Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 519: tear a way out

Everything in the world is really full of magic. Who would have thought that there are swarms of insects in this world that can eat the powerful people who are at the level of pioneers.

Before that.

Lin Feng felt that there should be no insect swarm in this world that could cause such a big crisis to him.

Still underestimate the power of nature.

The status quo must be changed.

Lin Feng felt that the sky fire might be able to cause greater damage to the ant colony here, so Lin Feng waved his hand, and the powerful sky fire surged out quickly.

There is no need to say much about the power of sky fire.

It can literally burn down eight wastelands.

In particular, Lin Feng is now very good at using Sky Fire.

Under Lin Feng's control, the power of Sky Fire reached its ultimate peak. Logically speaking, at this moment, the power of Sky Fire could burn even the top experts to death.

What's more, what about these insect swarms.

But unfortunately, these insect swarms did not have any problems.

The only difference is that the former God-killing ant colony had a black body, but now it has a red body. You can vaguely see many mysterious runes appearing on the surface of the God-killing ant colony.

It seemed that it was those runes that caused the God-killing ant colony to turn red.

And it is precisely because of this change from black to red that the God-killing ant colony can withstand the burning of the sky fire.

"Grass, what kind of ghost ant is this?".

Even if it was Lin Feng, he couldn't help but curse.

I have never seen such a weird ant colony. Now there is no way to kill these ant colonies. So, they are the ones who will be killed. Especially, as time goes by, the defensive mask that protects Lin Feng and the others becomes more and more difficult. It's getting thinner.

"Are we not going to die?" Nangong Yao said with a pale face.

She had also been attacked by God-killing ants before and was injured as a result.

In particular, the teeth of God-killing ants are extremely poisonous. This is an extremely weird poison. When this poison invades the monk's body, the monk's body will gradually be paralyzed.

It's like a poison that contains some kind of narcotic effect. Once the body is paralyzed, it can't do anything.

Even consciousness may pass out.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for monks to resist against the swarm of god-killing ants. In fact, a large part of the reason is because they cannot resist the paralysis of the poison.

The rest of the people were also pale, full of despair about the current situation.

Lin Feng didn't say much.

Although the sky fire was not able to cause much damage to these god-killing ant colonies, Lin Feng had a second method in his mind. He still relied on the sky fire. This time, instead of directly burning the actual god-killing ant colony, he used the sky fire to condense it into Flower of fire.

When the Fire Flower explodes, the power that bursts out instantly can form an absolute high temperature and can also form a huge impact.

Absolute heat combined with impact.

The lethality caused is extremely astonishing, and it may have a miraculous effect.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng began to condense the flowers of fire.

Soon the Flower of Fire was successfully condensed by Lin Feng.


Lin Feng shouted low, and the Flower of Fire exploded instantly, with destructive power surging in all directions.

Countless god-killing ants were blown away.

This time.

Many of the God-killing ants at the center of the explosion were killed.

The Flower of Fire indeed played a big role.

The God-killing ants that were eating the defensive mask were also blown away.

Now about three-quarters of the defensive mask has been eaten away, leaving only the last quarter of the defensive mask that has not been eaten away.

have to say.

Now has reached an extremely dangerous moment. If it goes on for a while, the last part of the defensive mask will be eaten away.

That would be completely troublesome.

Seeing a large number of God-killing ant colonies being blown away, Bai Qiu and others showed surprise. They knew before that Lin Feng should be quite powerful, but to be honest, they felt that Lin Feng might be as good as them, who were also brothers. Just strength.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. Lin Feng's strength and methods seem to be far more powerful than they imagined.


Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, he grabbed everyone and quickly flew towards the distance. A large number of ant colonies came again, but Lin Feng had already condensed new flowers of fire.

Soon new fire flowers flew out again.

Then continue to explode.

A large number of God-killing ant colonies were blown away again, leaving a vacuum zone.

Fortunately, this area is not a small space, otherwise it would be very difficult to blow up these god-killing ant colonies.

Lin Feng used the Flower of Fire to blast a passage while surrounded by the God-killing ants.

Lin Feng, who had condensed the flowers of fire for more than ten times in a row, was very tired.

Mainly because the Flower of Fire is made up of twelve kinds of heavenly fire, and the cost is extremely huge.

Fortunately, the passage created by the Flower of Fire allowed Lin Feng and the others to break out of the encirclement. They rushed out quickly. At this moment, many fiery red runes appeared in the void.

These fiery red runes began to seal the surrounding void.

When he saw this situation, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but froze. He guessed that the powerful God-killing ants that gave birth to wisdom in the ant colony must have taken action. The other party wanted to seal the void with runes and intercept their attacks. Of course, we don't necessarily want to completely intercept them.

Just need to hold them back for a while.

The swarm of God-killing ants can swarm forward and surround Lin Feng and the others again. By then, the possibility of Lin Feng and the others trying to break out by the same means will be greatly reduced.

The situation can be described as extremely dangerous.

At this time, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless. He quickly activated the three treasures of the Tianshi lineage, and at the same time mobilized the secret skills of the Tianshi lineage. He must not let those runes form a powerful blockade.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's method was astonishing enough. The combination of the secret techniques of the Heavenly Master and the sacred objects released an extremely powerful force.

Blast on those runes.

The runes that were condensing suddenly stopped.

Lin Feng and the others took this opportunity to quickly break out of the rune blockade.

"It's great that we're out of trouble!".

Many people shouted excitedly.

It was so thrilling just now, it was like a narrow escape from death.

Many people even think that death is inevitable this time.

And now survived.

It feels so good to be alive.

Suddenly, the beautiful Su Wanning, who was as charming as a young woman, couldn't hold on any longer and fell down softly, as if she wanted to fall into the forest.

She was the first to be attacked by the God-killing Ants and was poisoned earlier.

Later, when he was attacked by God-killing ants again, he suffered more damage than others.

Hence, syncope now occurs.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Feng quickly put his arms around Su Wanning's waist and held her in his arms.

This woman is really delicate and soft.

But now is not the time to be carefree.

It is also not the time to pay attention to the differences between men and women.

The swarm of god-killing ants behind them hadn't given up chasing them yet, so Lin Feng picked up Su Wanning and quickly fled deeper with the others.

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