman, Lin Feng didn't quite believe it. The main reason was that Poison Ancestor had no interest in women.

If it were another man who said he wanted to be the licking dog of Goddess Ji Yao, Lin Feng would not doubt it.

However, when Lin Feng looked at Poison Ancestor, Lin Feng discovered that his previous judgment was wrong, because Poison Ancestor's eyes seemed to melt when he looked at Goddess Ji Yao.

This look is so gentle.

Lin Feng was shocked. Poison Ancestor was actually obsessed with Goddess Ji Yao. How long had it been since they had been here?

"It's so beautiful. I really want to have something happen with her...".

Even Lin Feng's heart suddenly heard a voice.

This voice was very strange and terrifying, as if it had the ability to enchant people's hearts, making Lin Feng feel like he was gradually getting lost.

Poison Ancestor.

And I.

"Something's wrong!". Lin Feng shook his head vigorously.

He realized that something was wrong. Lin Feng would not comment on the monks in the reincarnation channel, but what happened to him and the Poison Ancestor was too strange.

First of all, Poison Ancestor is not close to women.

Secondly, Lin Feng has experienced many beauties, and his immunity to women is strong enough.

Even though Lin Feng still likes different types of beauties, he sometimes tries to accept new goals and experience new excitement.

But Lin Feng could control all of that.

Now, he was out of control, and had unreasonable thoughts about the famous goddess Ji Yao.

The most terrifying thing is for this situation to happen inadvertently. It will make people feel a little overwhelmed. They don't even know what happened, and they completely sink without even a chance to resist.

Fortunately, Lin Feng is still alert enough, and his power is strong enough, and his mental strength is tenacious enough. Otherwise, he would have been confused by the goddess Jiyao like Poison Ancestor.

Lin Feng quickly closed his eyes.

She no longer goes to see Goddess Ji Yao.

But even if she closed her eyes, it didn't work. Goddess Ji Yao's beautiful figure and exquisite face still kept appearing in her mind, lingering and unable to be cut off.

And the voice that bewitched Lin Feng in his heart kept resounding, just like hypnosis, constantly hypnotizing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng must be captured without hesitation.

Everything is so weird.

Lin Feng didn't know if Goddess Ji Yao used charm techniques, but he had never seen such a terrifying method. He just glanced at Goddess Ji Yao a few times, and he couldn't resist her charm.

This method is absolutely handy for controlling people's hearts.

Lin Feng began to recite the Buddhist Sutra Heart Sutra Calming Mantra and other methods.

"Namo Amitabha, donor, form is emptiness, emptiness is form!".

Suddenly, an old monk appeared in Lin Feng's mind. The old monk sat cross-legged, surrounded by boundless golden light. He looked so sacred and extraordinary.

When he opened his mouth, the holy words of Buddhism came out.

The "color" in Lin Feng's heart.

Disappeared in an instant.

Everything is empty.

He was no longer charmed by the goddess Ji Yao. When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, he had already used the method of combining clairvoyance with the eye of truth.

One is to prevent the goddess Ji Yao from affecting him again.

Second, Lin Feng wanted to see what this goddess Ji Yao was like.

When Lin Feng looked over, he saw that the current goddess Ji Yao was still standing on the top of the mountain, with the wind blowing her clothes and hair.

She is still full of fairy spirit.

She didn't look at anyone, but was looking into the distance, as if she was meditating on something, and seemed to be waiting for something.

"She didn't find out the details about me and Poison Ancestor, nor did she deliberately target us!".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. In fact, Lin Feng just suspected that Goddess Ji Yao had discovered that he and Poison Ancestor were foreign monks, so he used the charm technique, and the two of them fell in love inadvertently.

Now it seems that is not the case.

Everything happens passively, not as an active event.

"Physique should be related to body constitution. This goddess Ji Yao does nothing but is born to make men fall in love with her." The demon king's voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng responded with a wry smile, "Isn't this a thousand times more powerful than the so-called charming Tiancheng? Ten thousand times?"

The demon king said, "Yes, everyone in the world thinks that Charming Bones Tiancheng is the ceiling with its own charm skills, but now it seems that compared with Goddess Ji Yao, she is nothing."

Lin Feng thought to himself, was the demon king also under the spell?

But he didn't ask the demon king.

Even though Goddess Ji Yao didn't pay attention to them, after what happened before, Lin Feng became even more afraid of Goddess Ji Yao. This woman was too scary.

You must be on guard, otherwise you will die without knowing how.

Lin Feng flicked Poison Ancestor's eyebrows.

Poison Ancestor also recovered, and when he realized what had just happened, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He wanted to say something, but Lin Feng shook his head and signaled that people should not talk too much because they were talking too much, but Poison Ancestor did not say anything more.

And this time.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that there were eyes staring at him.

This made Lin Feng's heart tremble slightly.

He followed his gaze.

Then he saw Goddess Ji Yao looking towards him from a distance.

"Did she find me?". Lin Feng was shocked.

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