Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 506: Goddess Ji Yao is about to be reborn

The power of Goddess Ji Yao is unimaginable.

If Goddess Ji Yao really sees that something is wrong, she doesn't even need to take action herself. She only needs to give an order, and the countless monks around him can bury him and the Poison Ancestor.

Therefore, when he saw Goddess Ji Yao looking at him, Lin Feng was extremely nervous. In sharp contrast to Lin Feng were the people around Lin Feng.

Everyone rushed to shout.

"Is Goddess Ji Yao looking at me?".

"You are obviously looking at me, okay?".

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, Goddess Ji Yao is looking at me!".

"Goddess Ji Yao, she obviously has a crush on me, so she looks in this direction!".

A group of monks almost started fighting.

Lin Feng tried to calm himself down.

Furthermore, even if Goddess Ji Yao discovers that she may be a foreign monk, she may not necessarily take action against her. After all, she has no hatred against her.

Maybe this goddess Ji Yao is the kind of woman who is beautiful and kind-hearted.

See through but not tell.

Nor will it put people to death.

Soon, Goddess Ji Yao turned her head.

This made Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief. In fact, Lin Feng didn't know if Goddess Ji Yao really saw any clues. After all, Goddess Ji Yao had no next move.

But he and Poison Ancestor should not be besieged by the people here.

What a gratifying thing.

As more and more power poured into Goddess Ji Yao's body, Goddess Ji Yao also began to take the next step. She set up an altar on the top of the mountain.

She climbed onto the altar, sat cross-legged, and held flowers in her hands.

Then, start chanting the mantra.


As time passed, everyone heard a loud noise. The earth-shattering sound shook everyone's heart. Then everyone saw that a huge black hole appeared above the nine heavens. .

The black hole twisted and rotated violently, as if it could swallow everything between heaven and earth, and the pressure it exuded was suffocating.

"Six black holes!".

When he saw the black hole, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly. He couldn't sense the six black holes wrong, but the six black holes were different from the six black holes.

There are many ways to summon six black holes.

However, the specific abilities displayed by these six summoned black holes are extremely different.

For example, some six-path black holes can only play a relatively simple role in confinement.

And some six-path black holes can even resurrect the dead.

This is because Tao and Tao are different.

These different paths give the six black holes different abilities. Perhaps the six black holes summoned by the goddess Ji Yao have something to do with her rebirth.


Soon, a second black hole appeared.

After the second black hole appeared, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth black holes followed.

also appeared one after another.

These black holes form a resonance.

The coercion emanating from the black hole makes many people have the urge to worship.

Suddenly, a beam of light emitted from each of the six black holes.

A total of six beams of light intertwined quickly in the void. After these six beams of light intertwined, they converged together and then illuminated the body of Goddess Ji Yao.

Goddess Ji Yao's body began to change.

Of course, this change cannot be seen from the outside. You have to sense this change in Goddess Ji Yao from the inside. You don't need to be particularly powerful to sense it.

Because Goddess Ji Yao did not hide her aura.

Her life breath is changing.

The original goddess Ji Yao was a monk transformed from the underworld. Now, she is losing the aura of death in her body.

The power of death diminishes.

Correspondingly, the new power is constantly increasing.

Blood, flesh, bones, marrow, internal organs.

Even a strand of hair.

All are undergoing transformation.

This kind of transformation is a subtle transformation, and it will not be particularly fast, because if it is particularly fast, it will often cause the body to have a relatively violent reaction, which is not a good situation.

Take it step by step.

The damage to the monks was minimal.

"The goddess is going to become a normal monk!".

"How I wish I could transform one day!".

Countless monks looked at the transforming goddess Ji Yao with complicated eyes.

Many undead monks, after awakening their consciousness, are definitely thinking about the day when they will return from the catastrophe, but they also know that this kind of thing is not so easy to accomplish.

The stronger the strength.

It becomes more difficult.

But if you are weak, you will not be able to control such means, let alone **** what you need to regain your life.

What a contradiction.

However, no matter how big the contradiction is, they must work hard to overcome it, and they must work hard to do well.

Unless you don't want to come back from the disaster.

The whole process lasted for more than ten days, and Lin Feng and the others never left because Lin Feng felt that things might not go so smoothly.

Although until now, there has been no change.

But at a critical moment, something might happen.

If something like this really happened, Lin Feng thought to see if he could fish in troubled waters and get some benefits.

The seventeenth day of the ceremony.

On this day, everyone could clearly feel the changes in Goddess Ji Yao. She seemed to be breaking out of her cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

Many people know that the last moment, the most important moment, should be coming soon.


Suddenly, a huge beam of light fell from the sky and shined towards Goddess Ji Yao.

That beam of light is really not that simple.

Contains endless life force.

It seems to contain the power of principles and secrets.

Goddess Ji Yao is frantically absorbing the energy in that light pillar.

It was a new pillar of light.

The new pillar of light represents the future of goddess Ji Yao.

After Goddess Ji Yao absorbs all the power, Goddess Ji Yao will completely transform.

Countless people cheered for Goddess Ji Yao.

However, at this moment, everyone saw a figure appearing behind Goddess Ji Yao.

The figure was shrouded in darkness, and everyone couldn't see his appearance clearly.

He appeared too suddenly.

He arrived suddenly and no one was able to discover his whereabouts.

Even Lin Feng had never discovered this person, which was enough to show how powerful the monk who suddenly appeared was.

And the monk's hand flashed with light, and a dagger flashing with a cold light appeared in his hand.

He stood behind Goddess Ji Yao, but Goddess Ji Yao did not notice him.

And he held a dagger and stabbed Goddess Ji Yao fiercely, as if he wanted to kill Goddess Ji Yao directly.

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