Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 521: Has a new skyfire appeared?

Soon after, Bai Qiu and others also came out of seclusion one after another.

Their recovery is pretty good.

After Bai Qiu and the others recovered, Lin Feng and the others planned to continue looking for the place mentioned on Bai Qiu's map.

There was no danger in the rest of the trip.

However, things are not peaceful on the island, mainly because there are many opportunities on this island. Some people have discovered caves, and some have discovered extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth, so wars have broken out one after another.

"This is very much like the headquarters of an ancient sect!".

Lin Feng said.

Of course, the ancient sect mentioned here does not necessarily mean that this force is really a sect. It may be a family or a hidden sect.

Anyway, it is a top power, the most core area.

Today, such a place can be called an ancestral home.

In such a place, there are naturally many hidden opportunities, and the emergence of caves in clusters is the best evidence. It is estimated that the caves were opened by the strong men of this force, just like the Samsara Immortal Sect has similar rules. , for example, when disciples of the Samsara Immortal Sect reach a certain level, they can open caves in certain places, and some disciples can even build their own mountain peaks, etc.

Lin Feng and the others did not pursue those opportunities. When they saw someone vying for them, they would basically choose to go around.

Now it is better to do less than to do more.

Finding the place indicated on the map is the most important thing.

While searching for that place, Lin Feng had actually been trying to use the strange sculpture he obtained to sense it.

See if you can sense the information he wants.

It is a pity that no useful clues have been obtained yet, but Lin Feng also knows that these things cannot be rushed. Everything is done step by step, step by step, and you cannot become fat by eating one bite.

What made Lin Feng happy was that they finally found the place indicated on Bai Qiu's map. This place was located deep in a canyon. This place was completely cracked and extended deeply downwards, forming a A huge abyss.

It is unknown what lies beneath the abyss.

Lin Feng and the others stood above and looked around, but found nothing special, so they decided to go under the abyss to see if they could find any clues. So they flew down. Halfway through, a large number of **** bats were alarmed. It is a kind of blood-colored bat that lives in the abyss. This kind of blood-colored bat exudes a strong smell of blood. This smell is extremely unpleasant.


These bats contain highly toxic substances, but although there are many in number, the gap between them and the God-killing ant swarms encountered before is really huge. Everyone took action one after another, and a large number of **** bats were strangled by Lin Feng and others. These **** bats saw Lin Feng and the others were not easy to mess with, and they did not dare to provoke Lin Feng and the others anymore. They all flapped their wings and flew away from the abyss.

Lin Feng and the others successfully arrived at the bottom of the abyss. After arriving here, they saw that a huge underground space was formed at the bottom of the abyss. This place was densely covered with flames and the temperature was extremely hot.

"The breath of sky fire, could it be...".

Lin Feng's eyelids jumped violently. Considering Lin Feng's strength and familiarity with the sky fire, he felt the familiar and exciting atmosphere from the flames as soon as he came here.

That is the unique aura of Skyfire.

There is no need to say too much about the role that Sky Fire can play. This kind of thing is really against the heavens.

Especially, for Lin Feng, no matter whether the level of the sky fire is high or low, as long as he can get one more kind of sky fire, then this kind of sky fire can be integrated with the sky fire he currently masters, whether it is to form a new sky fire The large formation, the flower of fire and other means were of great help to Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng is keen on collecting sky fire.

Lin Feng actually got some clues about Tianhuo, but over the years, many things have changed, and some clues have actually become useless clues.

Of course, this is all a bit far-fetched.

The key is now.

Since the aura of heavenly fire is emanating from here, does it mean that there is heavenly fire hidden in this place?

If so, that would be great.

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but become brighter.

"Let's go there and have a look!".

Lin Feng pointed in one direction.

Everyone walked in the direction pointed by Lin Feng. As they continued to go deeper, Lin Feng discovered that the landscape of this place was severely damaged.

There seems to have been a war back then.

"Look, there's a skeleton there."

Nangong Yao pointed in one direction.

Probably because of the God-killing ant colony, when they saw the skeleton, everyone seemed to have a conditioned reflex and almost ran away.

However, everyone still held back.

They quickly came to the skeleton.

This is a jade skeleton. It seems that the owner must have been extremely powerful during his lifetime, so even the skeleton has undergone transformation.

And some of the bones of this skeleton turned black.

It looked like it had been severely burned.

Ordinary flames cannot destroy such bones at all.

It was definitely the flames of the sky fire level that burned this kind of skeleton, causing this kind of skeleton to appear in this situation.

Lin Feng guessed that the owner of this skeleton had previously wanted to collect the sky fire from this place.

So fight with the sky fire.

Finally killed by Skyfire?

This possibility actually exists.

Bai Qiu took off the monk's storage ring, and after sensing it, he said, "Unfortunately, the storage ring has been damaged!"

They continued walking deeper.


The skeletons of several monks left behind after their deaths were discovered one after another. The method of death was very similar to that of the first monk. Some of their skeletons were burned by heavenly fire.

this means.

They were severely injured by skyfire, which may have been the root cause of their deaths.

As the depth continued, a large amount of boiling magma appeared at the bottom of the abyss.

These magma are extremely hot.

Not long after, Lin Feng and the others saw more than a dozen nine-color fire lotuses appearing on the magma.

When he saw those nine-color fire lotus, Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked. They were good things. They were the core elixir for forging the Nine-Turn Fire God Pill.

And things like the Nine-Turn Fire God Pill can greatly increase the monk's soul power.

It's just that there is no Nine-Turn Fire God Pill circulating in the outside world now, mainly because the main ingredient, Nine-Color Fire Lotus, cannot be found for refining.

Lin Feng and the others flew over and collected all the Nine Color Fire Lotus.

Lin Feng got two.

The rest was divided equally among the demon monks.

Then, Lin Feng looked at the rolling magma in the core area.

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder: "Is the sky fire hidden under the magma world?".

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