Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 554: Arrangements for the mysterious woman

It's no wonder that Lin Feng has random thoughts. After all, if a person's personality changes in a short period of time, it may indeed mean that the person has some problems. For example, this is the case with the woman in front of him.

But the woman quickly let go of Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng looked at this woman with a scrutinizing gaze. Because he suspected that this woman had been taken away from someone, he had to investigate it carefully. Otherwise, if he was confused, this woman was really taken away from him. Who knows? Will do something detrimental to him and Xiao Tianlei.

‘Are you not normal? Are you still the same person you were before? ’, Lin Feng couldn’t help but ask.

Xiao Tianlei on the side also felt that there was something wrong with this woman.

But he didn't expect that Lin Feng would ask so straightforwardly.

Just ask people directly.

However, Xiao Tianlei admired Lin Feng's character of doing things without any hesitation.

The woman finally responded this time. She still didn't speak, but just nodded to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng would naturally not believe her so easily.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie.

Just like the woman in front of me.

Lin Feng asked, "Can I check it?".

I thought that this woman would not agree or even leave directly, but I didn't expect that this woman still nodded.

She actually agreed to Lin Feng's proposal.

"It's really abnormal!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but murmur in his heart, but this did not hinder his next actions. Anyway, it was the woman who agreed.


Lin Feng used his spiritual sense to sense the woman's condition, especially her soul aura.

In Lin Feng's opinion.

There are always some things in a person that are difficult to change and conceal, and soul aura is one of them. It is an important basis for exploring whether a person has been taken away from him.

Lin Feng found out after careful exploration.

The aura on the woman's body was exactly the same as when she was first rescued by him.

That is to say.

She is still the same person she was before.

There was no such thing as being snatched away.

Xiao Tianlei looked at Lin Feng and asked, "How is it?".

Lin Feng said, "No problem!".

He then looked at the woman and asked, "Why are you holding me back?"

The woman then reached out her hand. After making a few simple gestures, Lin Feng understood the meaning of these gestures.

What she meant was that she wanted to be by Lin Feng's side.

Lin Feng thought about it, and he felt that this woman's personality had only changed to a certain extent, not because she wanted to change subjectively, but because the external environment forced her to change.

It is safer to stay with Lin Feng.

And later, if she still acts alone, it will be more dangerous.

He might even be arrested.

Although she has a somewhat cold temperament, she is not a fool and knows how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

However, Lin Feng was not willing to act with such a dragster.


The place Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei went to was more dangerous. Lin Feng didn't know what kind of situation he would encounter. How could he have so much time to care about the safety of this woman.

But since this woman wanted Lin Feng, she wanted to marry him.

Lin Feng couldn't completely ignore her.

After all, no matter how you say it, she is still a delicate and beautiful woman, and she is still the woman she saved at such a high cost.

If she left it alone, something would eventually happen to her.

Then wouldn't he have saved her in vain?


Lin Feng took out a jade tube, and he imprinted the route map back to Jiuzhou Mountain into it. At the same time, he also imprinted some words in the jade tube. After Poison Ancestor saw the jade tube, he would arrange for this woman. Lin Feng handed the jade tube to the woman, and then said, "Follow the route map drawn in the jade tube. When you get to Jiuzhou Mountain, you go find a man named Du Zu. After meeting him, take the jade tube and Give it to him and he will arrange it for you when the time comes!”.

The woman held the jade tube and looked at Lin Feng with a pitiful look.

I have to say that women are all born actors, especially beautiful women. Regardless of whether she looked cold or delicate or charming before, she is quite powerful when it comes to acting, like this Like a famous woman, her current appearance really makes people want to pity her.

Ordinary men may really not bear to let her go back alone, but will take her with them.

But Lin Feng, like a straight man, turned a blind eye to the woman's statement. He looked at Xiao Tianlei and winked at Xiao Tianlei.

Xiao Tianlei understood, and he and Lin Feng quickly flew towards the distance, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Tianlei said, "Has that woman become dependent on you because you saved her twice? I think you can take her with you. That woman should be a very good woman in the eyes of you humans. It’s better to occupy it yourself than to let others occupy it in the future!”

Lin Feng said, "I really didn't expect that you, a guy who seems quite honest, actually has a smoldering heart!".

Xiao Tianlei said, "Men and women only have that kind of thing. What's this called smoldering? And I think what I said makes sense!".

Lin Feng also became serious, and he said, "That woman is more complicated than we thought, so we can't underestimate that woman! It would be better to let her go back by herself. Such a woman of unknown origin is following us. Who knows if something bad will happen next to me!".

Xiao Tianlei said, "I think you are being too cautious. Considering our strength, even if that woman wants to pull some tricks, she doesn't have the ability!"

Lin Feng said, "Many times, strength is not the most fundamental factor that determines everything!".

Lin Feng did not continue to talk about this topic. In fact, because the Corpse Emperor was in the dark forest, and the dark space that Lin Feng and the others were looking for seemed to be in this area, Lin Feng was actually a little worried about meeting the Corpse Emperor.

It was definitely an extremely terrifying existence. Lin Feng felt that with his current methods, he could not deal with the Corpse Emperor, not to mention that the Corpse Emperor could mobilize rotting corpses to fight against the enemy. He still had to be more careful, but Lin Feng was happy. However, in the subsequent actions, he and Xiao Tianlei did not see the Corpse Emperor again, not even a rotting corpse. The Corpse Emperor and his corpse army seemed to have left this dark forest.

For Lin Feng, this is naturally a good thing, as it can save him a lot of trouble.

And one day later.

Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei finally arrived at the place Xiao Tianlei mentioned.

I saw that deep in the dark forest, a place full of restrictions and dangers.

After passing through many terrifying killing formations, a huge cave appeared in the depths. The entrance of the cave was twisted.

According to Xiao Tianlei, it looks like a cave, but in fact it is not a cave. When you enter it, you will find that you have actually entered a mysterious, ancient, and terrifying dark space.

(End of chapter)

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