Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 557: Huge gain

What shocked Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei was that there was a table placed in the control room.

There were steaming hot wines and dishes on the table.

There is also a copper hot pot.

The aroma of the wine and the aroma of the dishes are mixed together, making people's taste buds tumble.

You know, Lin Feng had just included the lake water here into his Book of the Dead, and this sunken ship was so dilapidated, the hull was corroded, and there was no protection mechanism to protect the sunken ship.

Such a situation.

The steaming wine and dishes appeared in the control room. It was indeed too strange. In the early years, Lin Feng once found warm tea in some places where no one had entered for a long time, but those places were just so. This happens because those places are sealed by perfect bans.

Time doesn't even flow in those places anymore.

Therefore, things like tea can still be warm, but this place is different. This place is not banned.

Xiao Tianlei rubbed his eyes vigorously, he wanted to confirm whether he had seen it wrong.

After he confirmed that he had not seen anything wrong.

He couldn't help but curse in a low voice, "Oh my god, we won't hit evil, will we?".

Lin Feng said, "The collision is not as weird as the situation we encountered. This sunken ship is too weird. Let's quickly explore other places. If we can find something good, it's best. If we can't find it, let's hurry up." Leave this place of right and wrong!”.

Xiao Tianlei has no objection to this.

Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei exited the control room because he felt that there was something sinister about that place and it was better not to explore it.

After Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei came out, they began to rummage quickly on the second floor. Lin Feng and the others searched every room.

But nothing was found.

Exactly the same situation as the first level.

Xiao Tianlei cursed, "Damn it, it's really unlucky. We won't get nothing, right?"

Lin Feng's mentality was relatively peaceful. After all, he came here to find something that could quickly restore the undead army within the Book of the Dead.

Now, it's been found.

He was already very satisfied.

If other things can be found, it will be just an unexpected surprise for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "It's normal if you can't find it. After all, someone might have been here before us!".

Xiao Tianlei thought for a while and felt that this was really a possibility, so he cursed a few more times in a low voice.

The mood seems to be getting worse and worse.

But Lin Feng didn't hear the content of his curse.

The two quickly arrived at the third floor of the cabin. Generally speaking, this place has the best view and should be where the owner lives. After arriving here, Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei began to search room by room.

As before, they searched dozens of rooms but found nothing.

There are still the last fifty or sixty rooms left to look for.

After coming out of the room they just explored, the two walked towards the next room.

Suddenly, Lin Feng looked behind him.

The corridor was dark and quiet, with no sound at all.

Xiao Tianlei noticed Lin Feng's movements and asked, "What? Did you find anything?".

He also looked behind him and saw nothing.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He always felt that there seemed to be something behind him, but when he looked behind him and sensed the specific situation behind him, he found nothing.

This is an evil place in itself.

It's normal for some weird situations to occur. It's also normal that there may even be some terrifying beings lurking in this place. As long as the other party doesn't take action, Lin Feng won't take the initiative to provoke these beings.

Lin Feng replied to Xiao Tianlei and said, "It's okay, let's check the other rooms quickly!".

Xiao Tianlei didn't think much and said "ok".

He and Lin Feng continued to search other rooms.

They thought they would find nothing this time, but they didn't expect that after entering the last room, Lin Feng and the others discovered that this room was actually a different place.

In fact, the rooms here are not very large.

A room is divided into inner and outer rooms, both of which are about fifty or sixty square meters.

But the difference between the last room and the other rooms is that the interior of this room is actually its own space.

Although this space is not particularly large.

But it’s also as big as one or two thousand square meters.

And here, there are many things, such as the boxes of things stacked together. Some boxes were opened. Lin Feng saw the super-level fairy stones piled in the boxes. The number was almost tens of thousands. many.

This is an extremely precious and rare resource. Tens of thousands of super-level immortal stones are an extremely astonishing amount.

In addition, there are some bookshelves with many books and scrolls on them. Those things probably record many precious inheritances or secrets, or prescriptions, etc., and their value is also extremely extraordinary.

In another place, there are many rare treasures piled up. They are all truly unique treasures, otherwise they would not be placed here.

Lin Feng saw at a glance some materials for forging quasi-pioneer-level magic weapons. Although the quantity was not large, there were as many as three or four pieces.

"Is that the Eight Spirit Stone Body?"

Xiao Tianlei exclaimed.

He looked in one direction, and there was a table in that direction, and on that table was a little white jade-like figure.

The white jade-like little man has eight eyes.

It looked very strange, but Xiao Tianlei was extremely excited after seeing the eight-eyed beauty.

He said to Lin Feng, "I want this Eight Spirit Stone Body. This is one of the strongest stone bodies born in the early stages of the last reincarnation. I didn't expect that there is still such a stone body handed down to this day. If I fuse this stone body Body, how will my strength transform into, hahahaha!".

Lin Feng said, "Okay, I can give it to you. Everything else is mine!".

"Here you go, here you go!".

Xiao Tianlei quickly rushed towards the Eight Spirit Stone Body.

Lin Feng started to collect other things. There were too many good things here, and Lin Feng didn't look at them carefully. He had to leave here and check again.

After Lin Feng collected the other things, Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei quickly headed outside.

They don't want to stay in this place any longer.

If you leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, you will be safe sooner.

They were rushing through the corridors, trying to get to the deck as quickly as possible.

But at this time, a voice sounded from behind Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei.

"You're already here, don't leave in a hurry...".

After the sound came out, Lin Feng suddenly felt as if a ghost was blowing on his neck, which made him shiver.

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