Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 507: The Nine-Female Emperor Who Born of Love and Hatred

"Asshole, how dare you do this?" Seeing the goddess Ji Yao being attacked at a critical moment, countless monks' eyes almost burst.

They roared one by one, and the anger that erupted seemed to be able to burn the sky.

They were really angry, with overwhelming murderous intent. To deal with Goddess Ji Yao in front of them was simply a provocation to everyone.


Now it's too late for them to save Goddess Ji Yao.

"It won't happen so easily!" Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This goddess Ji Yao is not an ordinary person, and her action to regain her life this time is public. It could have been done in private, but she chose to make it public, which is problematic in itself.

Lin Feng guessed that Goddess Ji Yao might have noticed something and wanted to lure out the person who was secretly dealing with her.

This is truly an excellent opportunity.

When the other party is lured out, once the other party's identity is exposed, any conspiracy will go bankrupt.

And the other party will also become the character that everyone shouts about.

What happened next was exactly what Lin Feng had guessed. When the sharp dagger was about to pierce into the body of Goddess Ji Yao, countless mysterious runes appeared on the light pillar that enveloped Goddess Ji Yao. He didn't know that. What kind of runes are those, but the defensive attributes contained in those runes are unimaginable. The person who made the move is extremely powerful, but now, his attack is actually blocked by those runes.

Goddess Ji Yao opened her eyes and swept her sleeves directly towards the mysterious monk behind her.

This Goddess Ji Yao is really powerful. During the catastrophe, she can still devote so much energy to deal with that person without fear of going crazy.

Her attacks are equally sudden and powerful.

Killing the monk behind him caught him off guard.

But that man was equally powerful. He struck out with his palm and collided hard with the attack from Goddess Ji Yao. He did not suffer any damage.


One thing he miscalculated was that Goddess Ji Yao's blow did not intend to hurt him, but just wanted him to show his true self. Therefore, when Goddess Ji Yao's blow collided with him, there was actually Part of the power spilled out in order to dispel the dark power lingering outside the monk's body.

By the time the monk realized this, he could no longer change anything.

The dark power surrounding him was dispelled, and the monk's appearance was revealed.

"Nine female emperors!".

"How is it possible? How could the person who wants to kill Goddess Ji Yao be the Nine-Female Emperor?".

After the man appeared, the surrounding area completely exploded. Many people did not believe what they saw.

Poison Ancestor asked a monk next to him, "Who is this Nine-Female Emperor?".

The monk said, "The Nine-Female Emperor formed the Immortal Monk together with the goddess Ji Yao, and has stated many times that Ji Yao is his goddess, and he is willing to assist the goddess Ji Yao for the rest of his life! So countless people feel that the Nine-Female Emperor is his immortal monk. The Nine-Fed Emperor is definitely the most infatuated person in the reincarnation channel, but he never thought that all of this is fake and just an illusion created by the Nine-Fed Emperor to confuse the world. His real purpose may be to kill the goddess Ji Yao. , and then replace it!”.

"Things are not that simple. Goddess Ji Yao is at the most critical moment now. If the Nine-Female Emperor kills Goddess Ji Yao, he can sit where Goddess Ji Yao is and devour all the flesh and blood of Goddess Ji Yao. Then by devouring all the power of the light pillar, the Nine-Female Emperor will not only increase in strength, but can even regain a new life. This guy's wishful thinking is really quite good!" Lin Feng said.

"The Nine-Female Emperor deserves death!" After the people around heard Lin Feng's analysis, they all roared with indignation. They were indeed a group of idiot fans. Seeing that their goddess was being plotted against, they were all about to be **** to death.

At this time, Goddess Ji Yao also spoke. She said, "Jiu Ma Emperor, I know there is a force in the dark that wants to target me, but I really didn't expect it to be you. You and I have known each other since we were alive. After death, we turned into Yin cultivators, and we went through many things together. We thought we could support each other, but you made me so disappointed!"

Goddess Ji Yao's voice was cold, but everyone could hear it. There was a slight tremor in her voice, not because of fear, but because of anger.

Obviously, Goddess Ji Yao still values ​​​​the friendship with Emperor Jiuhen.

The Nine-Female Emperor wanted to kill her.

It completely broke Goddess Ji Yao's heart.

Just as Goddess Ji Yao said, it would be anyone else who could deal with her.

She might not be as sad as she is now.

Jiu Ma Emperor burst into laughter, and then he roared angrily, "Ji Yao, you also know that we have known each other for such a long time. When you were alive, you were brilliant, but I am not bad either. How many people said We were a couple like a golden boy and a beautiful girl, and I also felt that our relationship was like this, so I began to pursue you, but you kept rejecting me. Every time I asked you why you rejected me, you said, You are waiting for someone, and I ask you who you are waiting for, but you never say who the person you are waiting for is, okay, I will bear it for the time being and watch you silently in the dark, waiting for you to change your mind!"

"Later, something unexpected happened, and we fell and turned into Yinxiu. I expressed my love to you again, but you still rejected me. Your answer was exactly the same. You are still waiting for someone. I ask you, did you wait endlessly during your lifetime? Years, have you waited? After your death, you turned into a ghost cultivator? Are you still waiting for that unreasonable person? I feel that I, the Nine-Female Emperor, love you deeply, so you think I am ridiculous, don’t you? You can trample on me at will dignity?".

"Later, I got a secret book. If we become a Taoist couple and practice together, we can quickly regain a new life. But you still rejected me, and now you want to regain a new life by yourself. You are too harsh on me. That's cruel, if that's the case, then I might as well destroy you!".

It turns out that love breeds hatred. There are too many such things.

It's just that it's a little surprising that it happens to such a top powerhouse.

Goddess Ji Yao said, "If you like me, do I have to like you? Do I have to be with you? Isn't this moral kidnapping?".

"I don't care, I have worked for so long, you must promise me, I will give you one last chance now, if you don't obey me, you will definitely die today!" The Nine-Female Emperor shouted angrily.

Goddess Ji Yao sighed and said, "If I say that I have never deceived you before, whether in life or as a ghost, I am always waiting for someone, will you believe me?".

"Ji Yao, since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless. Let's kill Ji Yao together!"

The Nine-Female Emperor shouted angrily.

Swish, swish, swish.

After his voice fell, black shadows appeared one after another, dozens of people, and their auras were extremely terrifying.

After these existences appeared, they, together with the Nine-Female Emperor, headed towards Goddess Jiyao.

It seems that the Nine-Female Emperor is extremely well prepared and determined to kill Goddess Ji Yao.

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