Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 530: little stone man

This woman was really powerful. If she tried to intercept him, Lin Feng knew that this woman would be able to do it without causing any serious harm to herself.

Just drag it until the army of god-killing ants comes and kill it.

Once he is surrounded by the army of God-killing ants again, it will be very difficult to escape smoothly. Lin Feng is very clear about this.

But what surprised Lin Feng was.

The woman just looked at herself and didn't take any action.

She moved her lips slightly, as if she was saying something, but Lin Feng didn't understand lip language and didn't know what the woman was talking about.

When Lin Feng saw that she didn't take action, he rushed out quickly.

"Damn it, Corpse Slave, what are you doing? Why didn't you stop him?" In the distance, the monster was roaring filial piety and roaring to the sky. He was really extremely angry because the Corpse Slave had disobeyed him. will.

Let Lin Feng escape.

It is simply an unpardonable sin.

The woman looked extremely indifferent when facing the monster. She said, "I don't need to explain to you what I will do!".

"you wanna die!". The monster roared.

But he seemed to have thought of something and did not attack the woman.


Lin Feng successfully escaped from that area. After leaving there, Lin Feng flew all the way, as fast as lightning.

He found a hiding place.

There was a cave here. Lin Feng entered it and sealed the cave with a ban. Lin Feng quickly entered the time space.

After entering, Lin Feng did not immediately retreat to practice. Instead, he first observed the army of undead monks inside the Book of the Dead.

Now the army of undead monks has been resurrected inside the Book of the Dead.

However, there is a process for their recovery, unless they can find a special place where they can recover quickly. If they are lucky, they can even complete evolution in large batches and become much stronger than they are now.

But Lin Feng also knew.

This kind of thing is not simple.

After Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts withdrew from the Book of the Dead, he began to retreat to heal and recover his body.

His injury was not serious, it was just a serious loss.

Naturally, it is not difficult to recover.

Soon Lin Feng's body recovered completely. Lin Feng planned to see how the woman was doing. In order to save this woman, Lin Feng suffered heavy losses.

But I finally settled the cause and effect with the woman who had the dream.

It can be regarded as a matter of complete merit and virtue.

When Lin Feng walked towards the woman's location, Lin Feng discovered that the sculpture had moved again.

This made Lin Feng a little surprised.

The sculptures stopped moving when I was in the temple before, but now they start to move. It's really abnormal.

Lin Feng took out the sculpture.

He immediately noticed that the sculpture was shaking slightly.

Moreover, there are also some lines on the sculpture.

It's a crack.

"Huh? Is this going to crack? What's going on? Is there something sealed inside?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but be confused.

In the past, Lin Feng judged whether the sculpture was born spiritually, so he knew how to control his emotions. Now it seems that maybe his previous judgment was wrong. This sculpture may not necessarily be spiritually born. It is more likely. There may be something inside this sculpture.

It is something inside the sculpture that can produce emotional changes.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He continued to wait to see what would appear after the sculpture cracked.

Katcha kacha.

The sculpture is cracking faster and faster.

Not long after, the sculpture was covered with dense cracks.

Just a light touch.

The cracks seemed to collapse.

Lin Feng tapped the sculpture lightly.


Sculpture, broken into pieces.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, saw what the thing in the sculpture was. It turned out to be a palm-sized stone man.

After the palm-sized stone man appeared, he tried to escape.

Lin Feng had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed the stone man.

"Let me go, let me go quickly!".

The stone man struggled.

Lin Feng said, "I'm afraid you weren't born as a sculpture. What's going on?"

The stone man shouted, "I am also a victim. I was sealed into the sculpture by the ant king. Back then, the ant king wanted to completely fuse me with the sculpture, and then sacrifice me into him. Fortunately, my life should not have been cut off and was snatched away. Otherwise, I would have died long ago!"

Lin Feng said, "Then what is the origin of the ant king?".

The stone man said, "I really don't know where he came from. Not long after I was born with spiritual consciousness, I was discovered by the ant king. My fate was extremely tragic. And the ant king was incredibly powerful and powerful. It’s disappointing!”.

Not to mention the god-killing ant swarm around the ant king, let’s just say that the ant king himself has at least ten immortal palaces, which is indeed ridiculously strong.

Lin Feng was far from the Ant King's opponent in a single fight. It was not an accident that the stone man fell into the hands of the Ant King.

When Shiren saw that Lin Feng was still silent, he said weakly, "The things I know are really limited. I have told you everything I know. Can you let me go now?"

Lin Feng said, "Wouldn't it be better to stay with me?".

Lin Feng was not joking. This stone man was very unusual. Although his body was small, Lin Feng felt that it was even more extraordinary than the Nine-Aperture Stone Man. Its origin was definitely not simple.

Joining the strongest heavenly group is definitely a good addition.

The stone man said, "I'm so sorry, I still have my own things to finish! I really can't stay with you!".

Seeing that Lin Feng's face didn't look good, Shi Ren quickly said, "But I know a secret. If I tell you that secret, how about you let me go?".

Lin Feng said, "But you have to say ugly things first. If your so-called secret has no appeal to me, then I'm sorry, but I still won't let you go!"

The stone man said, "I'm sure this secret will definitely have a huge effect on you, and you will definitely be extremely interested!".

Lin Feng was surprised that this guy was so confident.

He asked, "What is the secret you want to say?".

The stone man said, "I know a place. Although that place is a bit strange and dangerous, there are huge opportunities in that place. Moreover, that place may be able to quickly recover your recovering undead army!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. This guy Shiren is really not simple. He never told him that the dead souls were resurrected and recovering inside the Book of the Dead. He actually knew everything about this ability. , indeed amazing.


What interested Lin Feng even more was the place he said contained huge opportunities and could allow the undead army to recover quickly.

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