Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 567: The evil book of prophecy

Lin Feng didn't think that this woman liked him and that's why she kept pestering him.

It was entirely because he had saved her several times before, which made this woman think that he was a kind-hearted person, and he would help her no matter what she did.

I have to say that some women are so confident that they always think others will follow them.

This is probably the so-called "general faith girl".

The woman looked at Lin Feng and made some gestures with her hands. Lin Feng understood the dumb language and knew what she meant. She meant that she no longer wanted to stay in Jiuzhou Mountain and wanted to go out to relax. She didn't follow her deliberately. , I just bumped into him along the way.

Regarding what this woman said, Lin Feng didn't believe even a single punctuation mark. How could he not follow him and Poison Ancestor here on purpose? There were so many directions to choose from. If he didn't follow him here on purpose, why did he choose this one? This direction?


This woman's words are completely untrustworthy.

Lin Feng said, "Then do whatever you want!".

He and Poison Ancestor sped up and flew forward, quickly throwing away the woman.

Poison Ancestor said, "Isn't it too heartless for you to do this? I think that woman seems to be interested in you!"

Lin Feng said, "You are overthinking this, and that woman is more complicated than we imagined. I have saved her several times, and I really don't want to cause her any more trouble. If she has self-awareness, , she will choose to go back. If she insists on going out, her fate will be her own choice and has nothing to do with us!"

Although he said this, Lin Feng actually hoped in his heart that the woman would return to Jiuzhou Mountain quickly and honestly, so that it would be safer. Lin Feng did not want anything to happen to her.

But it was difficult for Lin Feng to take her outside all the time.

After all, Lin Feng had a lot of important things to do. If he took her with him, many things might be delayed.

You can't blame Lin Feng for not knowing how to be compassionate.

Four days later.

Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor came to the mountain forest where the Book of Prophecy was located.

A large number of monks gathered in that area. Basically, they are all monks who came here because of the Book of Prophecy.

But not everyone is qualified to approach the Book of Prophecy, because the mountain range where the Book of Prophecy is located is itself an extremely dangerous mountain range, densely covered with many powerful restrictions.

Those restrictions cannot be resolved by ordinary monks.

The monks who have access to the Book of Prophecy are relatively powerful monks, but even so, they still cannot offset the enthusiasm of many people.

Moreover, it is said that some people have obtained some important clues from the Book of Prophecy, such as where there is an ancient cave, or where magical weapons are buried, etc.

These people who got the news will take their subordinates to search for it. Some of the people scattered around are actually not fuel-efficient lamps. Some people just focus on the monks who get the news and then go out to look for opportunities. These people Wanting to be followed by an oriole, so during this period, there were quite a few fights happening everywhere.

This island is inherently chaotic.


After the Book of Prophecy appeared, it became even more chaotic due to the competition for various opportunities.

When Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor arrived outside the mountain range where the Book of Prophecy was located.

There were sounds of fighting from the depths. According to the monks outside, a dozen extremely powerful monks had entered the depths, all wanting to get some important information from the Book of Prophecy.

But for some reason, these people actually started killing each other. This situation had never happened before.

Because there are restrictions in the mountains, it is not clear what is going on in the depths.

But Lin Feng felt that something must have happened, otherwise the monks inside would not kill each other.

Could it be the fault of the Book of Prophecy?

Anyway, from the first time he heard about the Book of Prophecy, Lin Feng felt that the Book of Prophecy might be more complicated than everyone imagined. This thing definitely hid some unknown secrets and was definitely extremely weird.

In the early stage, he may not act too excessive or evil.

That may be because of certain constraints.

As time goes by, when certain constraints gradually disappear, evil attributes may be revealed.

This is not scaremongering or malicious speculation.

All these years.

Lin Feng had seen too many various situations.

If this situation really happened, Lin Feng would not be surprised at all.

However, Lin Feng had to wait until he saw the Book of Prophecy before he could confirm whether everything that happened was what he had guessed.

Lin Feng said to Poison Ancestor, "Wait for me outside, I'll go in and take a look!".

"good". Poison Ancestor nodded.

Lin Feng then walked towards the mountains.

In fact, not only Lin Feng tried to enter it, but also some monks tried to enter it, and then reached the location of the Book of Prophecy, but the formation restrictions of this mountain range were indeed somewhat unusual.

Many people simply have no way of going deep into the mountains. If a monk with average strength is trapped by the formation restrictions here, he is likely to be directly trapped and killed without even a chance to escape.

As for Lin Feng!

I haven't encountered any problems in this regard. Although the formation restrictions here are quite powerful, they are still far from trapping Lin Feng.

Lin Feng went all the way deep.

Climb two mountains.

Lin Feng came to a huge basin. Looking from a distance, he could see several monks fighting together.

At this moment, there were several other monks lying on the ground.

Several monks lying on the ground should be dead.

The monks who were fighting together were all stained with blood. They were attacking each other like crazy. Their eyes became a little abnormal, as if they had lost their minds and turned into Beasts that only know **** each other.

There is a huge stone in the center of the basin. The stone looks like granite and reflects a cold luster.

There is a huge book on the top of the stone. It is a stone book.

The length of the book is about two meters, the width is about one meter and three meters, and the thickness is about half a meter.

Books are open.

There doesn't seem to be any writing on the books.

Obviously, that book should be the Book of Prophecy.

After arriving here, Lin Feng could basically confirm that those monks were definitely affected by the Book of Prophecy and had completely lost themselves, so they started killing each other.

Lin Feng couldn't help but become vigilant. It seemed that the book of prophecy was more evil than imagined, so he had to be more careful.

Otherwise, you may fall into the book of prophecy.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt that there seemed to be a terrifying existence in the dark, peering at him.

That feeling is quite bad.

It can be seen how terrifying there is in the dark.

This made Lin Feng's heart tremble slightly.

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