Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 509: Horribly Devoured

Lin Feng was not particularly clear about how many previous incarnations Wuliang Taoist had, but it was obviously impossible to have only one previous incarnation.

Considering that the outside world has always said that this Jiutian Taoist is a monk who died in the last reincarnation, Lin Feng guessed that if this Jiutian Taoist is really the previous life of Wuliang Taoist, then it is definitely older than Yu Shang's age.

Of course, the current Jiutian Taoist has nothing to do with Wuliang Taoist, and he is not following the path of reincarnation.

To die is to die.

As for who will be in the next life, what is the connection?

Lin Feng said to Poison Ancestor, "Just watch it!".

Jiutian Taoist is indeed extremely powerful. He entered the light pillar alone and launched an attack on Goddess Ji Yao.

Many people's eyes were as if they were about to burst, because everyone felt that Goddess Ji Yao was doomed now.

After all, they were still unable to save Goddess Ji Yao, which made them extremely angry.

But something surprising happened at this time.

Everyone sees it.

Goddess Ji Yao's body instantly changed from one to nine.

Even the beam of light that enveloped Goddess Ji Yao changed from one to nine.

Jiutian Taoist's powerful blow struck Goddess Ji Yao, but his blow penetrated Goddess Ji Yao's body.

That is to say.

The Goddess Ji Yao he attacked was not the real Goddess Ji Yao, but the body condensed by the secret technique of Goddess Ji Yao.

"Goddess Ji Yao is so amazing!".

"She is indeed the woman I have admired for so long. This method is really shocking!"

Countless people couldn't help cheering when they saw that Goddess Ji Yao was fine.

Then someone said, "Which one is the goddess Ji Yao?".

Ordinary monks, even some extremely powerful monks, may not be able to tell which monk is the goddess Ji Yao.

Mainly because Goddess Ji Yao's methods are too unpredictable.

With such a powerful method, it is naturally extremely difficult to detect.

But top experts should be able to sense it, and Lin Feng sensed which one was the body of Goddess Ji Yao.

Taoist Jiutian is so powerful that he can naturally sense it.

He said coldly, "Donor Ji Yao, is this the top-notch secret technique Nine Heavens Incarnation Immortal Technique you created? It's quite interesting, but I heard that this method is not easy to use. It is extremely depleting of one's own vitality. Serious, so if you use this method now, can you still complete rebirth?"

"Don't worry about it!"

The nine goddesses Jiyao spoke at the same time.


Taoist Jiutian moved, and he locked onto the goddess Jiyao. His body swayed slightly, and he had already arrived in front of the goddess Jiyao. The dust in his hand swept directly towards the goddess Jiyao.

That seemingly careless blow actually contained terrifying power that could destroy the world and absolutely make people despair.

But his attack struck the body of the goddess Jiyao, but passed through the body of the goddess Jiyao.

That is to say.

Goddess Ji Yao instantly changed from her true form to her incarnation.

"The method of converting reality into reality!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. To be honest, Lin Feng had seen this method of converting virtual reality before, and it was not particularly difficult for Lin Feng to create such magical powers.

But it can't reach the level of Goddess Ji Yao.

Is a magical power or secret technique powerful?

It's not about how it works against ordinary monks.

Rather, it depends on what effect it can exert against the top powerhouses. No matter how effective it is against ordinary monks, but it cannot have much effect against the top powerhouses, it is a garbage magical power.

But obviously, the secret technique created by Goddess Ji Yao is the most top-notch.


Jiutian Taoist shouted coldly, and after the voice fell, he sacrificed a palm-sized fairy sword. The fairy sword was made of unknown materials, and it made a strong roaring sound.

Then the sword flew out, quickly divided into nine parts, and went towards the nine goddesses Jiyao and beheaded them respectively.

Lin Feng originally thought that the goddess Ji Yao would find a way to resist.

But what Lin Feng didn't expect was that when the nine swords came to kill, the nine goddess Ji Yao became illusory, and the nine swords all passed through the body of goddess Ji Yao.

"Holy crap, what's going on? Don't you have a real body?".

Everyone was shocked.

The same goes for Lin Feng. He thought he had a real body, but now it seems that his previous guess was wrong. These nine goddess Ji Yao turned out to be phantom bodies. So, what is the true body of Goddess Ji Yao? Where?

"Could it be that he flew to the college entrance examination to absorb the power of the light beam?"

Many people looked to the sky.

There is no goddess Ji Yao in the sky.

All Jiutian Taoists were confused.

Not only Taoist Jiutian, but the rest of the people were also in an extremely confused state.

Goddess Ji Yao is worthy of being Goddess Ji Yao. This method is really amazing.

"No, there must be one of them. It's just that I also used the evasion technique just now!"

Lin Feng instantly thought of a possibility.

Since Jiutian Taoist wielded nine swords at the same time just now, his energy was naturally greatly dispersed.

It will also be much easier to avoid his attacks.

But if you are facing an attack from Jiutian Taoist himself, you cannot avoid it.

The Jiutian Taoist seemed to have quickly thought of the whole story, and he shouted angrily, "Pretend to be a ghost, get out of here."

After the words fell, Taoist Jiutian opened his big hand, and the boundless sea of ​​swords emerged.

Taoist Jiutian instantly changed from a Taoist master to a sword-wielding master.

All the billions of sword energies were directed towards the nine goddesses Ji Yao and killed them.

At this time, the nine goddesses Jiyao began to merge.

In the blink of an eye, the nine Goddess Ji Yao merged into one Goddess Ji Yao. Endless power fell from the sky and poured into the body of Goddess Ji Yao.

The breath of life of goddess Ji Yao.

The transformation was completed in an instant.

Now, she has completely shed her Yin cultivation body and turned into a normal monk.

Goddess Ji Yao breathed the air greedily.

Before, breathing was painful.

But now, breathing made her feel so comfortable.

The air is so sweet.

This is the best state.

Goddess Ji Yao naturally did not forget Taoist Jiutian. She said in a cold voice, "Taoist Jiutian, today I want to see who will win!".


After the words fell, a war broke out between the two sides.

The sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the sun and moon had no light.


What is shocking is that I don’t know whether it was because of their battle that caused a series of reactions. The earth began to collapse, the void also began to collapse, and mountains tens of kilometers long collapsed.

And where it collapsed, a huge black hole was formed.


The terrifying suction force then surged out from the huge black hole. Countless monks were unable to control their bodies and were quickly swallowed into the black hole.

"Go, go, go...". Lin Feng's expression changed drastically, he grabbed Poison Ancestor and rushed towards the distance quickly.

The powerful people including Jiutian Taoist, Ji Yao Goddess, Jiu Ma Emperor and other powerful people also sensed the huge danger, did not dare to hesitate, did not continue to fight to the death, and fled madly towards the distance.

But no one can escape.

Everyone was swallowed by the huge black hole.

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