Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 560: Did the old stone man take action?

The man in black said, "Inheritance and creation!".

"What's the meaning?". Lin Feng asked.

The man in black said, "You are such a smart person, can't you guess what I mean?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Can the so-called inheritance be understood as the inheritance of blood?"

What Lin Feng said was rather vague, but it probably meant that those who survived may have blood inheritance with those terrifying beings. Of course, after each era and reincarnation passed, the inheritance between blood may have been It is extremely thin, especially those forces that live in every corner of the four universes. The blood inheritance contained in their blood may be even thinner.

But as long as there is still a trace of bloodline inheritance in the blood, it does not mean that the inheritance has been completely cut off, because this trace of bloodline may one day return to the ancestors. Bloodline inheritance is so magical.

Lin Feng continued, "As for creation, is it about creating a race?".

For many people, creating a race is probably akin to a legend, but this kind of thing is actually not impossible to accomplish. Just like the legend of Nuwa creating humans in mythological stories, this kind of legend is probably not complete. Groundless.

Regarding Lin Feng's answer, the man in black smiled mysteriously and said, "The specifics are not based on what others say, but on what you think."

This guy is obviously selling his stuff.

Lin Feng knew that the truth of the matter might not be as simple as he guessed, but his guesses were probably part of the truth, which is why the man in black said such words.

At this time, the man in black continued, "Okay, I've made you understand now by telling you this. Now, you can go and die!".

After the words fell, the man in black pressed lightly in the air.


Lin Feng saw a big hand condensed in the void. This big hand didn't seem to have anything special, just like an ordinary energy hand. But when he saw this big hand, Lin Feng's heart suddenly jumped. With his throat raised, he felt unprecedented pressure.

If the undead army can still be mobilized, perhaps hundreds of thousands of undead armies can be mobilized to fight against the existence in front of them.

Even if he is not his opponent, when the undead army is fighting with him, Lin Feng can take advantage of this opportunity to escape quickly. But the key is that now the undead army is recuperating, and Lin Feng has no way to mobilize the power of the undead army for the time being. Therefore, Now it's troublesome.

It's obviously not possible to confront him head-on. You have to adopt a defensive method first, stabilize the defense, and then find a way to escape.

Beibei may be able to play a huge role at this time.

Lin Feng activated several defensive magic weapons, and several powerful defensive magical powers such as the Vajra Indestructible Magic were also activated by Lin Feng.

Beibei has also been trying to establish a special connection with the void outside.

It's just that this place has been affected by a strong magnetic field. It's not easy for Beibei to establish a strong connection with the outside world.

And that big energy hand came towards Lin Feng with one blow after another.

Every attack was so powerful. After resisting five attacks from the opponent, the defensive light mask constructed by Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon was also destroyed.


That big hand of energy blasted towards Lin Feng, sending Lin Feng flying away.

If it were anyone else who could have withstood this powerful blow, they would have been beaten to a pulp long ago.

That is Lin Feng.

The physical body is incomparable, so there is no serious problem.

"Beibei, how are you? Can we establish contact?". Lin Feng sent a message to Beibei.

Beibei responded to Lin Feng anxiously.

Obviously, he still has no way to establish contact with the outside world. This has been going on for a long time, but it still has no good effect.

Anyone who encounters this situation will be extremely depressed.

Lin Feng was no exception, and the man in black's attacks became more and more rapid, still using the energy he had just gathered. Although it was only a very simple attack, sometimes the simpler the attack, the more effective the effect. .

Such as now.

The lethality caused by the big energy hand was quite terrifying, making people pale in horror.

"Damn it, fight him!".

Lin Feng gritted his teeth. He was not without desperate means. He even had means such as Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, which unlocked thirty-three times the combat power. When combined with means such as Dragon Elephant Critical Strike and Sword-smashing Techniques, Lin Feng The strength that exploded was absolutely terrifying.

But correspondingly, the side effects are too serious.

It's not something Lin Feng can bear, and Lin Feng won't use it unless it's absolutely necessary.

But today, when Lin Feng encountered the man in black, he really had no choice. He didn't even bother to use ordinary methods because the man in black was too advanced.

He was one of the strongest people in the last reincarnation. Lin Feng didn't even bother to guess what his specific strength was.

To deal with such an existence, one must use desperate measures from the very beginning. This might catch the opponent off guard, otherwise there would be no chance at all.

And just when Lin Feng was about to use desperate measures.


A powerful force descended from the sky and blasted away at the condensed attack of the man in black.

The big hand of energy condensed by the man in black was destroyed instantly.

This sudden scene shocked Lin Feng. What is going on? Someone is secretly helping me?

"Who? Hide your head and show your tail, come out!".

The man in black shouted angrily.

But no one answered him, and countless runes suddenly appeared in the void. These runes condensed into a treasure seal and headed directly towards the man in black to kill him.

"Stone Emperor's Seal, this is that old guy's secret skill!".

The man in black became more and more angry, but facing the attack of the treasure seal, he did not dare to be careless.

He also quickly condensed the seal to resist the attack of the Stone Emperor Seal.

Lin Feng's spirit was suddenly lifted. The man in black mentioned the old thing.

The method used by "that old thing" is also called the Stone Emperor Seal. It must have something to do with the Stone Clan. Lin Feng remembered that Xiao Tianlei mentioned before that he once heard an old stone man talk about some things in the dark space. Old Stone People are also very secretive about this. Could it be the old stone man who took action? Is the old stone man so powerful? He can actually fight against the man in black.

Lin Feng said quickly, "Senior Old Stone Man, Xiao Tianlei was suppressed by him, we must rescue Xiao Tianlei!".

Lin Feng felt that the man in black would not form a deadly feud with the old stone man because of Xiao Tianlei, and the probability of letting Xiao Tianlei go was very high.

But it would not be so easy to talk to him.

This is not a place to stay for a long time. While the two were fighting, Lin Feng quickly flew towards the distance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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