Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 515: Dreaming

This thing is indeed a bit weird, mainly because the shape is very strange, like a sculpture, but the appearance of this sculpture is really unflattering to Lin Feng. The human-shaped body, the head looks like a praying mantis or an ant, and there are animals on the back. It has wings, and its hands are not those of a normal monk, but the arms of a human monk, but with demonic claws.

To say that this thing has four different looks is to flatter it. This thing has to be five or six different.

"What the **** is this?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder. He felt that this thing was definitely not simple. However, the origin of this thing made Lin Feng feel difficult to judge. Mainly because this thing appeared together with a top defense magic weapon like the jade bracelet. How could it be simple? Just from the appearance, apart from being a bit strange, it is really difficult to tell what is special about this thing.

Lin Feng tried to use his spiritual thoughts to sense this thing to see if it could produce a special response.

However, after careful sensing.

Nothing was found.

This thing seemed to be a rare and ordinary thing. Lin Feng thought that this thing was a treasure before, but his judgment was completely wrong.

"No, it can't be so ordinary. If you are so ordinary, you are not qualified to stay with a jade bracelet!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

After searching for his spiritual thoughts to no avail, Lin Feng tried the method of mana sacrifice to see if he could successfully sacrifice this treasure.

Give it a try.

It still ended in failure.

So Lin Feng tried to use the method of blood sacrifice again.

Don't tell me yet.

The method of blood sacrifice gave Lin Feng a weak connection with this thing.

Faintly, Lin Feng heard a crunching sound, like the sound of chewing food.

His eyes suddenly became dark.

Ahead, in the darkness, there is a shadow. I don’t know what it is. The existence seems to be lying on the ground, chewing something.

This chewing sound gave Lin Feng a creepy feeling.

He quickly severed this connection.

Lin Feng looked at this strange sculpture with a solemn expression.

Now it can basically be judged that this thing is definitely an extremely evil thing.

Maybe it had something to do with somewhere on the island, so Lin Feng put this thing away.

Lin Feng immediately flew out of time and space.

Outside, it was getting dark.

There was a roar of beasts in the depths, resounding through the sky and shaking the starry sky world for hundreds of thousands of miles.

In the sea not far away, there were also rough waves crashing on the shore, and terrible fluctuations escaped.

The world that appeared inside the reincarnation passage was really a bit too weird. It was scary and unknown at the same time. Lin Feng felt that this world might not be the world of reincarnation.

It is the world left behind after the previous reincarnation was shattered.

It has been sealed until now.

Of course, for now, these are just Lin Feng's guesses. Lin Feng doesn't know whether this is the case.

Lin Feng did not continue to stay in the cave. He came to the mountain forest, lit a bonfire, and then grabbed some game from his big world.


After cleaning up, we had a personal campfire dinner, and the food was quite rich.

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng sat cross-legged next to the campfire and fell asleep.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Lin Feng heard the chewing sound again, which was very similar to the chewing sound he heard before.


Lin Feng also heard screams of fear and pain.

The sound was unclear at first.

But this sound is a continuous sound.

Lin Feng kept trying hard to hear this sound clearly.

Finally, he heard clearly.

It was a woman's voice. In the darkness, a woman screamed in terror and pain.

Her miserable sound was mixed with the sound of chewing.

It gives people a creepy feeling.

Even if it was Lin Feng, he felt like he had goosebumps.

"Is this eaten alive?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

He didn't know who this woman was, nor who the other being in the darkness was, but now it seemed that there was a high probability that the woman was eaten alive by the being in the darkness.

In fact, "eating raw" is not uncommon in the world of practitioners.

For example, beasts eat beasts, or beasts eat humans, etc.

But the woman's scream was too miserable, and coupled with the aura of the existence in the darkness, it was too eerie and terrifying.

This created such a weird and terrifying atmosphere.

It made a strong man like Lin Feng feel quite uncomfortable.


Suddenly, the woman let out a loud cry of pain, which seemed to be her last cry before death.

This time "escape".

Lin Feng woke up.

Lin Feng was still in the forest, and the bonfire had not been extinguished.

All around, the sound of wind was blowing, and the breeze was mixed with the unique fishy smell of sea water.

Lin Feng couldn't calm down. First he "saw the scene" when he was refining the strange sculpture, and then he dreamed of "a woman's tragic experience."

How can all this be simple?

There must be a demon in this matter.

It must have something to do with that sculpture.

"Is she letting her companions escape?". Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

He felt that this possibility was still very high. However, these things finally appeared in the sea. In other words, her companions really escaped, but they still died in the sea. There is a high probability that He was killed by the terrifying existence in the sea.

"If you are all dead, why do you still insist on entrusting me with dreams?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but think of another question.

Because in Lin Feng's view, many things that happen do not exist independently.

There is cause and effect involved.

These causes and effects can be big or small.

The woman entrusting him with a dream was not an easy task in itself. How much obsession did it take to be able to transmit a message to him? So Lin Feng felt that there was something hidden about this matter. Lin Feng thought to himself, that woman didn't Does it have anything to do with him?

This is a possibility.

There is also a possibility that the woman has no relationship with him, but she still insists on giving him a dream. Could it be because she still has a companion who is not dead and wants to rescue her companion?

Thinking about it carefully, this possibility seems to be somewhat possible, but where should we go to find the woman's companions.

There is only one sculpture token, and this sculpture token has not played any role yet.

at this time.

There was a voice coming from the distant mountains and forests, "Fire, someone is there!".

There seemed to be about seven or eight people.

Whoosh whoosh.

One after another, figures rushed over quickly. These people were five men and three women.

It turned out not to be an undead monk.

But a demon cultivator.

It should be a demon monk born in the reincarnation channel.

They all looked at Lin Feng next to the bonfire with a scrutinizing gaze.

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