Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 566: This woman is so good at catching

Black Stick said, "He is a very mysterious person. I only know that his name is Yang Tianyang, but I don't know anything about his origins and so on!".

"Is your surname Yang?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. He was trying to remember whether there was a particularly powerful person with this surname, or a particularly powerful family and power. But unfortunately, Lin Feng had no impression of this in his mind. It stands to reason that such a person could be born. A family of strong people should not be ordinary.

The so-called mortal body was actually added by those later, just to make it more inspiring.

Of course, there is no denying that people with extremely ordinary backgrounds and extremely ordinary ancestors can still rise up. This is probably a grassroots rise, but this situation is really rare, and people in this situation can go to the extreme. Peak ones are even rarer.

Even though Lin Feng's lineage had completely declined back then, in fact, his lineage still had success factors in it. He was not a mortal in the pure sense, it was just as if the ancient bloodline had been temporarily silenced.

Once awakened, the dragon will surely rise to the nine heavens.

Many people think this is too cruel and unacceptable, but this world is so cruel. If you think this world is an ideal and beautiful world, people living at the lowest level can have the opportunity to become the best. If so, that would be too naive.

There are very few people who can change their destiny, it is fate.

More people are destined to live on the ground.

Lin Feng looked at the black stick and asked, "Does he have any heirs?".

The black stick said, "There was a confidante before, but unfortunately Xiang Xiaoyu died, so no heir was born!".

Lin Feng said, "If this is the case, it would be such a pity!".

After a pause, Lin Feng continued to ask, "Then, where will his bones be buried after his death?".

The black stick said, "I don't know this yet. The Gengzi Demon Lord also wants to know, and I also want to know, so I want to find his burial place one day in the future. Maybe I can let him know. I completely recovered. Unfortunately, although I found some clues back then, I encountered the battle of annihilation at the end of the last reincarnation. The last reincarnation was destroyed. Then, everything changed. Some clues from the past, It has long been of no use. If I want to find his burial place, I have to go out and try to find clues again."

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, that strong man was great and extraordinary.

The place where his bones are buried must have an immortal legacy.

However, the search for his burial place should not be rushed.

Lin Feng looked at the black stick and said, "Now for you, the Gengzi Demon Lord has become a thing of the past. I will become your new master. Of course, you can rest assured that I will definitely try to repair you in the future. , so that you will no longer live with a broken body, there will be a day when you can bloom with the peak power of the past!"

For the black stick, Lin Feng's words were more like drawing a pie for it.

Demon Lord Gengzi did this kind of thing back then. Even though Demon Lord Gengzi himself became stronger, he was unable to help it recover.

Black Stick naturally didn't believe Lin Feng's behavior of painting cakes.

However, the current situation is quite unfavorable for it. Although it does not believe what Lin Feng said, it cannot openly refute Lin Feng.

Isn't that just asking for trouble?

So the black stick also started to pick up good words to say to Lin Feng. It said, "Then I will thank you here first. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you find the place where my former master died, if I can find it." , your harvest is extremely huge, but now that we are trapped in this island, it is still uncertain whether we can get out smoothly, so my idea is also very simple. If we get out smoothly, I We can recognize you as our Lord at that time, but if we can't get out smoothly, it's meaningless whether we recognize you as our Lord now, what do you think?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. He originally thought that the Black Stick guy would admit his master honestly, but this guy still had some tricks up his sleeve. Of course, this guy was soft-spoken and had a very good attitude when he proposed this. A small request seemed not a bad idea, but from another perspective, what the guy with the black stick said was not wrong. Lin Feng felt that it was not impossible to give him this face.

Lin Feng said, "Okay, just do what you said. When the time comes, I will make you convinced that I am your master, and you will also find that following me is the most correct choice you have made in your life." ! And my achievements in the future are destined to surpass your former master!"

Hearing Lin Feng's confident words, Black Stick couldn't help but feel guilty.

Where did this guy get the confidence to say such a thing?

It does not think that Lin Feng is an ignorant person, and Lin Feng is not an arrogant person. On the contrary, he is a relatively calm and low-key person. But what such a person said is worth pondering.

Lin Feng did not stay in time and space for a long time. After coming out, he planned to go to the place where Poison Ancestor said to read the book of prophecy.

The book of prophecy can not only predict some things, but is also extremely terrifying. Anyone who wants to take away the book of prophecy will basically be killed by the book of prophecy. Those who are not killed by the book of prophecy will either die or be disabled. .

Such things really attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Lin Feng found Poison Ancestor and talked about this matter with Poison Ancestor. Poison Ancestor said excitedly, "Hey, sir, should we get the book of prophecy?".

Lin Feng said, "I'm afraid this is not an easy task!".

The two quickly left Jiuzhou Mountain and flew towards the place where the Book of Prophecy was.

On the way, Lin Feng stopped.

He looked behind him and said, "Come out!".

A woman flew out. This woman was none other than the woman Lin Feng had rescued. Lin Feng didn't know her name yet.

"What are you doing with us?".

Lin Feng looked at this woman speechlessly. Logically speaking, it would be safest for her to stay in Jiuzhou Mountain, but this woman didn't seem to be very honest. She was not very strong, but she always liked to run outside. The key is, once When encountering dangers, you cannot solve them yourself.

She looks like a fairy in a painting, but in terms of behavior, she has little ability and likes to catch people everywhere.

And this woman seemed to like to pester Lin Feng and ask Lin Feng to help her clean up the mess, which gave Lin Feng a considerable headache.

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