Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 543: Land of Four Symbols

"Sir, is there anything wrong with the slave family?". Charming Demon couldn't help but ask after feeling Lin Feng's gaze.

When questioning Lin Feng, she even twisted her body slightly. It was obvious that Sui Yao didn't mind others admiring her graceful and charming body.

Especially, she was even less concerned about being appreciated by Lin Feng, the new master.

And Lin Feng is really strong, handsome, and very charming. Although they have known each other for a short time, Sui Yao somewhat admits that she is attracted to this new master.

So to be precise, Sui Yao not only didn't care anymore, she was even happy to show her beauty and charm to Lin Feng.

Only this time, the succubus obviously thought wrong.

What Lin Feng was really interested in was the magical power possessed by the succubus, not the succubus herself.

Lin Feng rarely exchanges things like martial arts and supernatural powers with others on weekdays. This is because Lin Feng feels that exchanging these things with others is not necessarily a good thing for him. First, it will create dependence, and second, it will create unhappiness. Small cause and effect.

Of course, people may not be willing to exchange with Lin Feng. After all, everyone has their own unique skills, and they are definitely not willing to teach their own unique skills to others.

In addition, there is another point, that is, the magical powers that really interest Lin Feng are relatively rare.

If you encounter that if you want to obtain this kind of magical power, you must meet several other conditions, then the probability of finally being able to make a deal with others is naturally low.

But the succubus is different from the others.

After all, she is her subordinate.

It was relatively easy to talk to, and it was not unacceptable to have some causal entanglements with the succubus. Therefore, Lin Feng felt that he could talk to the succubus in private about her mirroring technique later.

If possible, Lin Feng plans to make an exchange with Charming Demon.

If the succubus is unwilling, Lin Feng will not force the succubus.

That's how he is, even if he is a subordinate, he will not force his subordinates to do something they don't want to do.

Lin Feng said to Charming Demon, "Charming Demon, now I will rename the monk army here to the Jiuzhou Monk Army. You will serve as the commander of the army, while Poison Ancestor and Xu Tu will serve as deputy army commanders to assist you!".

"Yes, Master!".

Charming Demon said sweetly. She bowed to Lin Feng and bowed, but her eyes were observing Lin Feng's changes. She originally found that Lin Feng should have some interest in a beauty like her.

Then the eyes should be a little... special.

However, she only discovered it now.

This does not appear to be the case.

The look Lin Feng looked at her was a very normal look, the same look he looked at anyone else. This showed that Lin Feng had no such thoughts about her at all. This made the succubus wonder if her charm had declined. Why? Lin Feng turned a blind eye to her.

I have to say that women, especially beautiful women, are always very confident in themselves.

Countless people can admire her and regard her as a goddess, but she can completely ignore them.

This seems to be a matter of course.

But when she found that she couldn't attract the attention of some people, she suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Sometimes it’s even self-doubt.

It's not that you doubt your charm.

I just wonder if there is something wrong with the other person, for example, he likes men but doesn't like women.

For the time being, Charming Demon has not thought about Lin Feng in this regard.

On the other side, Du Zu and Xu Tu also agreed.

Lin Feng did not arrange for Du Zu and Xu Tu to serve as army commanders. First, considering their strength, they were still somewhat unqualified. Second, they were not familiar with this army of monks, so many tasks were not easy to carry out.

But there is no problem at all in arranging the succubus to serve as the leader of this army.

Not only is Charming Demon strong enough, but she is also familiar with the Monk Army. In addition, she had a relatively high status in the Monk Army and was relatively prestigious. In addition, many people must regard her as a goddess and are willing to listen to her.

Therefore, it is definitely the best choice for her to serve as the commander of this monk army.

Lin Feng immediately made introductions to both parties.

The succubus said, "Master, let's go inside and talk!".


Lin Feng nodded.

Under the leadership of Charming Demon, Lin Feng and the others flew towards the depths.

The monk army also dispersed, each going to his stationed place.

Those monks who came to join the Demon Emperor's command seemed to be in a state of excitement. The scene they saw today was really exciting.

The king's flag changes at the top of the city.

It just happened in the blink of an eye, which made many people feel a lot of emotion.

The monk in charge of registration shouted loudly, "If you want to join the Kyushu Monk Army, please continue to register!".

It changed so fast, even my name changed.

But everyone is even more enthusiastic because this new master is more powerful.

It seems that everyone has forgotten the slain Heavenly Demon Emperor and others.

But Lin Feng did not forget.

Because Lin Feng knew that this Heavenly Demon Emperor had a good relationship with Jiu Ni Emperor, it goes without saying that Jiu Ni Emperor's strength was natural. Even if he had not fully recovered from his injuries, Lin Feng was not able to compete with him. The Demon Emperor was killed, and coupled with the previous conflict between Lin Feng and Jiu Ni Emperor, Lin Feng felt that Jiu Ni Emperor's true form might come over, so while flying towards the depths, Lin Feng kept thinking Observing the terrain here.

You don't know it by looking at it. After reading it, Lin Feng couldn't help but show a look of surprise. This place is really not simple. It is not a simple place of dragon veins. To be precise, it should be a place of four elephants.

The east is dominated by green dragons, which is where the dragon veins are located.

The west is dominated by white tigers, which are the peaks located in the west of the mountain range, like a tiger with teeth and claws.

The peaks in the south look like the sacred bird Suzaku spreading its wings and flying high.

The mountain peaks in the north look like a Xuanwu prostrate on the ground.

It happens to concentrate the trends of East Qinglong, West White Tiger, South Suzaku and North Xuanwu.

Such a place is definitely a treasure. No one who doesn't know how to read Feng Shui can find such a place. It seems that the Demon Emperor is still a person who knows how to read Feng Shui. This guy is quite capable.

Such a place is indeed a very suitable place for Lin Feng to set up his formation.

After negotiating with Sui Yao about trading the mirror art, Lin Feng needed to start setting up the formation.

If you want to fight against a terrifying powerhouse at the level of Jiu Ma Emperor, you must rely on the power of the formation, otherwise there is no chance at all.

And this happens to be Lin Feng's specialty.

If he was lucky, Lin Feng felt that with the power of the formation, he might be able to make this place the burial place of the Nine-Female Emperor.

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