Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 546: I will pursue the goddess Ji Yao!

The Nine-Female Emperor is indeed powerful, and the aura exuding from his body is terrifying enough to make people intimidated.

The monks gathered around became excited.

The Nine-Female Emperor really came.

In fact, during this period, they also heard some rumors. The specific rumors were about the grudge between the current master of the Kyushu Monk Army, "Ji", and the Nine-Female Emperor.

The identity of this "Ji" is very mysterious. Who exactly he is is still a mystery.

But it is said that Ji's subordinates were surrounded by Jiu Ni Emperor's subordinates before, saying that they wanted to rob them of something.

Ji arrived in time and killed everyone.

Later, Emperor Jiu Ma took action, but was unable to do anything to them.

This is the first time the two sides have had a grudge.

The second feud was because of the execution of the Demon Emperor.

It is not clear whether the first grudge is true, but many people think it is groundless. This thing may be true, but the second thing is that Lin Feng killed the Demon Emperor. There is no dispute about the matter.

This is indeed the case.

Otherwise, this place would not have become Jiuzhou Mountain, and the monk army here would not have been renamed Jiuzhou Monk Army.

It can be said that the two sides have old and new hatreds added together, and now there is a good show.

"The Nine-Female Emperor came here alone. Isn't it a bit exaggerated?" someone raised a question.

Then someone asked, "How do you say this?"

The monk then said, "Jiu Ni Emperor is extremely powerful. Everyone knows this, but the monk named Ji was able to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor, which shows that his strength is also quite powerful, although it may not be as good as Jiu Ni Emperor." Emperor Zun is so powerful, but don't forget that there are still hundreds of thousands of monks here that can be mobilized."

This person's words are naturally easy to understand. In other words, Lin Feng can mobilize hundreds of thousands of monks to deal with the Nine-Female Emperor.

It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, not to mention that there are so many people on Lin Feng's side.

A monk said, "You underestimate the strength of the Nine-Female Emperor. It is said that the monk named Ji should be considered a relatively young monk. No matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? The peak of the Creator is already incredible. , then let’s move him up one level and regard him as a quasi-pioneer-level strongman. But even this strongman probably only broke through not long ago. Otherwise, why didn’t he have much fame before? ? Everyone knows exactly what top-notch experts were in the reincarnation channel before, but there is no Ji, so just breaking through the quasi-pioneer realm is already the limit of Ji!"

"Look at his opponent Jiu Ni Emperor. He has the existence of forty or fifty immortal temples. Everyone must not forget one thing. A long time ago, Jiu Ni Emperor already had forty or fifty immortal temples. The strength of the Immortal Palace has been improved, and it is still this strength that is shown to the outside world. In the words of Jiu Ni Emperor, the strength has not improved in the past years due to being sealed, and has even declined a lot. I think this kind of person If you say that, you can't believe it completely, or even half of it. His strength is definitely more terrifying than imagined, and even if he only shows the strength of forty or fifty immortal temples, he will have no problem against hundreds of thousands of monks. , if this number is doubled several times, there will probably be no problem!”

After hearing what this monk said, many people felt that there was indeed some truth to what he said.

Quasi-pioneer level experts are relatively rare.

Not many such strong men can be born in one reincarnation. That is, at the end of reincarnation, extremely special changes have taken place in the world, causing some monks to break through this realm, but these people are just entering this realm for the first time.

The mystery and extraordinaryness of this realm are beyond their imagination.

Only a veteran quasi-pioneer level expert like Emperor Jiu Ma can bring out the true strength of this realm.

Therefore, Emperor Jiu Ma came alone.

This is because he is familiar with what he is capable of.

He single-handedly swept through Lin Feng and a legion under his command.

Have absolute self-confidence.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come alone.

"Junior, come out and die!". The cold voice of the Nine-Female Emperor came out.

Lin Feng stepped out and looked at the Nine-Female Emperor coldly.

"Look, it's really coming out!"

"Is he the Ji who is making a lot of noise outside?"

"It must be him. I can't tell his exact age, but he does look quite young!"

Many people were talking about it.

A monk who was transformed into a tree man said, "I am transformed from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. I have an extremely accurate grasp of the breath of life. Although I don't know how old that age is, I have a strong intuition that this person is very... Probably no more than thirty thousand years old!”.

"What? Not more than thirty thousand years old? How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible!".

Many people screamed, completely unable to believe the monk who was transformed into a tree man.

Although there were rumors before that Lin Feng was a relatively young monk, but the youth mentioned here was calculated based on the age of hundreds of millions of years, or even across the ages.

Thirty thousand years is nothing. For many people here, millions, or even tens of millions of years have passed since they fell asleep.

Thirty thousand years are not enough for them to sleep.

So how can they accept that Lin Feng is less than 30,000 years old?

Furthermore, if Lin Feng was really that young, how did he improve his strength? Could it be that they saw a peerless evildoer who defied the heavens?

Many monks watching the excitement were filled with questions one after another.

"Jiu Fei Emperor, I saw clearly the scene when you attacked Goddess Ji Yao before!". Lin Feng said in a calm voice.

The Nine-Female Emperor could not help but be slightly startled. He thought about what Lin Feng would say after seeing his true form.

But he didn't think about it. When Lin Feng came up, he talked to him about the sneak attack on the goddess Ji Yao. Wasn't this exposing his scars?

Therefore, Jiu Ma Emperor's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He said coldly, "Boy, what do you want to express?".

Lin Feng said, "The person I look down on the most in my life is someone like you. If you fail to court, you will directly betray the other person. By the way, I have made a decision now. I will pursue Goddess Ji Yao. Soon, I will marry Goddess Ji Yao." I'm holding you in my arms, but I guess you can't see what happened at that time, but now you can imagine the scene where I and the goddess Ji Yao stayed together, how beautiful and touching it was!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone was slightly startled, and then many people started whispering. This goddess Jiyao is a taboo for the Nine-Feng Emperor. Who dares to talk about the Goddess Ji-Yao in front of the Nine-Feng Emperor? It will definitely annoy the Nine-Female Emperor, and the topic Lin Feng talks about is so exciting, the Nine-Female Emperor must not be angry to death.

Sure enough, everyone looked towards Jiu Ni Emperor and saw smoke coming out of Jiu Ni Emperor's head.

Obviously, the Nine-Female Emperor should have been so angry with Lin Feng that his head was smoking.

"Boy, if you are looking for death, I will cut you into pieces!" The Nine-Female Emperor's voice was cold as he strode towards Lin Feng.

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