Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 514: Jade bracelet

As expected of the Jiao Emperor, the attack he unleashed was truly powerful. This attack, which was similar to the dragon's breath, made people extremely desperate.

It is obviously impossible to resist such a powerful attack directly. Firstly, it will not be able to withstand it, and secondly, Lin Feng and the others may be intercepted.

This is bad.

However, Lin Feng still has powerful methods, and his method is naturally the unique skill of Jinghuaying. As long as he uses Jinghuaying, he can neutralize the Jiaohuang's attack, and can also reflect the Jiaohuang's attack back. Lin Feng and the others You can also take this opportunity to quickly get rid of the Jiao Emperor.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and quickly used the magical power of Mirror Flower Shadow.


The light flickered, and the bodies of Lin Feng and Beibei became unpredictable.

The Jiaohuang's attack was also activated when Jinghuaying was released.

The powerful attack came and was immediately bounced back by Jing Huaying.

The attack that bounced back instantly launched a counterattack against Jiao Huang.

Obviously, Emperor Jiao did not expect such a situation to occur, and he couldn't help roaring.

The Jiao Emperor was very quick and decisive in his attacks. He waved his huge claws and smacked the rebounded attack.

As for Lin Feng and Beibei, they took this opportunity to get rid of the Jiao Emperor. They stepped on the Seven Color Immortal Bridge and continued flying towards the shore.

After Jiaohuang defused Jinghuaying's rebounded attack, he looked at Lin Feng and Beibei again. Lin Feng and Beibei had already rushed to the shore.

"Boy, you're fine!".

The Jiao Emperor looked at Lin Feng with his cold eyes.

There was a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Lin Feng escaped from it, which obviously made Emperor Jiao really angry. However, Emperor Jiao seemed to be a little afraid of going ashore, so he didn't go ashore to chase Lin Feng.

This island is absolutely weird, and the sea outside the island is also weird, hiding some unknown secrets.

Those giant-level beings on the island may have to pay a certain price if they want to land.

This is also the main reason why they will not land easily.

Lin Feng did not stay any longer after landing on the coast. He quickly entered the island.

The monks on the shore were still talking about the battle just now. Almost no one thought that Lin Feng could survive, but Lin Feng actually survived and took away the treasure. Such a method was really surprising.

"I thought I could leave this place from the sea, but there are terrifying existences in the sea, and there are even existences at the level of Poseidon. If you want to cross the sea, it seems there is no hope. It seems you still have to go out. Just look for clues from inside the island!" A monk said on the beach.

The monk's words were approved by many people around him. Indeed, it is not easy to get out now. You must find the right way to travel through the sea. Maybe you can get out, but it is just Maybe, no one has verified whether he can really go out, and the sea area is still so terrifying and terrifying!

It's completely a narrow escape path.

This road is not very reliable, so a monk said, "Let's go to the island and see what's going on. Maybe we can find some amazing opportunities!".

"That's right, how can there be no opportunity in such a place? We have all died once, so what are we afraid of? This time, we must have a huge harvest!" Then another monk said.

The monks scattered along the coast quickly gathered together and walked towards the island, but in fact, sometimes having more people is not necessarily a good thing.

For example, it didn't take long before they were targeted.

What is staring at these beings is a kind of black bug, like an ant. The biggest difference between that bug and the ant is that it can fly.

Densely packed insects emerged from the ground in countless numbers and swept towards the monks quickly.

"No, it's the rumored god-killing ant colony."

Some monks seemed to recognize this kind of ant and screamed in horror. Many people had heard of this name, and they all couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

The number of God-killing ant colonies is simply too huge.

Such a huge ant colony is naturally terrifying.

They didn't dare to stay and quickly fled into the distance. However, under the surrounding earth, there were swarms of God-killing ants pouring out everywhere.

There are simply too many.

It shrouded these monks as if they were blocking out the sky and the sun.


Soon, miserable screams were heard.

No one breaks out.

Not long after, the God-killing ants quickly burrowed into the ground and disappeared, leaving only the skeletons of dozens of monks on the ground.

These skeletons are extremely well preserved, but all the flesh and blood has disappeared, with no trace left.

Lin Feng is naturally unclear about the situation here, because Lin Feng has entered a cave for seclusion. He is still on the edge of the island. Lin Feng plans to completely adjust his condition before entering the island. As for the poison, Lin Feng didn't know where Zu landed.

Poison Ancestor is quite powerful, and Lin Feng feels that there won't be any big problems on his side.

Lin Feng entered time and space and quickly adjusted his body.

Soon, Lin Feng's body completely recovered.

After Lin Feng's body recovered as before, Lin Feng quickly summoned the treasure he obtained in the sea.

Due to the fierce battles that broke out with the giant in the sea and the Jiao Emperor, Lin Feng's energy was also focused on the battle and he never explored what this treasure was.


Lin Feng had enough time to explore this thing.

After taking out the things, what surprised Lin Feng was that he took away not one thing, but two things.

The first item is a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is a bracelet type magic weapon.

Lin Feng explored it and was surprised to find that it was a high-level defensive magic weapon from the Creator.

It's a pity that this magic weapon is a bracelet. This is the top defensive magic weapon used by women, so Lin Feng naturally cannot use it.

However, Lin Feng thought that when he returned to the wasteland world, he could give this defensive magic weapon to his mother Ji Long'er.

She lacks the most top-notch defensive magic weapon.

As for those confidantes.

All we can do is wait.

Lin Feng will also collect as many defensive magic weapons or offensive magic weapons for women as possible and give them to them so that they can defend themselves.

After Lin Feng put away the jade bracelet magic weapon, Lin Feng looked at another thing.

"This thing seems a little... weird!".

Lin Feng looked at this thing and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

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