Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 511: Battle against the giants of the sea

"What kind of beast is that?".

"A powerful man like the Vigorous Tiger Emperor was swallowed directly. What level of ferocious beast is that beast?".

"The Big Mac in the sea blocks the sea area. Once you enter, you will feed the Big Mac in the sea!".

The monks in the distance were discussing this matter. Many of them were trembling with fear, and their faces were as pale as paper. It was really because the strength displayed by the giant was too terrifying. After all, the powerful Tiger Emperor , but a powerful man at the level of the Creator.

But in front of that giant, it was so weak that it could be described as vulnerable.

It's really hard to imagine how powerful that existence is.

Even Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. The giant in the sea that just rushed out was really powerful, and he felt a little threatened.

However, Lin Feng was unable to grasp the specific strength of the giant in the sea. This was because the giant in the sea itself only made one swallowing action.

No other abilities were demonstrated.

It is difficult to judge the true strength of the giant in the sea simply by relying on these. At best, we can only make a rough guess.

Definitely a quasi-pioneer level existence.

It is unclear how many quasi-pioneers have comprehended the Immortal Palace.

The treasure in the sea has not disappeared. There are still many people who want to get the treasure. However, this is not an easy task. Everyone has seen the strength of the giant in the sea. Entering it Not only do they have to resist Thunder's attack, but they also have to fight against the giant-level existence in the sea.

If you are not careful, you may die.

Lin Feng observed it, and if no one came to try it, he planned to give it a try, because Lin Feng could not estimate the true strength of the giant in the sea, so Lin Feng's plan was that if that guy really couldn't fight, he would Just retreat.

If we can resist, we will naturally collect the treasure in the sea.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng rose into the sky and flew quickly towards the sea world.

Seeing that someone else was killing them in the sea, wanting to collect the treasures in the sea, the monks scattered everywhere began to point and point again.

Lin Feng could understand how those people felt.

It is estimated that many people think that entering it is also an act of committing suicide.

Facing the attacks of those thunderbolts, Lin Feng did not even resist. With his method, those thunderbolts that struck him could not cause any harm to him at all. However, after the monks on the island saw this situation, They all couldn't help but wonder, what did that guy want to do?

You don't use your magical powers or activate your magic weapons. Do you want to use your body to resist thunder attacks?

Have you lost your mind?

Many people thought that Lin Feng was a little abnormal, but soon they saw that Lin Feng was walking through the thunder, and billions of thunders were blasting down, but they were unable to cause any harm to Lin Feng, which surprised everyone.

"That guy looks unfamiliar. Who is he? Is he a monk from another strong man's territory?" Someone said.

The reincarnation passage is very large. Most of the monks who went to watch the goddess Ji Yao regain her life were naturally monks within the realm of immortality. Many of the most powerful monks among these monks were familiar with them, but Lin Feng was not familiar with them. It was unfamiliar, which was why those people doubted Lin Feng's origin.

They really don't know enough about the top powerhouses in other places. Especially in recent years, dead monks have been turning into ghost cultivators, or ancient beings who have been suppressed have been born one after another. The identities of some powerhouses It is very mysterious and unknown to outsiders.

Someone said, "No matter who he is, it will be extremely difficult to fight against the giant in the sea!".

Many people nodded with deep understanding. The impression the Big Mac in the Sea had on everyone was so profound.

Such a giant was definitely not something that a monk like Lin Feng could contend with.

Lin Feng speeded up, and he was getting closer to the area where the treasure in the sea was located.

Lin Feng still remembered the location where the Big Mac in the sea appeared. He was a little suspicious of whether the treasure in the sea was deliberately placed there by the Big Mac in the sea to attract the monks.

When you think about it, it doesn't seem very likely.


When Lin Feng was still more than ten miles away from the treasure in the sea, the giant in the sea rushed out of the water. The body of this giant was bigger than the body of a giant dragon. It looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and it looked like a fish but not a dragon. The fish opened its huge **** mouth again, trying to swallow Lin Feng.

Just like devouring the mighty Tiger King, he devoured Lin Feng.

Lin Feng discovered that when the giant in the sea opened its **** mouth to devour him, a field formed around the existence, which could restrict the monk's movements.

No wonder the previous powerful Tiger Emperor couldn't escape.

With the strength of the powerful Tiger King, it is not easy to resolve the field formed by the giant in the sea.

However, Lin Feng can already estimate the strength of this giant in the sea. It is almost equivalent to the quasi-pioneer of one or two immortal temples. In other words, it is almost equivalent to the quasi-pioneer level monk who has just broken through.

The overall combat power of a monk at this level is similar to that of Lin Feng.

Strictly speaking, after Lin Feng's last promotion, his overall combat power should be stronger than that of beings at this level.

So facing the attack from the giant in the sea, Lin Feng had no fear.

I saw him standing in the void, kicking towards the giant in the sea.

A huge energy foot formed in the void. This foot kicked **** the head of the giant in the sea. Its huge body, which was thousands of meters long, was kicked away by Lin Feng. , letting out a roar of filial piety that was both painful and angry.

"How can it be?".

Seeing this situation, the monks on the beach almost stared out of their eyes.

They knew very well how terrifyingly powerful the Big Mac in the sea was, but Lin Feng kicked the Big Mac away in the sea. This was too incredible. Although they also knew that Lin Feng might be very powerful, they never expected that. Lin Feng has actually become so terrifying. He is no longer a strong man who shines on a region, but a strong man who can shine on the passage of reincarnation. He can definitely become a overlord-level existence.

But looking at him at such a young age, it was really unbelievable that he was already so terrifying.

At this time, Lin Feng did not continue to hunt down the giant in the sea.

Because Lin Feng knew that he had just killed the Big Mac in the sea by surprise, so he kicked the Big Mac away in the sea.

It is not that easy to kill the giant in the sea.

Lin Feng's goal is the treasure in the sea.

He took advantage of the moment to kick the giant in the sea away.

He quickly flew towards the treasure and wanted to collect it.

But at this time, the giant in the sea stabilized its body. It opened its **** mouth and directly sprayed out an energy light ball. The energy light ball seemed to be able to destroy a universe, locking Lin Feng. It was blasting towards Lin Feng. Feeling the terrifying power of the energy ball, Lin Feng couldn't help but change his color.

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