Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 522: funeral casket

Lin Feng felt that no matter what, he should go to the bottom of the magma world to see what was going on below. If he could find the sky fire, it would be a great opportunity.

Lin Feng said to Bai Qiu, "There seems to be something wrong below this magma world. I plan to go down and take a look. However, the situation below is unknown and may contain huge dangers. I suggest you wait outside!"

In fact, Lin Feng made this explanation mainly because he was worried that these people would think that he went down to seize the opportunity for himself.

Explain it to them, and if they are willing to listen, there will be no problem.

If they were unwilling to listen, then Lin Feng had no choice but to take them down together. If they really encountered a danger that could not be solved, they might be injured in it.

It's all their own choice.

Bai Qiu was the leader of these people. He said, "Okay, let's wait for Brother Ji outside. Brother Ji should be careful himself!".

"Master Ji, be careful!"

"Brother Ji, be careful!"

"If there is any danger, Mr. Ji must notify us as soon as possible!"

Bai Qingcheng, Nangong Yao, and Su Wanning spoke separately.

Seeing that the three beauties of the Demon Clan had such a relationship with Lin Feng, several male cultivators from the Demon Clan were slightly surprised. These three people had very high standards.

Ordinary people can't stand the eyes of the three beauties.

But looking at the attitude of the three beauties towards Lin Feng, it is really unusual. If the three beauties have no special impression of Lin Feng, it is absolutely impossible. They all have a good impression of Lin Feng, right?

The five male cultivators of the demon clan couldn't help but feel a little guilty. It's not that they were jealous of Lin Feng. They were relatively close friends with the three beauties of the demon clan. They had never thought about the relationship between men and women. However, Lin Feng was attracted to her at the same time. The three beauties of the Zhuoyao Clan have a relatively intimate attitude towards him.

They felt very surprised, and they were somewhat amused. Men and women are often similar to each other. For example, two beauties have a good relationship and stay together all the time. Then there are several handsome guys who are very attentive to one of the beauties, and the other one is very courteous. Even if the beautiful woman doesn't show anything on her face, she will probably be extremely appetizing.

Men probably have similar emotions, but they are not as severe.

Lin Feng just said the word "good".

Then he quickly flew towards the magma world, and a mana light shield appeared outside his body. This mana light shield protected Lin Feng within it.


Lin Feng entered the magma and sank to the bottom in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng quickly flew downwards, and what he saw was a rolling red color. The magma here seemed to be very different from ordinary magma. The temperature was many times hotter than ordinary magma.

This kind of magma is really terrifying and can burn many powerful monks to death, but it is nothing to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng went all the way deep.

At the same time, his mind was also exploring the magma world.

Suddenly, Lin Feng sensed that something seemed to be rushing toward him quickly. Because in the magma world, all abilities were suppressed.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless.

He quickly took action and activated several defensive magic weapons, which formed a powerful defensive light shield to protect Lin Feng.

next moment.

Bang bang bang.

The fiery red beams of light quickly hit the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng. The impact was quite powerful. At first, Lin Feng did not see clearly what the fiery red beams were. When it hit the defensive light shield outside, Lin Feng finally knew what the fiery red beam of light was. It turned out to be fiery red magma fish.

This kind of magma fish has an extremely slender body, like a fiery red magic arrow shot out.

Incredibly fast.

The tip part, the mouth part, is extremely sharp, like a lost arrow.

A slender body, extremely fast speed, and a sharp head.

This leads to the fact that this kind of fish can form quite terrifying attacks, and the impact is even more powerful than the top magic arrows.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

After the first wave of attacks, more fiery red beams shot toward Lin Feng quickly. There were too many.

In the magma world, although Lin Feng's sight was blocked, his spiritual sense could sense it.

Overwhelming fiery red beams flew in. After these fiery red beams bombarded the defensive light shield outside him, they turned into magma fish due to the huge impact. These magma fish would swim to other places and continue to turn into fiery red. The beam created a new impact on Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng is now under continuous attack.

It was as if there was an army of monks that were continuously shooting magic arrows, constantly impacting his defensive light shield.


Lin Feng shouted coldly, and he sacrificed twenty or thirty stone swords.

These stone swords strangled the fiery red beams of light that shot quickly.

Many magma fish were cut into two pieces by twenty-three stone swords.

However, the fiery red beam transformed by the magma fish still had no intention of stopping attacking Lin Feng and continued to shoot towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said coldly, "I want to see how many magma fish there are that I can kill!".

Lin Feng continued to move the twenty-three stone swords crazily. These stone swords surrounded Lin Feng, forming a sword net.

At least half of the magma fish that flew quickly were strangled by Lin Feng's sword net composed of twenty-three stone swords.

These magma fish finally became afraid, and their attack power began to weaken significantly.

It didn't take long for the magma fish to give up its attack on Lin Feng.

When the magma fish stopped attacking Lin Feng, Lin Feng put away the stone sword and continued to fly downward.

This time, Lin Feng became much more careful.

The main reason is that I don’t know what dangers there are behind me, so be careful and you won’t make a big mistake.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the bottom area of ​​the magma world. When he came here, he saw that there were a large number of skeletons piled up at the bottom area of ​​the magma world.

This place is like a thousand ravines, and it has obviously experienced extremely fierce battles.

Only then did this place become what it is now.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze. He saw a high platform. On the high platform, there was a huge sarcophagus.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that he could not see Tianhuo.

He flew to the side of the sarcophagus and found that there were some words written on the lid of the sarcophagus.

It is an extremely ancient writing.

Burial cremation coffin.

Lin Feng read the words written above, and he was a little confused.

What do these words mean?

Could it be that that kind of sky fire is dead? Buried in this coffin?

Will Tianhuo also die?

Lin Feng decided to open the coffin and examine it.

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