Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 518: scary ant colony

"Stinky ant, how dare you bite me!" Su Wanning reached out and pinched the ant, trying to kill it.


But just after pinching the ant, she screamed in pain again because she was stung by the ant again.

His hands couldn't help but loosen.

That ant is not simple.

This beauty like a young woman was stung twice.

But the ant made him miserable, and his face turned a little pale. What was even weirder was that the ant actually flew towards the distance, trying to escape.


At this moment, a cold light swept over.

Lin Feng held a soft sword and cut the ant that was trying to escape in half. The ant's body lay on the sword. What was surprising was that after the ant was cut in half, its body was still there. Squirming, you must know that the attacks of strong men like Lin Feng still contain internal strength, so many strong men may die if they are stabbed with a sword. It is not a simple external injury. What really kills them is the sight of them. The invisible inner strength.

And now.

This kind of ant has not completely died, which is enough to illustrate the horror of this kind of ant.

"What kind of ant is this? So perverted?" Nangong Yao couldn't help but asked curiously.

Everyone shook their heads, it was the first time they had seen such a thing.

Including Lin Feng, who is well-informed, this is the first time he has seen this kind of ant. The origin of this kind of ant is really unclear.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of something and said, "Something's wrong. This place is too quiet. There are so many corpses. It's definitely not a safe place. We can't stay here for long. Let's leave quickly!".

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and rushed forward quickly.

But at this time.

The ground rolled.

Densely packed ants flew out. Although these ants were small, they were ferocious and terrifying, making people feel chilled.

When the dense ants flew out, Lin Feng knew that the situation had become extremely bad, because they had seen the strength of these ants before.

"Go, go, go!".

A group of people shouted loudly, not daring to hesitate, and rushed outside quickly, trying to break out of the ant circle. Suddenly, screams came from behind. Everyone saw that Xiong Changchun, the second among the Xiong brothers, He was entangled by many ants, and those ants were eating his body. There were the most ants on his arms. In the blink of an eye, his arms had been eaten into bones. Xiong Changchun couldn't help but let out a cry of extreme pain. There was a scream, and the other ants, like cats that smelled the fishy smell, rushed towards Xiong Changqing crazily, wanting to eat Xiong Changchun.

"Dick!". Xiong Changqing roared angrily, his eyes turned blood red, and he wanted to fight back to save his younger brother Xiong Changchun.

But Xiong Changchun seemed to know that he would definitely die this time. When others came to save him, they just threw himself in together. He shouted loudly, "Run, run, run, run away quickly, or you will all die here!".

"Walk". Several people pulled Xiong Changqing and rushed towards the depths, trying to get out of this area quickly.

"Save him!" Lin Feng thought for a moment.

He is indeed capable of saving Xiong Changchun, it just depends on whether Lin Feng is willing to save him.

Lin Feng actually only thought about it for a moment before he came up with the idea of ​​rescuing Xiong Changchun.

There is no other reason.

Mainly because Lin Feng felt that since he had reached a cooperation agreement with the demon monks, he was naturally obliged to save his teammates.

Even if it's just a temporary teammate.

Also worthy of being saved.

Furthermore, didn't Lin Feng want to cooperate with the Demon Nation later? Saving Xiong Changchun was a small favor to the Demon Clan. Maybe he could gain some points when talking about cooperation.

So while the others continued to flee towards the depths, Lin Feng's body swayed slightly.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Xiong Changchun.

I saw Lin Feng suddenly waved his big hand, and the strong wind swept across, directly blowing away all the ants on Xiong Changchun's body, but now Xiong Changchun was really miserable, and basically all the flesh and blood on his left arm had been eaten away. There was a mold of flesh and blood that had been eaten away at many parts of his body.

When he saw Lin Feng coming to kill him, Xiong Changchun was stunned on the spot, mainly because he did not expect that Lin Feng would come to save him at this time.

"Brother Ji...". Xiong Changchun spoke with difficulty.

Lin Feng said, "Don't talk and keep your vitality from leaking. However, your left arm must be cut off, otherwise the necrotic arm will cause serious damage to your body!".

Xiong Changchun nodded.

Lin Feng waved his right hand and directly chopped off Xiong Changchun's left arm.

Then he took out a pill and stuffed it into Xiong Changchun's mouth.

At this time, an overwhelming swarm of God-killing ants came over to kill them.

Lin Feng directly activated several defensive magic weapons, which constructed a powerful defensive light shield that enveloped Lin Feng and Xiong Changchun.

Lin Feng and Xiong Changchun stared at the rapidly approaching swarm of God-killing ants and rushed forward. However, there were too many God-killing ants, and soon even the defensive light shield was covered by the God-killing ants. These God-killing ants Ants began to eat the defensive light shield.


Several screams came from the front. Since a large number of God-killing ants appeared in the surrounding mountains and forests, Bai Qiu and others were not able to rush out at all. They also had defensive magic weapons, but their defensive magic weapons were just the defense constructed by them. The system was quickly destroyed by the swarm of God-killing ants. Some of the faster God-killing ants had attached themselves to their bodies and began to eat their flesh and blood, so they all screamed in pain. The situation was really It was quite dangerous. Bai Qiu and the others even felt that they might be eaten clean by these god-killing ants.

At this moment, Lin Feng came to attack. He shook out powerful power through the defensive light shield, and the God-killing ants on the anti-epidemic light shield were knocked away.

The God-killing ants on everyone were also blown away, and Lin Feng pulled Bai Qiu and others into the range covered by the defensive light shield.

"We're not dead!".

"Brother Ji saved us!".

"Second brother, it's great that you are alive too!".

After everyone survived the disaster, they were obviously extremely happy. However, the number of God-killing ant colonies outside was still increasing. Looking around, they could no longer see the sky clearly. They could not even see anything clearly. They could only see There were dense and endless swarms of God-killing ants. Lin Feng tried to use the wind technique to blow away the swarms of God-killing ants. However, there were too many swarms of God-killing ants, forming a powerful defense system. The strong wind that Lin Feng used did not move at all. to any effect.

The dense swarm of God-killing ants attached themselves to the defensive light shield again and continued to eat the defensive light shield that Lin Feng offered.

The defensive mask that Lin Feng offered also quickly became thinner as these god-killing ants ate it. It seemed that these god-killing ants could eat anything, even the defensive mask made of energy. The situation became worse, and Lin Feng's expression became serious, because Lin Feng knew very well that if the defensive mask was eaten, everyone would be eaten clean by the God-killing ants.

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