Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 555: Found the secret?

"When we enter it later, we have to be careful, because there seems to be some terrifying existence lurking in the darkness, which makes me feel extremely uneasy!". Xiao Tianlei said solemnly.

In fact, if you have more contact with Xiao Tianlei, you will know that Xiao Tianlei is also a very courageous person.

Adventurous and not afraid of danger.

But the experience here, after so many years, still makes him unable to forget it. It can be seen that this place is definitely an extremely dangerous place. If you be careful, there is nothing wrong.

Lin Feng said, "No problem, just be careful yourself."

The two of them did not stop, and then flew towards the depths. They were very fast and rushed directly into the cave.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that the surrounding void was violently distorted. The powerful force of distorting time and space seemed to want to crush the monks who rashly broke into this place into a pulp.

This is an extremely dangerous situation and signal.

Many people are probably going to be robbed. It seems that not everyone can enter this place.

But it was nothing to Lin Feng. He easily resolved the strong external pressure on him.

He and Xiao Tianlei successfully entered the dark space. It was indeed dark here and the visibility was extremely low. Even Lin Feng's visual ability could only see the situation within a range of more than 20 meters.

No matter how far away you are, you can’t see clearly.

Lin Feng used his spiritual sense to sense the surrounding situation, and the sensing distance was about three hundred meters.

It's quiet here, no sound at all.

If it weren't for Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei entering here, this world would have been completely static. However, Lin Feng could still feel an aura that made him very uncomfortable, filling this place.

This is a place where danger and opportunity coexist.

Lin Feng had long been accustomed to being in danger. He tried to mobilize his Book of the Dead. To Lin Feng's surprise, the Book of the Dead did move.

Here, there is really something that can quickly revive the undead inside the Book of the Dead.

But what exactly it is is still unclear.

You need to find specific locations to know what is hidden in those places.

"Let's go!".

Lin Feng said to Xiao Tianlei that in fact, when he got here, Xiao Tianlei's mission was completed and he could leave.

But Xiao Tianlei had no intention of leaving, and obviously wanted to follow Lin Feng to get a piece of the pie.

Lin Feng relied on the induction of the Book of the Dead to go deep into the dark space with Xiao Tianlei.

While going deep into the dark space, Lin Feng had been carefully observing the surrounding situation.

After all, this place gave Lin Feng a very bad feeling. Unexpected dangers may appear anytime and anywhere. If you don't be careful, it will be bad if you get robbed.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that he and Xiao Tianlei had not encountered any danger after entering the dark space for a long time.

Not only Lin Feng was strange, but Xiao Tianlei was also strange.

Xiao Tianlei said, "It's really a bit abnormal. Isn't there a saying called the calm before the storm? Now this kind of quiet and weird environment makes me feel very uneasy!". ....Lin Feng said, "Everyone has already come in. There is no point worrying now. To be more cautious, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. If we encounter trouble that cannot be solved, I think we can escape with our methods." It’s not a big problem to go out!”

Xiao Tianlei nodded.

Lin Feng discovered that as he continued to go deeper, the abnormal motion induction generated by his Book of the Dead was also increasing, which meant that he was getting closer to that place.

Three hours later.

Lin Feng entered a mountain forest that was filled with a cold atmosphere. Lin Feng had a strong premonition that the place he was looking for was in this mountain forest.

Lin Feng had an in-depth communication with the Book of the Dead.

Lin Feng quickly locked a direction and flew towards that place with Xiao Tianlei.

But not long after, Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei encountered something terrible.

In the darkness, a huge ghostly face appeared.

This huge grimace appeared so suddenly that neither Lin Feng nor Xiao Tianlei noticed it.

After this ghostly face appeared, it sprayed a large amount of black gas directly at Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei. It was unknown what the black gas was, and it enveloped them.


Lin Feng couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice. He sensed the danger and immediately retreated with Xiao Tianlei. However, their retreat speed was still a little slower.

That grimace.

The sprayed gas fell on Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei, and something terrible happened immediately. Lin Feng felt that his body was out of control, and his body fell towards the ground.

Xiao Tianlei and Lin Feng were in exactly the same situation.

It was that kind of gas that seriously affected their bodies. They all fell to the ground, and then evil, black hands stretched out from under the earth, grabbing the bodies of Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei, and trying to Force them into the ground.

Above ground and underground seem to mean the world of heaven and the underworld.

Lin Feng knew that the current situation was extremely bad. If they were really dragged down by those big hands, death might be waiting for them. This was not an exaggeration at all.

However, Lin Feng instinctively felt that there seemed to be something strange here.

Lin Feng didn't know exactly what was strange.

Lin Feng quickly opened his Eyes of Origin.

When he opened his Eyes of Origin, Lin Feng suddenly saw a different world.

Above, there is a huge spider monster, as high as three stories, with a twisted grimace on its abdomen, which is exactly the same as the grimace he saw before. Although he and Xiao Tianlei have fallen to the ground now, they are not Instead of being held by ghost hands, he was entangled in a spider web.

That giant spider monster must know how to use illusions and poisons, otherwise, Lin Feng would not be tricked.

Fortunately, Lin Feng woke up in time, and before the spider monster swallowed him and Xiao Tianlei, Lin Feng quickly sacrificed twenty-three stone swords.

The speed of the twenty-three stone swords was really too fast. Although the spider monster reacted extremely quickly, it was killed by surprise after all.

In addition, its body is relatively large, so it cannot avoid all stone swords.

There were still eight or nine stone swords piercing the spider monster's body.

The spider monster fell to the ground dead.

Lin Feng used sky fire to burn the spider webs that entangled them.

After killing the spider monster, Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei couldn't help feeling that their backs were wet with cold sweat.

It was really dangerous just now.

"This place is really weird," Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Tianlei also nodded in sympathy.

They didn't stop and continued walking forward.

After passing through many dark areas, Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei saw a lake appearing in front of them. The lake was not too large in size and the water in the lake was very calm with no waves at all.

It's as smooth as a mirror.

Lin Feng's eyes brightened, because Lin Feng discovered that the changes in his Book of the Dead became more and more intense.

That is to say.

The water in the lake in front of you is probably something that can quickly restore the undead army within the Book of the Dead.

And Lin Feng felt.

In this place, even the lake is so extraordinary.

It is possible that there are other extremely precious good things hidden somewhere.

People are looking forward to this. .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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