Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 534: Lin Feng VS Nine-Female Emperor

"Hahahaha, brothers, we are saved!". Poison Ancestor laughed.

Counting the Poison Ancestor, there are only eight monks left who are still alive.

The eyes of the other seven people could not help but light up slightly. These people were all subordinates recruited by Poison Ancestor. Although they did not know enough about Poison Ancestor, Poison Ancestor was indeed very capable.

If they hadn't been plotted by the opponent this time, they might have broken out of the siege under the leadership of Poison Ancestor, instead of being trapped here like now.

At this time, Lin Feng had already flown over. He looked at Poison Ancestor and asked, "Are you okay?".

"fine!". Poison Ancestor replied.

The monk in golden clothes looked at Lin Feng coldly and asked, "Boy, who are you? Do you want to meddle in other people's business? I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, I will kill you here too." , do you believe it?".

After hearing the golden-clothed monk's threatening words to him, Lin Feng showed a sneer. He said coldly, "The person who touched me dared to say such shameless words to me. He is simply arrogant." It doesn’t matter if you seek death, let’s take your lives today!”

After finishing his words, Lin Feng waved his hand and sky fire flew out.

Hoo **** ho.

The sky fire instantly enveloped the army of thousands of monks, and then began to burn crazily.


Many monks let out shrill screams. Lin Feng's sky fire itself was powerful, and Lin Feng's strength was getting stronger and stronger now.

The control over the sky fire became more and more powerful, the sky fire was activated, and the power released became more powerful. It was normal for these monks to be unable to withstand Lin Feng's sky fire.

Many people began to try to break out, but it was useless. The sky fire formed a rune blockade. Any monks who wanted to break out were knocked back by the runes formed by the sky fire.

The gold-robed monk roared angrily, "Boy, do you know who we are? We are the subordinates of Lord Jiu Ni Emperor. If you dare to burn us to death, Lord Jiu Ni Emperor will not let you go!".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised when he heard what this guy said, but he never thought that these people were the subordinates of Emperor Jiu Ni. Lin Feng did not have a good impression of Emperor Jiu Ni. After all, what this guy had done before was indeed Not very authentic.

Lin Feng also knew that the Nine-Female Emperor had also formed his own power on the island.

This means to be completely freed from immortality.

But what if these people were subordinates of Emperor Jiu Ma? These people almost killed Poison Ancestor. Of course Lin Feng was angry. Therefore, after hearing the threat from the golden-robed monk, Lin Feng ignored him at all. Threatening, he sneered and said, "Even the Nine-Female Emperor can't save your lives!".

These monks are mainly undead monks, and some are monks born inside the reincarnation channel.

Not long.

Many people were burned to ashes.

Of the more than a thousand powerful monks, only the last few dozen were left who had not been burned to death.

However, they were all struggling to hold on, and it seemed that they could no longer hold on.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. The remaining people were extremely powerful, and he could try to include them in the Book of the Dead.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng tried to activate the Book of the Dead.

Then he wanted to use the Book of the Dead to devour these monks.


This time there was a problem.

Lin Feng's Book of the Dead actually had no way to collect these monks.

Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. Among those people, except for four or five people who belonged to the creatures inside the reincarnation channel, the rest were undead monks. Since they were undead monks, they should be restrained by his Book of the Dead and would also be restrained by him. The Book of the Dead was collected, but the actual situation was not like this.

I don't know where the problem is.

Lin Feng guessed that it might have a lot to do with the specialness of these undead monks in the reincarnation passage.

This is a change caused by the rules of heaven and earth, making it difficult for Lin Feng's Book of the Dead to collect these undead monks.

In fact, Lin Feng had previously thought that after entering the reincarnation channel, he could collect a large number of undead monks to increase the number of the undead army. Now, it seems a bit impossible.

But it’s hard to say this kind of thing.

Maybe it was because of the island that he couldn't collect it. Maybe it would be fine once he left here. Lin Feng would try again and again, and he would definitely be able to find out the specific reason.

Since it can't be collected, just erase it.

Under Lin Feng's urging, Tianhuo became more and more powerful.

"Sir, help me, my lord, help me!"

"Spare my life, I am willing to live up to my expectations, please spare me!".

Some people were calling the Nine-Female Emperor to save them, while others were begging Lin Feng for mercy.

Poison Ancestor was not surprised at all that Lin Feng mastered such methods. After all, in Poison Ancestor's view, even ordinary quasi-pioneer-level monks were no match for Lin Feng.

These undead in front of me are nothing.

Among the monks around Poison Ancestor, two were creatures born in the reincarnation passage, one was a demon cultivator, one was a demon cultivator, and the other five were undead cultivators.

They were all stunned at what was happening in front of them.

They really didn't expect it.

This person is so terrifying.

Maybe things will turn around for them following Poison Ancestor?

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help but get excited.

'boom! ', At this moment, a terrifying breath came from high in the sky, and then a whirlpool appeared, and a majestic and cold voice appeared in the whirlpool, "Who gave you the courage to burn my subordinates with sky fire? ".

"It's Lord Jiu Fei Emperor." Many people's eyes brightened. Emperor Jiu Ma discovered the situation here and came down with great magical powers, making these people feel that they would not die in Lin Feng's hands this time.

Instead, Lin Feng was dead this time.

They didn't believe that Lin Feng could fight against the Nine-Female Emperor.

Looking at the reincarnation passage, there are very few monks who can compete with the Nine-Female Emperor. They are all elder-level existences that intimidate one party.

And among these people.

But there is no such person as Lin Feng.

Facing the Nine-Female Emperor who was about to appear, Lin Feng sneered and said, "Nine-Female Emperor, I can kill whoever I want. I don't need anyone to give me the courage. I will tell you what I said here today. If you want to kill them, even you can't save them!".

After the words fell, the power of the sky fire became even more terrifying.

"Ah...Sir, help me...". Many people were screaming.

But they couldn't resist the burning of the sky fire, and they were burned to ashes by the strong sky fire in just a few breaths.

"You are looking for death!".

A roaring sound came from the whirlpool, and then, a big hand descended from the sky and blasted towards Lin Feng. It was the big hand made by Jiu Niu Emperor's supernatural power. It had the power to overwhelm the heaven and earth. This Jiu Niu Emperor His strength is indeed terrifying. His attacks from such a long distance are so powerful. He is worthy of being one of the top powerhouses who has been banned for a long time.

That big hand quickly crushed it down, as if it wanted to beat Lin Feng into a pulp.

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