Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 568: Come together

Lin Feng planned to take action to stop those people from continuing to fight, because Lin Feng felt that saving one life was better than building a seven-level pagoda.

These all have causes and effects.

When people live in this world, they should accumulate more good causes and good consequences.

It is a matter of accumulating virtue for yourself and even your family.

But just when Lin Feng wanted to stop those people, suddenly, something strange happened. The monks who had just been fighting together stopped, and their bodies suddenly tensed up.

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened.

His eyes almost popped out of his head.

And their bodies also trembled violently.

Something new happened.

"Ho **** ho ho...".

Weird sounds came from their throats, and then Lin Feng saw that the bodies of several monks exploded.

Tragic death on the spot.


Lin Feng was moved. The scene just now was really weird, which made him feel a little nervous. The strength of those people was not weak. It would be understandable if they died from cannibalism, but their bodies showed no signs of it. It exploded directly.

This was a bit strange. The ability of the Book of Prophecy made Lin Feng become more and more vigilant.

It didn't take long for the corpses of the monks lying on the ground to turn into mummies.

Their flesh and blood and spirit have disappeared.

Although there is no direct evidence that they were swallowed by the Book of Prophecy, Lin Feng knew that their flesh, blood, and soul were definitely swallowed by the Book of Prophecy.

"Huh? Is there anyone else?".

Lin Feng originally wanted to go over and explore the truth of the Book of Prophecy, but now he stopped because he felt the aura of other monks, which made Lin Feng cautious. He felt that the monks hidden in the dark were definitely not simple.

Lin Feng looked in one direction, and then saw a person.

The monk was also observing Lin Feng.

Jiutian Taoist!

It's him!

Lin Feng was not familiar with this Jiutian Taoist, or even knew him. The only reason he could recognize this Jiutian Taoist was because he had appeared before when the goddess Ji Yao was reborn.

The purpose of his appearance was exactly the same as that of Jiu Ma Emperor, both to kill Goddess Ji Yao. This guy had a grudge against Goddess Ji Yao before.

When Lin Feng looked at this person.

Lin Feng found that Taoist Jiutian was also looking at him.

This shows that he is secretly observing Lin Feng. Although he may have noticed Lin Feng for the first time, with his cultivation level, he must be able to sense Lin Feng's extraordinaryness. It is extremely normal to pay more attention to him, but he You may not necessarily know Lin Feng’s true identity.

Although Lin Feng is now famous because of the suppression of the Nine-Female Emperor, many people outside have not seen Lin Feng.

He might still be guessing about Lin Feng's true identity.

"This book of prophecy is really weird. I'm afraid it won't hide itself anymore, right?" At this time, a voice came from afar, and then a monk stepped forward.

This monk looks extremely weird, with a body like a human, a head like a dragon, limbs like an alligator, and sharp bone spurs on his back.

Obviously, this is probably an Aboriginal statue.

In other words, the existence that appeared was probably a monk on this island. Lin Feng knew that there were many powerful beings on this island.

The arrival of this existence immediately attracted the attention of Taoist Jiutian.

After all, although Lin Feng gave Jiutian Taoist a very unusual feeling, Jiutian Taoist, as a quasi-pioneer-level monk with more than fifty immortal temples, was actually much stronger than Lin Feng.

He might be wary of Lin Feng.

But he will not regard Lin Feng as a huge threat.

But this existence is different.

He is definitely the top powerhouse among the natives, and Jiutian Taoist must also pay special attention to him.

"Cristae Dragon King, have you forgotten the huge lesson you learned from peeping into the Book of Prophecy? How dare you come here? You really don't care about eating but fighting!" At this time, a mocking voice came. Come.

Lin Feng looked in that direction and saw a female cultivator flying over. The female cultivator was wearing a red dress, wrapping her graceful and hot body in it. Her exquisite figure, coupled with her charming Her charming eyes and every move seemed to be able to draw away a person's soul, and there was a tail trailing under her dress, which turned out to be a snake's tail.

Obviously this is a female cultivator transformed from the snake clan.

Female cultivators from the snake tribe have always seduced all living beings.

This woman, with her temperament, is quite in line with the characteristics of a female cultivator from the Snake Clan.

In fact, with the strength of this female snake cultivator, she could have completely transformed into a human form long ago, and then she could hide her tail.

But she did not do this, because even though monks of some races took the form of humans, they still liked to show certain characteristics of their own race.

The Snake Clan female cultivator obviously thinks this way.

The aura of this female snake cultivator is not as strong and attractive as that of the Dragon King on the back of the spine, but who dares to underestimate this female snake clan cultivator? Presumably, this female snake clan cultivator is also the top existence among the indigenous people of this island.

"Hmph, you snake spirit dares to peek into the book of prophecy, why don't I dare?". The Spineback Dragon King responded coldly.

The female cultivator of the snake tribe heard the Dragon King on the back of the spine using the word snake spirit to call her.

She was obviously a little angry, and the outside world respected her as the "Snake Empress".

She also prefers this title.

The Heavenly Snake Empress sarcastically said, "Some people come here just to make themselves miserable, just to make wedding clothes for others!".

The Ridgeback Dragon King said, "We'll just wait and see!".

"Hey, she's here too...".

At this time, Lin Feng showed a hint of surprise, because he saw another person he knew flying from a distance. The monk was none other than the goddess Ji Yao.

Lin Feng had already met Goddess Ji Yao before, and also appreciated the grace of this Goddess Ji Yao.

This woman is indeed breathtakingly beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, but her temperament is as heavenly as a fairy.

If the woman he rescued was the fairy who came out of the painting.

Then, this goddess Ji Yao is the fairy who walked out of the moon.

It's as cold as the moon, but it's also fairy-like.

It makes people feel ashamed.

Such a woman is indeed qualified to become a goddess in the hearts of countless people.

Even a charming woman like the Heavenly Snake Empress seems to be a little jealous when she sees the goddess Ji Yao, and she can't help but curl her lips as if to express her disdain.

Women all like to compare and belittle each other.


From the other direction, corpse energy surged into the sky, and a terrifying existence stepped forward.

When he saw the existence of that statue, Lin Feng's expression couldn't help but change slightly.


That existence turned out to be the Corpse Emperor.

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