Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 558: big trouble

Sure enough, something happened that Lin Feng didn't want to see. It was not easy to leave here smoothly. But at this time, Lin Feng felt that in order to make his mind peaceful, he had to let it go. Only when you calm down can you not be confused by any strange phenomena.

Lin Feng could only call what he was experiencing now a "weird phenomenon".

It was because Lin Feng felt that if the other party really had a way to attack them, they would attack them as soon as possible. There was no need to end up in this situation.

This can be regarded as Lin Feng's experience.

Many times, a monk's experience can actually play a huge role, especially in times of danger. Some experience can often help a monk avoid danger. Lin Feng knew that Xiao Tianlei lacked experience in these aspects, so Lin Feng reminded, " No matter what you hear or feel, don't pay attention to it. Follow me and keep moving forward. Once we leave this sunken ship, the situation will be much better!"

"I remember!".

Xiao Tianlei said.

Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei continued to rush forward. The corridor was obviously not too long, but now Lin Feng felt that the corridor he was walking on was so long.

It seems that no matter how you walk, you can't cross the past.

Lin Feng knew that this was also an illusion. He and Xiao Tianlei were both in this illusion now. Just don't take the illusion as reality. Lin Feng opened his eyes of reality. What surprised Lin Feng was that even if Opening his True Eyes, the road in front of him is still very long, which means that the existence of the shot can actually affect his True Eyes.

Lin Feng combined the use of clairvoyance with the Eye of Truth.

All of a sudden.

Then there was a huge change, and a path appeared in the darkness, a path with a faint light.

That seemed like a path of hope.

At this time, that voice echoed in Lin Feng's ears again.

"If you take something you shouldn't take, you won't be able to leave...".

It was a voice that sounded a bit vague, but also made people feel extremely cold and forbidding. This voice made Lin Feng feel a chill all over his body. This feeling was really quite bad.

But Lin Feng has a strong will.

No matter what he heard or even saw.

Lin Feng ignored him, as if nothing could affect him.

Lin Feng was fine, but there was a problem with Xiao Tianlei. After all, Xiao Tianlei still couldn't resist the temptation of that voice. He turned his head and looked behind, not knowing what he was seeing. Got something.

Then Xiao Tianlei made a strange cry.

When Xiao Tianlei's voice fell, Xiao Tianlei rushed towards the depths. When Lin Feng heard Xiao Tianlei's cry, he felt that something was wrong. He reached out and grabbed Xiao Tianlei, trying to Caught Xiao Tianlei, but failed.

Xiao Tianlei has already rushed towards the depths.

This is even worse, because Lin Feng doesn’t know what the situation is in the depths, but no matter what the situation is, Lin Feng feels that the location in the depths is definitely not simple, and it is definitely extremely dangerous, especially before. There were no problems when they collected those treasures, but now they are leaving but some problems have arisen. Perhaps collecting those treasures also means that Lin Feng and the others have touched some mechanism or broken some kind of balance, and this is how evil has appeared. Strange things.

Now it was no longer close to break out of the sunken ship, but Lin Feng faced an extremely important choice. One was to choose to break out of the sunken ship and completely ignore Xiao Tianlei's life and death. Anyway, their contract was over, and Lin Feng did not save Xiao Tianlei. Tianlei's obligation. This choice is obviously the most advantageous situation for Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng can't figure out what is going on inside. When he doesn't know anything, it is best to protect his own safety. First things first.

The second is to choose to turn around and enter to rescue Xiao Tianlei, but this situation is more complicated. If Lin Feng can cope with the situation inside, it will be fine. If he cannot, it will be troublesome. For Lin Feng, it is also extremely dangerous. matter.

Lin Feng only hesitated for a moment before deciding to save Xiao Tianlei.

It's not that Lin Feng is so noble, it's mainly because Lin Feng has his own principles.

Since he came in with Xiao Tianlei, regardless of whether Xiao Tianlei had anything to do with him, in Lin Feng's view, at least they could be considered "companions" now.

Leaving Xiao Tianlei alone without caring about anything.

Lin Feng couldn't do this kind of thing.

Lin Feng turned around and rushed towards the depths quickly. He saw that Xiao Tianlei was swept into the last room by a strange force. That room was also the room where Lin Feng and the others collected the treasure. This made Lin Feng very surprised. I know that when Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei were looking for the treasure in that room, Lin Feng actually used his spiritual thoughts to explore that place.

They didn't find any hidden cells or anything like that, and naturally they didn't find any powerful existence hidden in that room.

I can't control that much now.

Let's go into that room first, then everything will be known.

Soon, Lin Feng also rushed into the room.

When Lin Feng rushed into it, he saw that Xiao Tianlei was kneeling on the ground and kept mumbling something.

And as Xiao Tianlei muttered, a hexagonal formation appeared on the floor in front of Xiao Tianlei.

That hexagonal formation exudes mysterious power and aura.

It gives people a creepy feeling.


Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

But Xiao Tianlei didn't seem to hear Lin Feng's shout. He continued to chant something, probably some extremely ancient spells.

The specific function of this spell is unknown, but Lin Feng knew that Xiao Tianlei must be stopped.

If this guy is not stopped quickly, who knows what terrible things will happen.

Lin Feng quickly rushed towards Xiao Tianlei. Lin Feng's idea was simple, since he could not stop Xiao Tianlei.

Then just suppress Xiao Tianlei directly.

This can also prevent Xiao Tianlei from further actions.

Lin Feng fired the Eight Seals of the Forbidden God, trying to suppress Xiao Tianlei, but at this moment, the hexagonal formation suddenly flickered slightly, and then terrifying power surged out from the hexagonal formation.

A cold voice then came out, "Boy, do you think you can stop me from being born?".

The next moment, that kind of power collided with Lin Feng fiercely.

What made Lin Feng pale in horror.

Even he couldn't bear it. He was blasted away by that violent force. The force was so terrifying that it made his blood boil and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

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