Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 545: Wait for the enemy to come

The first paragraph introduces it like this:

The mirror clone formed by mobilizing 30% of one's own mana has 100% of its own combat power and can last for thirty breaths. Moreover, the mirror clone can conceal all fluctuations, making it difficult for the enemy to detect him. The presence.

The technique of mirror image is indeed terrifying. Not only did Lin Feng make such an evaluation because the mirror image clone is as powerful as his original self, but the biggest reason is that it can cover up all fluctuations and make the enemy defenseless. This is a type of external incarnation. The means are far from being able to do the thing.

But the mirror technique can do it. Thinking back to the previous battle, the cloud demon is actually much stronger than the succubus, so it can always suppress the succubus, so that the succubus can only parry and not fight back. Power.

Normally, the final result would definitely be the defeat of the Succubus, but because of the mirror clone, the Succubus killed the Cloud Demon. It was because the Succubus mirror clone completely covered her own aura, even though the Cloud Demon was extremely powerful. , however, he did not notice the mirror clone appearing silently behind him.

This led to his final defeat.

It can also be seen from this battle that the effect of the mirror technique is incredible. The only thing that makes people feel a little pity is that the mirror clone condensed by this method can only last for thirty breaths. time.

Thirty breaths take about half a minute.

The persistence time is indeed a bit short. If the persistence time is long enough, it would be too unnatural.

However, this terrifying magical power is too special and unnatural.

It is not particularly realistic to keep this kind of magical power for such a long time.

Even so, Lin Feng was extremely satisfied with this magical power. Such a special magical power was always used at critical moments.

It can definitely play a huge role at extremely critical moments.

Lin Feng did not practice this magical power immediately. The top priority now was to quickly arrange the formation. Because Lin Feng didn't know when Jiu Ni Emperor would come, so he quickly arranged the formation to prevent the formation from being arranged when he came. Well, that's bad.

Lin Feng just let Poison Ancestor and the others move around on their own, while he wanted to study the formation combinations.

After all, he was dealing with a powerful person like the Nine-Female Emperor who could possibly control forty or fifty immortal palaces. He had to develop a relatively perfect formation, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with a powerful person of this level.

This shouldn't be a particularly difficult thing for Lin Feng.

In order to save time, Lin Feng entered time and space to study formation combinations. It took him ten days to research three formation combinations. After careful selection, Lin Feng chose one of them. A combination of formations.

In fact, Lin Feng felt that the effects of the three formation combinations should be similar. The reason why he chose the formation combination he was about to use was because Lin Feng could find the materials needed for this formation combination here.

Lin Feng does not have some materials for the other two combination formations here. If the other two formations are used, the people below will have to help collect the materials. Can they be collected and how long will it take to collect them? They are all unknown.

Naturally, the less trouble, the better.

After Lin Feng prepared all the materials, he left time and space. When he came outside, he learned that the succubus was still in seclusion, but it didn't matter whether she came out or not. Lin Feng would not use the succubus when setting up the formation anyway.

In the next few days, Lin Feng began to set up a large formation with this mountain range as the core area.

Lin Feng's idea is.

After the formation is successfully deployed, he will also arrange the monk army at various key positions until the Nine-Hair Emperor attacks and the formation is activated.

These monk generals can follow Lin Feng to mobilize the formation.

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

With so many people activating the formation together, the power that the formation can exert must be even more amazing.

The possibility of killing the Nine-Female Emperor will also be greater.

Lin Feng spent about three days and finally successfully arranged the formation. The four-elephant formation was the basis, and various killing formations, illusion formations, binding formations, etc. were used as supplements.

The effect that can be exerted will definitely be extremely amazing.

After the formation was set up, the enchantress also came out.

Lin Feng could clearly feel that Charming Demon's strength seemed to have improved a lot.

So the succubus was also smiling.

He seems to be in a good mood.

The succubus said, "Has the master arranged the formation?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, the formation has been set up now. In this jade tube is the defense map. You divide the monk army into different small groups according to my requirements and station them in these places!" .

Lin Feng said and handed Charming Demon a jade tube.

In this jade tube, everything is explained clearly.

After taking the jade tube, the enchantress said "yes". Then he asked, "Master, the Nine-Female Emperor is coming to us soon. Should we stop recruiting monks?"

Lin Feng said, "Why suspend the recruitment? Not only do we not suspend this matter, we also have to let people publicize the fact that the Nine-Female Emperor is coming to avenge the Heavenly Demon Emperor. It will definitely attract more people." !".

Hearing this, Sui Yao seemed to have figured out something, and she said, "Master, this is such a good idea, it is a great opportunity to promote our Kyushu monk army.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Then he said, "Okay, just do what I tell you. I've been exhausted these past few days, and I need to take a good rest!".

"Good master!". The succubus responded.

After the charmer left, Lin Feng returned to his residence and had a good sleep. Then Lin Feng went into seclusion in time and space to practice the art of mirroring.

This is a heaven-defying art, and Lin Feng also wants to quickly master the mirror art. This magical power may be able to exert miraculous effects.

at the same time.

Jiu Ma Emperor also knew about the Heavenly Demon Emperor. He also knew that the person who killed the Heavenly Demon Emperor was none other than the monk who had snatched the Supreme Water before.

This made the Nine-Fed Emperor Zun murderous.

Jiu Ni Emperor decided to leave, and the monks under his command suggested that Jiu Ni Emperor come with the monk army, so that Lin Feng and others could be quickly eradicated.

But the Nine-Female Emperor said, "Do we need an army of monks to deal with such children? I am enough!"

The subordinates felt that what Emperor Jiu Ni said was reasonable, and they all understood the character of Emperor Jiu Ni, so they stopped trying to persuade him.

And due to the deliberate spread of some news, a large number of monks have gathered outside Jiuzhou Mountain (Lin Feng changed the name of the mountain).

These people are here to watch the fun.

"Look, the Nine-Female Emperor is here!". Suddenly, someone pointed in the distance and shouted loudly.

Many people looked in the direction pointed by the monk, and everyone saw a man walking towards them like a dragon and a tiger.

There is an indescribable temperament about him.

It was as if he were a supreme master who ruled over this world, causing countless people to have the urge to worship him.

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