Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 535: Sad Poison Ancestor

Although Lin Feng could not accurately estimate the realm of the Nine-Female Emperor, he could probably guess that this guy was a monk from forty or fifty immortal temples.

So of course the attack he made was powerful, but this guy was not his true self, and if he remembered correctly, Lin Feng remembered that before the accident occurred, this guy failed to attack the goddess Ji Yao, and was injured instead. His body's injuries must have not recovered.

His strength is not at the peak level, nor is the attack coming from him. Even if it is powerful, it cannot deter Lin Feng.

Lin Feng showed no fear and swatted back with his palm. A large energy handprint suddenly condensed in the void. The large energy handprint collided fiercely with the large energy hand struck by Jiu Ni Emperor.

Bang, accompanied by an extremely fierce attack.

The collision between the Nine Maiden Emperor's attack and Lin Feng's attack instantly shattered the surrounding void. However, the space in this place was very special. It was repaired immediately after the space was shattered. Lin Feng felt incredible. He had never seen anything broken before. The space was repaired so quickly.

After Lin Feng destroyed the attack of the Nine-Female Emperor, he only saw him walking towards the vortex above the nine heavens.

The roar of the Nine-Female Emperor came from the whirlpool, "Boy, I have underestimated your strength, but it is useless. I can sense your strength. You are like an ant in front of me." Dog, I want to kill you, no one in heaven or on earth can save you!"

After the words fell, more terrifying fluctuations shook out of the vortex. It was obvious that Emperor Jiu Ni was preparing a new, more powerful attack.

Jiu Ma Emperor is very powerful, and after the recent defeat, the new attack he is brewing is absolutely powerful. Lin Feng also knows this, so Lin Feng has no intention of letting Jiu Ma Emperor brew up a new attack.

Lin Feng stepped up to the sky and punched towards the whirlpool one after another.

Lin Feng's power is really powerful.

Every punch struck seemed to have the power of annihilation, causing the vortex to shake continuously.

This made the Nine-Female Emperor very angry.

"You go to hell!".

The Nine-Female Emperor roared angrily, as if he wanted to release the attack in advance.

He didn't have enough time to prepare and released the attack in advance, so the power of the attack would be correspondingly much weaker.

But in order to be able to deal with Lin Feng, he had to do this.

But Lin Feng did not give Jiu Ni Emperor this chance. When Jiu Ni Emperor was about to release his attack, Lin Feng once again raised his fist and struck the whirlpool fiercely.

This time, the whirlpool could no longer hold on.

The whirlpool began to collapse in a large area, which also caused the new attacks of Emperor Jiu Ni to be submerged in the collapsed whirlpool without being able to be released.

The Nine-Female Emperor roared loudly, "Boy, you are fine, you are fine. No matter where you escape, I will find you and cut you into pieces!".

Lin Feng responded coldly, "Haha, losers will be hysterical."

Lin Feng's words made the Nine-Female Emperor choke. He wanted to say something else, but the vortex had completely disappeared, so he could only hold back what he wanted to say.

Deep in a dense forest.

Palaces have been built here, and these palaces are all palaces that Jiu Ma Emperor carries with him. He opened up the mountain forest and summoned the palaces. A group of palaces has even formed around it, with a magnificent momentum.

And from one of the deepest palaces, the roar of the Nine-Hair Emperor came out, "Asshole, damn, damn, you deserve to die, I will definitely kill you!".

Lin Feng naturally didn't know that the Nine-Female Emperor was now going a little crazy.

He, Du Zu and others quickly left the area. After leaving, Lin Feng found a quiet place for Du Zu and others to heal their injuries.

Poison Ancestor was the first to recover.

After he recovered, he walked towards Lin Feng who was resting not far away.

"Has your body fully recovered?". Lin Feng looked at Poison Ancestor and asked.

"Completely recovered!" Du Zu replied. The two of them were so familiar that there was no need to say thank you.

Therefore, Poison Ancestor never said a single word of thanks to Lin Feng from beginning to end.

Lin Feng introduced Xiao Tianlei to Du Zu.

Then he introduced Poison Ancestor to Xiao Tianlei.

After the introduction, both parties greeted each other.

Poison Ancestor took out the porcelain bottle and said, "Sir, this is for you."

Xiao Tianlei on the side felt incredible when he saw this scene, because this thing was something that Poison Ancestor risked his life without handing over. He felt that Poison Ancestor must need the Supreme Water to practice, so he did not hand over the Supreme Water. Yes, but look at what the Poison Ancestor is doing now. He actually took out the porcelain bottle containing the Supreme Water and handed it to Lin Feng. Even if he is Lin Feng’s subordinate, this thing belongs to the Poison Ancestor, and Lin Feng doesn’t have it. I asked the Poison Ancestor for it, but the Poison Ancestor still took the initiative to take it out.

This is something that you would risk your life not to hand over, just to give it to Lin Feng?

How loyal is this to be able to do this?

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Many people feel that Poison Ancestor does not practice hard and seriously, but is just doing nothing all day long. Lin Feng should not be so partial to Poison Ancestor, and even give some of Poison Ancestor's good things to other members of the strongest heavenly group, then the achievements of others It is definitely far greater than what Poison Ancestor has achieved.

To put it bluntly, giving things to Poison Ancestor is relatively wasteful. It is really undeserved to receive such preferential treatment just because he has followed Lin Feng for the longest time.

But if some people who question Lin Feng's approach see what Poison Ancestor did today, they will know why Lin Feng is so good to Poison Ancestor.

Poison Ancestor’s dedication, Poison Ancestor’s loyalty.

It is incomparable to anyone.

Lin Feng really needed something like the Supreme Water, so the Poison Ancestor handed the Supreme Water to him. Lin Feng did not shirk, and he accepted the porcelain bottle.

Lin Feng didn't say anything pretentious.

With his relationship with Poison Ancestor, there was no need to say those words, everything was left unsaid.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that you are very lucky. You can even find things like supreme water!".

Poison Ancestor said, "Actually, I didn't find it!".

"Huh? What exactly happened?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Poison Ancestor said, "That's it. I heard about the Tree of Reincarnation, and I felt that it must be extremely important to the Young Master. The Young Master might also form a force in the future, so I thought of recruiting some powerful people for the Young Master in advance. I have recruited more than 20 lay monks in total, and we are discussing finding a place to establish our base camp."

"At this time, a piece of blue bronze that the demon monk who is currently in seclusion had moved. We relied on the induction of that thing to find a secret place. There are many good things in that secret place. The most precious thing is this supreme water. But we didn't expect that someone discovered that we were looking for the supreme water, but we didn't find those people. They went back to report the news, and then the golden-robed monk took the people. Come and besiege us”.

"I led everyone to break out, but failed to break out. I could only ask for help from the young master. Fortunately, the young master rushed over in time. It is just a pity for the subordinates who took refuge in me. Although we have known each other for a short time, they were in the most dangerous time. He didn't betray me, but unfortunately, many people have been killed now!"

Speaking of this, Poison Ancestor's voice couldn't help but become a little deeper.

Obviously, Du Zu was very sad because of the deaths of those people.

Lin Feng could understand Poison Ancestor's mood. He did not say anything to comfort Poison Ancestor, but just patted Poison Ancestor on the shoulder.

This world is so cruel.

You must become stronger to survive better in this cruel world.

Lin Feng felt that after what happened today, Poison Ancestor's state of mind might change.

He might also become hardworking.

This is not a bad thing. After all, the end of reincarnation is coming, and the day of the decisive battle is getting closer. The war at that time will definitely be extremely tragic. Only when the strength becomes stronger, the possibility of survival will be greater.

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