Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 512: Neptune

The strength of the Big Mac in the sea is indeed not simple. It has brought a big enough threat to Lin Feng. Such a powerful attack is definitely not an ordinary attack of the Big Mac in the sea. Lin Feng is probably the move that the Big Mac in the sea uses to crush the bottom of the box. This is This kind of move is usually used in the later stages of the war, but the giant in the sea has now used such a powerful move, which makes Lin Feng have to suspect that this guy has become completely angry and wants to fight to the death.

Facing the attack of the giant in the sea, Lin Feng did not flinch. At this time, he was already very close to the treasure in the sea. If he chose to retreat, he might be defeated step by step.

In a duel between top experts, the brave one wins.

"King Kong is indestructible!".

Lin Feng's cold voice suddenly came out, and he directly used the invincible Vajra Indestructible Magic. After performing this secret skill, Lin Feng's physical defense instantly soared. The Vajra Indestructible Magic is the best defensive magical power in the world. If Lin Feng If he can cultivate this magical power to its peak, even if he is only in the realm of the Creator, with his own basic conditions and the defense of the Vajra Indestructible Magic, Lin Feng feels that he can even withstand the attack of the Elder of the Universe.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. The indestructible power of the Vajra is indeed so powerful.

Of course, Lin Feng is still far away from reaching the peak of the unique skill of the Vajra Indestructible Skill. He is probably only at the stage of completion now.

However, the opponent Lin Feng faced was not a being at the level of a universe elder. This was just a quasi-pioneer-level ferocious beast in the sea that was equivalent to one or two immortal temples.

Therefore, when Lin Feng used the indestructible power of the Vajra, he was full of confidence.

Lin Feng then condensed a powerful rune. This was a rune obtained from the Origin Divine Stone. Needless to say, its power was one of Lin Feng's top killing moves.

Defend first, attack later.

This is Lin Feng's strategy.

At this time, the energy light ball ejected by the giant in the sea had already hit Lin Feng.

Soon Lin Feng rushed out from the center area of ​​the energy light ball explosion.

It was exactly as Lin Feng guessed.

The indestructible power of the Vajra was powerful enough to directly resist the attack of the giant in the sea. After rushing out, Lin Feng sacrificed the condensed runes.

This kind of rune is a metallic rune, so its attack power is quite powerful.

After this kind of rune flew out, it fiercely bombarded the giant in the sea.

The Big Mac in the Sea saw that Lin Feng was fine and even launched a new attack on it. His eyes suddenly froze. It seemed that he did not expect that Lin Feng had such a method. Despite the fact that the Big Mac in the Sea's body was extremely Although it was huge, its reaction was extremely fast, and it made a weird cry.

Then, a huge water curtain formed in front of it and Lin Feng.

That huge water curtain contains powerful defensive power.

This kind of defensive power is different from the defensive power of ordinary defensive magic weapons. The defenses of ordinary defensive magic weapons are known for their strength. For example, the defensive light shield constructed by Lin Feng's several powerful defensive magic weapons is extremely hard, although it is not The real thing, but the defense is not much different from the real thing.

But this kind of water curtain is a flexible defense. When the runes played by Lin Feng came and hit the water curtain, the water curtain seemed to have turned into a balloon. It was extremely elastic. Following the runes, he headed towards the giant in the sea to kill, and the water curtain was pulled extremely hard.

Such a large pull can naturally remove the huge power of the runes.

In the end, the water curtain collapsed.

After the water curtain collapsed.

The rune continued to kill the giant in the sea. The giant in the sea shook its huge head and slammed into the rune played by Lin Feng.

Its huge head is equivalent to a top-notch magic weapon.


Along with a fierce collision sound, the huge head collided hard with the runes played by Lin Feng, and the void was shattered.

Lin Feng was shocked, because this guy's head was really hard, and he even forcibly broke the runes he typed.

However, Lin Feng felt that the impact of such a strong collision was too fierce. Even if this guy resisted the attack just now, this being's head would definitely feel dizzy.

So Lin Feng quickly flew over and quickly reached the giant in the sea.

Lin Feng swung his fist and struck directly at the giant in the sea.

The Big Mac in the sea is indeed feeling dizzy now, but it is still clear about what is happening in the outside world. Seeing Lin Feng, a human being, actually fighting with it at close range, the Big Mac in the sea suddenly showed contempt. This guy , simply overestimating one's capabilities.

When the people watching the battle outside saw this situation, they were also extremely incomprehensible. Someone actually wanted to fight in close combat with the giant in the sea. Isn't this an act that seeks death? They really couldn't understand why Lin Feng would do this. .

But what happened at the next moment deeply shocked everyone. Everyone saw Lin Feng swinging his fist towards the Big Mac in the sea. The Big Mac in the sea also stretched out its giant claws and grabbed Lin Feng. Both sides fiercely fought. They collided together, and then everyone saw that the existence that could be called a giant in the sea was blown away by Lin Feng's punch. Its huge body flew backwards uncontrollably, and its huge claws were cracked. When it was opened, blood flowed out, which looked quite miserable.

Everyone felt incredible and almost wondered if they had seen it wrong.

Such a behemoth, so powerful, was knocked away by Lin Feng with one punch. This was too violent.

I really don't know how that guy practiced. It's really incomprehensible that he can crush such a terrifying beast in close combat.

Lin Feng sped up and flew towards the treasure in the sea, and soon he rushed to the treasure in the sea.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and powerful mana surged out, directly sweeping away the treasure in the sea. He did not intend to stay, but planned to return to the shore quickly.

But at this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt a pressure that almost suffocated him.

next moment.


The water flows apart.

A behemoth rushed out from the sea world. This behemoth looked like a dragon, but it only had a single horn and only three claws.

The dragon has five claws and two horns.

This shows that the terrifying existence in front of him, which is several times larger than the giant ocean giant, is not a dragon, but a dragon.

After the dragon appeared, it grabbed Lin Feng with its huge claws.

Although its body was huge, its speed was so fast that Lin Feng did not even dodge and was pressed into the Sea Emperor's claws by one of its claws. Although it was only one claw, that one The claws were like a mountain, suppressing Lin Feng's body, making Lin Feng unable to move.

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