Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 510: Big Mac in the sea

Winter winter winter!

In the darkness, there was a loud noise, which sounded like the sound of drums.

This kind of sound is very strange, and even if you want to resist, you can't resist it.

This kind of sound had a huge impact on every monk. It was useless to seal the six senses. Even monks like Lin Feng who were immune to various soul attack techniques were also greatly affected.

He felt waves of dizziness in his head. Lin Feng felt this way, not to mention other monks, who were affected much more seriously than Lin Feng.

"My heart is at peace, and nothing can invade it!".

Lin Feng shouted in a low voice, trying to resist the weird sound.

But Lin Feng failed.

That kind of sound goes straight to the soul.

Lin Feng was greatly affected, and his dizziness became more and more severe. After several waves of continuous output of the sound, Lin Feng could no longer hold on.

Before he fainted, he couldn't help but cursed, "Fuck, what the **** is going on in this ghost place?".

The wind blew gently.

Lin Feng felt wet on his face. He heard the sound of wind and the sound of water lapping.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw that the sky was densely covered with runes formed from thunderclouds. This place was a sealed place.

Lin Feng felt extremely sore all over his body.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

He sat up and found himself on a beach.

In the distance, the waves are rolling.

There are also some seabirds flying in the ocean.

"Where is this?". Lin Feng rubbed his aching head.

He remembered that the battle between Jiutian Taoist and Goddess Ji Yao was extremely fierce at that time, and their battle seemed to cause some changes in the world.

So, the sky fell apart and the earth fell apart.

Especially the black hole that appeared after the earth collapsed, swallowing everything, and no one can stop it.

Is this a world formed by the collapse of a large area?

Or is it the world that already exists? Is it just that everyone was swallowed into this world?

Lin Feng felt that the latter situation was more likely.

This world has been sealed underground in the reincarnation passage.

For a long time, no one has been able to discover this world.

This world has no intention of showing up.

But the previous war became the trigger.

That war gave rise to this world.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether this is the case or not, after all, Lin Feng is already in this world.

He looked around, but did not see the Poison Ancestor. Lin Feng knew that the Poison Ancestor must have landed in this world, but it was difficult to determine where exactly he landed.

"Is this world centered around this island?". Lin Feng observed the island.

In fact, when he fell into darkness, Lin Feng saw Jiutian Taoist, Goddess Jiyao, and Jiuyi Emperor being also devoured.

Needless to say, the strength of these beings is definitely that of fifty immortal temples and above. Even if they do not reach the strength of the Elder of the Universe, they are still second only to the Elder of the Universe.

The strong men of this level have been devoured, which shows how weird this place is. It is estimated that there is no existence at the level of the elder of the universe to arrange such a place with such skill.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of something.

Didn't it mean that the most precious treasure of heaven and earth that can leverage reincarnation, the Disk of Reincarnation, is in the passage of reincarnation?

So, could the formation of this place be related to the Disk of Reincarnation?

Is the Disk of Reincarnation located in this place?

Lin Feng is not particularly clear about this, but Lin Feng feels that this possibility exists.

But what the specific situation is, we can’t draw any conclusions now.

A monk appeared in the distance.

The monks were also looking at the sea.

Suddenly, a divine light rose into the sky from the sea.

bursts of fairy sounds.

I don’t know what treasure in the sea made a strange move, but it actually produced such a powerful fluctuation, which is really amazing.

Whoosh whoosh.

Some monks flew towards the sea. They obviously wanted to **** the treasure that might appear in the ocean.

When they flew into the ocean, the power of thunder that distorted time and space fell from the sky and blasted towards the monks.

These monks quickly took action to resist the power of thunder falling from the sky, but the power of those thunders was really terrifying.

Under the attack of the power of thunder, a monk's soul was shattered, and his death was really tragic.

Many monks standing on the beach watching the excitement couldn't help but look shocked after seeing this situation. The power of thunder in the ocean was too terrifying.

At this time, the fluctuations caused by the magic weapon in the ocean became more and more violent, and the divine light shining out became more and more brilliant.

This treasure seems truly extraordinary, and it still makes many people's hearts flutter.

However, the sea area is really dangerous. Now ordinary monks no longer dare to enter the sea area. Especially, more than 90% of the monks here are Yin cultivators transformed from the undead. Although these Yin cultivators are The cultivators are very different from the Yin cultivators in the outside world. They are more intelligent, more humane, and less brutal and murderous. Overall, they look more like normal cultivators, but that is just a superficial phenomenon. Their essence is still Yin cultivation. As long as they are Yin cultivation, they will be restrained by the power of thunder.


Someone took action again. It was a tall monk who turned out to be a demon cultivator. As I said before, the composition of the monks in the reincarnation channel is relatively complicated. There are also many demon cultivators here, and the strength of many demon cultivators is also high. Relatively powerful, there are even stone creatures and so on.

"It's the powerful Tiger King!".

Someone recognized the person who took action, the Vigorous Tiger Emperor. Among the many demon cultivators, he should be considered a relatively powerful demon cultivator.

It is said that he broke through the realm of the Creator early and was originally a strong man who dominated one side. However, after the great changes in the world, those ancient and terrifying existences appeared one after another, and the powerful Tiger King was blocked. He took refuge in the immortal and belonged to the Nine Females. A strong man under Emperor Zun.

The Powerful Tiger King entered the sea, and the power of thunder fell, all of which were resolved by the Powerful Tiger King.

Many people couldn't help but admire him, he was indeed the powerful Tiger King, he was really awesome.

Under the envious gazes of countless people, the powerful Tiger King was quickly approaching the treasure in the sea.

It seemed that not long after, the powerful Tiger King would be able to obtain the treasure in the sea, but at this moment, a giant beast suddenly rushed out of the sea.

The giant beast had a body like a fish and a head like a dragon.

But it has huge claws, and I don’t know what kind of monster it is.

The giant beast opened its **** mouth and engulfed the powerful Tiger King.

The powerful Tiger King roared angrily and used powerful magic to kill the giant beast, but it was of no use at all.

The giant beast swallowed the magical power exerted by the Vigorous Tiger Emperor, and then swallowed the Vigorous Tiger Emperor in one gulp.

Immediately, the huge body fell into the sea.

Startled, huge waves!

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