Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 561: important things

"Damn it!".

After Lin Feng left for a while, the fighting here just stopped, but Lin Feng had already disappeared, and the man in black jumped in anger.

in particular.

There was an extremely special thing that was taken away by Lin Feng.

He was about to chase Lin Feng.

He couldn't just watch that thing become Lin Feng's.

At this time, rustling footsteps came.

"who?". The man in black said coldly.

He looked in one direction.

A very old man came out.

"Old immortal, what do you mean, why do you want to stop me from dealing with that kid?". Seeing the old man, the man in black said angrily.

"Shouldn't you be grateful to them for your escape? In the past, you liked to do things like repaying kindness with enmity, and you still like to do such things now. What time has passed now? It's time to change your character!" The old man said.

"You are an old man, you are not qualified to teach me a lesson!". The man in black said coldly, obviously not showing off the old man's face.

The old man didn't care and said, "Release the little Tianlei!".


The man in black snorted coldly, and then threw the crystal ball that sealed Xiao Tianlei to the old stone man. He said viciously, "Whoever stops me from killing that kid is my enemy."

The old stone man said, "I never stopped you from killing him, I just gave you a word of advice!".

"What?". The man in black looked at the old man coldly.

The old man sighed and said, "Although we have survived until now, we are all people who are cursed by karma. Although we are out of trouble now, we are destined to have a bad end. I think that we can escape from trouble all because of the intrusion of these outsiders." If they have changed some things, then, if we want to get rid of that terrible causal curse, maybe they are an extremely important factor. And the kid just now is obviously a powerful person, maybe he will play an extremely important role, so , even if you really want to kill him, you have to wait until you are completely out of trouble before killing him!"

After the old man said these words, he walked into the forest and disappeared.

"Then let that kid live a little longer!". The man in black sneered, then turned into a black mist and flew back to the sunken ship.

"Haha, I'm finally out of trouble...". After flying far away, he still didn't sense the aura of the man in black. Lin Feng stopped in the forest and smiled.

Just now, it was so dangerous.

He almost fell into the hands of the man in black, and I don’t know the specific identity of that guy. His strength is really incredible. The average universe boss is probably inferior to him. Such a existence, in the last reincarnation, It is indeed not a strange thing to become one of the strongest among them.

However, his fate was quite tragic in the end. He was imprisoned in the sunken ship for more than one reincarnation. It was so long that it could torture people crazy. People who have not been tortured crazy can't It is a perversion among perversions.

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard a rustling sound.

"come out!".

Lin Feng looked in one direction, his eyes sharp and cold.

The whole person was tensed together. It was no wonder that Lin Feng was making such a fuss. It was because this place that had been covered in dust for endless years contained too much weirdness and strangeness.

Some banned existences have also appeared one after another, which are too dangerous.

Have to be careful.

Soon, a woman came out.

When he saw this woman, Lin Feng couldn't help but be extremely surprised. He really didn't expect to see this woman in this place, because this woman was none other than the woman he had saved before. She gave her a jade tube and asked her to take the jade tube to Jiuzhou Mountain to find Poison Ancestor. Poison Ancestor would naturally make arrangements for her, but she didn't expect that she didn't go.

Still wandering outside alone.

"Didn't I ask you to go to Jiuzhou Mountain to find the Poison Ancestor? Why are you still wandering around in the surrounding mountains and forests? Aren't you afraid of being captured by other bad guys again? Do you think you have a third chance of good luck? Meeting me Can't I save you?" Lin Feng looked at the woman speechlessly.

The woman didn't say anything and looked up at Lin Feng.

She has always been like this, silent, silent, still silent.

Lin Feng didn't know what she was thinking, and he couldn't bear to blame her anymore. After all, it was not easy for her.

Lin Feng said, "Let's go, I will take you back personally!".

Hearing this, the woman nodded quickly.

In this way, the woman followed Lin Feng and returned to Jiuzhou Mountain.

Jiuzhou Mountain is becoming more and more lively now.

More and more people are coming to join the Kyushu Monk Army, so the Kyushu Monk Army is growing extremely fast.

Seeing such a woman who looked like a fairy in the painting coming back with Lin Feng, Charming Demon smiled and said, "Congratulations to the master for bringing this beauty home!".

No matter how you listen to it, there is a bit of sourness in the tone.

Mainly because women have a desire to compare, and Sui Yao had tried to seduce Lin Feng before.

But Lin Feng didn't take the bait.

Now that Lin Feng has returned with such an outstanding woman, her taste is normal.

Lin Feng said, "Don't get me wrong, this woman doesn't have that kind of relationship with me. She was in danger outside, and I kindly saved her. She had no place to go outside, and it was so dangerous outside, so I took her with her." Come back!".

Charming Demon smiled and said, "Young master really knows how to show mercy to women!".

The succubus reached out casually, wanting to grab the woman's hand and get close to it, but the woman dodged it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh in his heart. Sui Yao had a familiar personality, but this woman had a very cold temperament and would keep people away from her for thousands of miles.

The succubus actually wanted to get close to someone, and as expected, her hot face met her cold butt.

The succubus didn't feel embarrassed, she smiled and said, "Sister, I will arrange for you to rest now!".

The succubus called for someone to take the woman down.

Then Charming Demon, Poison Ancestor, and Xu Tu reported to Lin Feng the situation of the Jiuzhou monk army in recent days.

In just a few days, the size of the Jiuzhou monk army expanded by as much as 300,000, to almost 800,000 monks.

This speed of expansion made Lin Feng extremely happy.

Moreover, there are many monks who have heard about "Lin Feng's brilliant achievements" and are coming from other places.

In the future, the number of the Nine Provinces monk army will obviously continue to increase.

"Sir, there is something very important that I need to tell you!" Poison Ancestor said.

Lin Feng looked at Poison Ancestor in surprise and asked, "What's going on?".

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