Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 544: Exchange with the succubus

The several palaces deep in the mountains are very impressive. These are the palaces that the Demon Emperor carried with him before. After establishing his power, he summoned the palaces and placed them in the palaces. This is probably what many people will use. a method.

Now, these magnificent palaces have become Lin Feng's main palaces.

They entered the hall of the temple.

A maid brought tea, and everything was so natural, as if Lin Feng had always been the master here.

Charming Demon looked at Lin Feng and said, "Master, I have something to say. I don't know whether to say it or not?".

Lin Feng said, "But it doesn't matter."

Charming Demon said, "The Heavenly Demon Emperor has good relations with the Jiu Ni Emperor. Now that the Heavenly Demon Emperor is being killed, the Jiu Ni Emperor is likely to take action!".

Lin Feng thought it was something, but it turned out to be this. He said, "Don't worry, I have already figured out how to deal with the Nine-Female Emperor. If I'm lucky, I can definitely make this guy come back!".

Hearing this, Charming Demon's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, and her charming eyes looked at Lin Feng curiously, seeming very confused as to what method Lin Feng mentioned.

But Lin Feng didn't say anything, and she didn't have the nerve to ask.

On the other hand, the stone man Xiao Tianlei on the side asked curiously, "How do you plan to deal with the Nine-Female Emperor? That guy is ridiculously strong!".


Lin Feng described it lightly.

Xiao Tianlei nodded. The method of formation is mysterious and unpredictable. In many cases, it can have extremely heaven-defying effects. It is indeed a good way to deal with Jiu Ni Emperor. In fact, it is not only against Jiu Ni Emperor, but also against Jiu Ni Emperor. A great way to deal with anyone.

After hearing this, Charming Demon was a little surprised. Since Lin Feng said to use formations to deal with the Nine-Female Emperor, he was obviously quite confident in his own formation level before he said this.

Charming Demon didn't think Lin Feng was bragging.

Considering Lin Feng's strength and identity, there is no need to brag about these things, which makes the enchantress a little confused. Lin Feng does not seem to be too old (although Lin Feng hides his true age, but the enchantress's methods are relatively She is special, but she can see through the essence and sense out a general idea, so she probably knows some details about Lin Feng, but the succubus did not tell these things.)

It is really surprising that his cultivation is so strong and his attainments in formations are so advanced.

What an attractive man.

Lin Feng looked at Charming Demon and said, "Charming Demon, actually I also have something to talk to you about!".

"I wonder what the young master wants to talk about?". The succubus asked curiously.

Lin Feng said, "That's it. I have a technique here that can greatly increase the speed of monks' cultivation and the success rate of monks' breakthrough. Are you interested?"

Hearing this, Charming Demon's eyes suddenly lit up.

For these powerful monks, perhaps, there is nothing more important than quickly improving their cultivation.

The succubus licked her dry **** lips and asked, "Does the master want to give these skills to the slave? What should the slave do? The slave is willing to do anything for the master!"

After saying that, he winked at Lin Feng.

It seemed like he was trying to seduce Lin Feng.

How straightforward.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. This woman is really like a fairy. For such a woman, you don't think her behavior seems a bit frivolous, but you also have to look at who the target is. In front of ordinary people, she is aloof. She only becomes frivolous when she wants to be in the presence of a "frivolous person". Most people cannot enjoy this treatment.

And if you really think that someone's behavior is a little frivolous and you really think that someone is easy to get along with, and then they are careless, you will probably be in trouble by then.

Fortunately, Lin Feng had no such thoughts about Charming Demon.

He said, "I do have one thing I want you to do for me. How about using your mirror art in exchange for it?"

However, Lin Feng thought that Xiaoyao Tian Gong was a technique he used to reward his important subordinates.

The Succubus is now in charge of the Monk Army.

He is also a figure that Lin Feng relies on very much.

Lin Feng himself would teach Xiaoyao Tian Gong to Charming Demon, but now he is exchanging this skill with Charming Demon, which seems a little unreasonable.

After thinking of this, Lin Feng continued to say to Charming Demon, "Of course, I can teach you one more powerful magical power, or I can give you some top-level training resources you need."

Sui Yao blinked her eyes and thought to herself that it would be enough to change the situation. Lin Feng actually made it so grand, which made her feel a little at a loss.

Lin Feng said, "Actually, if you make great achievements in the future, I originally planned to teach you Xiaoyao Tiangong, but I will give it to you now, just in advance! Therefore, I will give you some more things to exchange with you!"

"Master is really a gentleman. I have exchanged things with him, but it's enough to exchange them for each other. Master doesn't need to prepare anything else for me." The succubus said with a smile.

Although the succubus said so, when the exchange was actually made.

Lin Feng still prepared some things for the enchantment. Lin Feng had gotten a lot of good things over the years, which naturally included some powerful magical powers. Among these magical powers, there were magical powers that women specialized in. Lin Feng found a comparison among them. He then took out some super-level immortal stones and gave them to Charming Demon along with the cultivation method of Xiaoyao Tian Gong.

The Charming Demon taught Lin Feng the magical power of the Mirror Image Technique.

After the charm demon got these things from Lin Feng, she was a little stunned. She thought that this new owner was too generous. He even said that he would exchange one for another and give himself so many more good things, including magical powers and super-level immortal stones. Every time They are all so precious and attractive. It seems that choosing to surrender to Lin Feng is indeed a pretty good choice.

Charming Demon thanked Lin Feng and put the things away.

She said, "Master, then I'm going to retreat for some time!".

Lin Feng knew that Charming Demon was eager to digest the things she had just obtained in order to improve her own strength. Lin Feng could understand how she felt, so he nodded and said, "Okay, go ahead!".

The succubus bowed and left quickly.

After the succubus left, Lin Feng sensed the jade tube that the succubus gave him. The method of practicing the mirror art was recorded in the jade tube.

Lin Feng planned to see what was so special about the mirror art that even amazed him.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was.

The first paragraph he sensed already made him extremely surprised and moved.

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