Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 513: Jiao Huang roared: "Are you kidding me?".

Poseidon, as the name suggests, is the true emperor of the sea, even an existence that surpasses the giant in the sea.

Such an existence is too terrifying.

After searching all over the universe, there shouldn't be many existences that can be called Poseidon.

For example, the Sea King that was facing Lin Feng was definitely a terrifying existence that would be more than fifty temples away. The aura it exuded was suffocating and despairing.

Jiao is not a being with the highest bloodline.

However, the growth potential of Jiao has always been quite astonishing, so the future of Jiao is the most difficult to confirm. Even the future of the dragon clan, which is more powerful than the bloodline, is still difficult to confirm.

Now this dragon is indeed ridiculously strong.

It suppressed Lin Feng's claws and exerted slight force, as if it wanted to crush Lin Feng directly.

It doesn't look like it uses much force, but in fact the force exerted is extremely terrifying. After all, the dragon itself is also a physical being, and the dragon in front of him is relatively powerful.

His attainments in the physical body are naturally unfathomable, and his strength is also incredibly powerful. An ordinary person would have been crushed to death by it.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's body was strong enough, so he was fine.

"Open it for me".

Lin Feng grabbed the claws suppressing his body with both hands. He shouted loudly and tried to open the Jiao's claws.

No matter how it develops later.

If Lin Feng wants to get out of trouble, he must open the Jiao's claws.

Lin Feng's physical strength was terrifying enough. Even though the dragon's strength was unfathomable, its claws were being opened bit by bit by Lin Feng.


Jiao Emperor looked at Lin Feng with his cold eyes, showing surprise, as if he couldn't believe it.

He probably didn't expect that Lin Feng's power could actually shake its claws, which made him extremely angry when he was surprised.

A human actually wanted to compete with it for physical strength.

What a joke.

Although now it uses other methods to kill Lin Feng easily.


It did not do so.

Because it wants to use the power of its body to crush Lin Feng. This is the supreme dignity of a sea emperor and must not be violated or desecrated.

"Despicable boy, when you fight with me, you are simply trying to shake a tree. You are not overestimating your own abilities!" came the cold voice of the Jiao Emperor.

As its voice fell, the power of the claws that suppressed Lin Feng began to increase rapidly.

It is worthy of being a Sea Emperor-level existence, and its power is indeed terrifying, but to be honest, although its physical strength is terrifying, it is difficult to crush Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng's physical body has reached the level of the elder of the universe.

The strength of the Neptune Emperor has not yet reached the level of the Elder of the Universe. Of course, considering that the Neptune Emperor is a creature like a dragon, its physical body may be far beyond its own realm.

But even so, Lin Feng estimated that it would be quite difficult for its physical body to approach the level of the Elder of the Universe.

It is not very possible to reach the level of the Elder of the Universe.

In other words, Jiaohuang's body was worse than Lin Feng's.

Emperor Jiao didn't know this.

But Lin Feng knew very well that even if he opened the Jiao Emperor's claws, it would be almost impossible to escape immediately. After all, this guy's strength was on display here.

Therefore, some other means are needed to deal with the Jiao Emperor.

The first thing is that he needs to communicate with Beibei, let Beibei prepare secretly, and rely on Beibei's methods to escape quickly later.

The second thing is to attract the attention of the Sea Emperor as much as possible. When his attention is on himself, his ability to perceive the surroundings will decrease. In this way, Beibei successfully brewed The probability of some powerful means will be higher. To put it bluntly, the second thing serves the first thing.

After all, the Jiao Emperor is too powerful. Without any strategy, it would be too difficult to escape from the Jiao Emperor.

It was too easy to attract the Jiao Emperor's attention. Lin Feng pretended to be struggling and said in a cold voice, "Jiao Emperor, with your little strength, you dare to say that I am a cricket that shakes a tree? Why do you have such a face? Well, if you lose to me in the strength competition, won't your face be slapped?"

When Lin Feng was communicating with Jiao Emperor, he had also secretly communicated with Beibei. No sound transmission was needed. He only needed to give Beibei a change signal. Beibei would know what Lin Feng wanted it to do, and give it to the person in time and space. Beibei's abnormal movement signal will not attract the Jiao Emperor's attention.

Emperor Jiao looked at Lin Feng contemptuously and said, "Will I lose to you? What are you thinking about?".

The Jiao Emperor continued to increase its strength. It was now determined to crush Lin Feng to death. This made Lin Feng very happy. As long as the Jiao Emperor did not plan to use other means, it would be in his best interest. Lin Feng pretended to be more and more serious. The look of difficulty made Emperor Jiao even more proud.

Emperor Jiao sarcastically said, "Boy, you will be crushed into a pulp by me soon!".

Lin Feng said, "If you want to crush your grandfather and me into a pulp, you can only do it in your dreams!".

"Looking for death," Jiaohuang shouted angrily, and continued to increase his strength, but Lin Feng was really stubborn, although it seemed that he could no longer hold on.

But he is still "persevering with difficulty".

In fact, Jiao Emperor was also a little surprised now, and even looked at Lin Feng with admiration. After all, it was incredible that Lin Feng, a human monk, could persist for such a long time in a competition with its power.

Emperor Jiao defined Lin Feng as those who were born with divine power, but so what, he would eventually die in its hands.

The other side.

Beibei was fully prepared, and Beibei also just gave Lin Feng a signal of change.

After Lin Feng noticed it.

It will no longer be retained.

Lin Feng, who was almost "unable to hold on", suddenly became stronger. With a sudden force, he opened the Jiao Emperor's claws to suppress him.

It didn't seem like he was exerting much effort.

Lin Feng quickly pulled away and retreated.

"You fool me". After Jiaohuang realized what was going on, he couldn't help but shouted angrily, and two terrifying killing lights suddenly shone out from his eyes, directly locking on Lin Feng.

The Jiao Emperor is indeed powerful.

Even just two glances were unimaginably terrifying. Even someone as powerful as Lin Feng felt extremely bad. Lin Feng knew very well that the Jiao Emperor's attacks would be continuous. Once he fell into a passive position, the result would probably be very tragic.

At this time, Beibei appeared next to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng grabbed Beibei's little claw, and then cast an illusory spell, instantly dodging the Jiao Emperor's attack.

Beibei waved his little paws, condensing a seven-color fairy bridge. Beibei and Lin Feng stood on the seven-color fairy bridge. Driven by the seven-color fairy bridge, they quickly rushed towards the shore. .

"Despicable ants, you can't get away."

The Dragon King roared to the sky, and it opened its mouth and sprayed out terrifying dragon breath, heading towards Lin Feng and Beibei.

The dragon's breath attack is the Jiao Emperor's natural attack, and it is extremely terrifying.

Obviously, the angry Jiao Emperor wanted to rely on the extremely powerful dragon breath attack to destroy Lin Feng and Beibei.

This kind of attack is simply unavoidable.

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