Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 529: A tragic battle

The overwhelming swarm of God-killing ants had completely surrounded this place. Lin Feng knew that he had to break out quickly, otherwise when the swarm of God-killing ants launched an active attack, they would be in dire straits. If they wanted to escape, it would be impossible. Such an easy thing.

While Lin Feng condensed the flowers of fire and used the sky fire to blow up the god-killing ant colony, he ordered the undead army to deal with the god-killing ant colony.

But this time there was a problem, mainly because there were too many God-killing ants this time. The flower of fire blew up some of the God-killing ants, and then the new God-killing ant colony was culled again. Come, the cycle repeats itself, and it is impossible to clean up the current God-killing ant colony just like we did before.

Therefore, the role played by the Flower of Fire at this time is actually quite limited.

The undead army played a great role. With so many undead charging together, the lethality formed was quite powerful. Lin Feng and the others kept pushing forward.

Katcha kacha.

But at this moment, something evil happened. The corpses kneeling in the square all twisted their bodies, and a sound of bones rubbing together came from their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, the densely packed corpses of the monks who were kneeling on the ground rose into the sky and came towards Lin Feng and the others. The number of these corpses was extremely large, almost ten to twenty thousand, and they were quite powerful.

Lin Feng couldn't help but want to curse when he saw this situation. Dealing with the swarm of God-killing ants was already overwhelming. What's more, there were so many powerful corpses coming to kill them. These corpses were very strange, and they were not born. The undead monks with spiritual consciousness seem to be puppets.

In the distance, the monster's lips kept moving, as if reciting a spell. It was obviously that guy who moved the corpses in the square.

Now there is some trouble.

But all Lin Feng and the others could do was try their best to rush out.

However, the situation was much more serious than Lin Feng imagined. They were greatly hindered, and the flesh and blood of many undead monks were eaten clean by the God-killing ants.

After the flesh and blood of these undead monks are eaten, they are equivalent to "death".

Then he was resurrected inside the Book of the Dead.

But even if they can be resurrected, it will be difficult for them to take action in a short period of time, and they will not be able to provide help to Lin Feng at this moment. This is a very bad thing.

However, Lin Feng had no way to prevent the undead monk from being devoured.

"It's useless, don't talk about you anymore, even if the elders from fifty immortal palaces or more come, they won't be able to get out of here!".

The monster standing in front of the temple said sinisterly.

When he said this, he was not bragging, it was probably the truth.

Mainly because there are too many God-killing ant colonies, making advancement difficult.

What's more, there are so many puppet-like corpses helping the God-killing ant colony.

Naturally, it is exhausting to deal with.

If Lin Feng didn't have hundreds of thousands of powerful undead legions at his command, he would have been unable to hold on long ago, but even with the help of so many undead legions.

Lin Feng could no longer hold on.

There are too many dead undead monks.

Lin Feng had mobilized about 500,000 undead monks before, but now as many as 300,000 have died, leaving only about 200,000 undead monks left.

And the remaining 200,000 undead monks were basically all injured.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, has not yet rushed out of the area where the square is located.

Looking into the distance.

It can be seen that a large number of God-killing ant colonies have even filled the exit passage.

This place is also a forbidden space and cannot be traveled out.

This is Lin Feng.

At this moment, my mentality is also a little unbalanced.

No one can remain calm in the face of death.

Not even Lin Feng could do such a thing.

"Everyone, let's use self-destruction to help the master rush out!". The Yin Ghost King roared loudly.

"Okay!", the rest of the monk army also shouted.

Then, Lin Feng saw it.

The army of undead monks on his side rushed forward like one after another.

Then their bodies exploded.

When so many powerful undead exploded together, the destructive force formed was naturally terrifying. A large number of God-killing ant colonies were blown away. The destructive force even blew away the corpse cultivators who were besieging Lin Feng and others.

Although they can be resurrected inside the Book of the Dead after death.

But seeing these undead monks blowing themselves up one after another, Lin Feng still felt like crying.

In order to save the woman and let the undead army that finally recovered enter the recovery period again, it may not be possible for him to escape.

this operation.

Lin Feng suffered too much loss here.

Lin Feng was also extremely depressed, but it involved cause and effect.

Had to solve it again.

It's just that there is no use thinking about these things or feeling sorry for yourself now. The most important thing is to rush out of here quickly.

Army of the Undead is tragic.

Because they "died" again in the most tragic way, self-destruction is perhaps the most painful way to die. Not only the physical pain, but also the mental pain it brings is unimaginable. This is the way of heaven. , so many people will not blow themselves up even if they die.

Although the self-destruction was tragic, the effect it played was also extremely amazing.

The army of the undead blazed a trail of blood through self-destruction.

When Lin Feng and the undead army reached the entrance of the passage, only the last few thousand undead monks were left alive.

They rushed into the passage and self-destructed. Through this tragic self-destruction, a large number of God-killing ant colonies were wiped out.

And Lin Feng successfully entered the passage.

There were also a large number of God-killing ants accumulated in the passage, and the remaining undead monks self-destructed along the way. When the last undead monk also self-destructed, there were no more undead monks around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was left facing the dense swarm of God-killing ants around him.

Fortunately, the passage is not too big. Although there are a lot of God-killing ants here, they are nothing compared to the other side of the square.

Lin Feng threw out more than a dozen light **** condensed by fire flowers, blasting a gap.


Lin Feng rushed out of the passage.

Lin Feng dared to stop, and quickly rushed outside.

As he flew outside, he looked behind him. A large number of God-killing ants were chasing after them, but they were not as fast as Lin Feng, so they were all left behind by Lin Feng.

Soon after, the monster and the corpse cultivators also came out.

The monster roared angrily, "Corpse Slave, stop him!".


The female cultivator (Bone Cultivator) whom Lin Feng had met before, after hearing the monster's angry roar, stepped out of the void and blocked Lin Feng's way.

Seeing this female cultivator blocking the road, Lin Feng's expression changed slightly.

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