Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 569: Goddess Ji Yao stands up for Lin Feng?

Lin Feng had spent a lot of effort to rescue the woman from the Corpse Emperor before.

Because of this incident, Lin Feng must have completely offended the Corpse Emperor.

The original Corpse Emperor was so angry that he flew into a rage.

The current Corpse Emperor is definitely not calm. This guy is very powerful, and Lin Feng doesn't want to provoke him.

But at this time, the Corpse Emperor had already discovered Lin Feng.

He looked towards Lin Feng with cold eyes, a solemn meaning flashing in his eyes.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He was planning to distance himself from the Corpse Emperor before he came to trouble him.

After all, Lin Feng knew very well how strong the Corpse Emperor was, and such an existence was too difficult to deal with.

Just be careful and there is nothing wrong.

However, the Corpse Emperor quickly looked away and seemed to have no intention of targeting Lin Feng again.

"What's happening here?".

This situation made Lin Feng slightly stunned.

It stands to reason that the Corpse Emperor hates himself so much, and now that he has finally seen himself, he will definitely take action against him. And the way the Corpse Emperor looked at him just now was indeed a look that wanted to deal with him, because he wanted to kill someone alone. The look in his eyes is absolutely impossible to conceal.

However, the Corpse Emperor no longer pays attention to himself. This matter is indeed full of strangeness.

So. What is the Corpse Emperor thinking now?

Lin Feng had to speculate on the Corpse Emperor's plan. The reason why he said this was because Lin Feng had carefully considered this matter from two aspects.


It would be better if the Corpse Emperor really didn't plan to deal with him, so that Lin Feng wouldn't have to worry about the threat posed by the Corpse Emperor.


If this guy, the Corpse King, pretends not to deal with him, but wants to find a better opportunity to sneak attack on him, and then think of giving him a killing blow or something.

Then wouldn’t he be unlucky?

Lin Feng couldn't tell what the Corpse Emperor was thinking now, so no matter what the Corpse Emperor's attitude was, he had to be more vigilant and stay away from the Corpse Emperor to prevent him from sneak attacks.

Always be cautious and cautious.

This is the important reason why a monk can survive for a long time.

"Why are you, this old corpse, here? Shouldn't you continue to be your lackey?" the Dragon King said with a smile.

Obviously, these indigenous elder-level existences cannot deal with each other.

Otherwise, we would not verbally attack each other.

However, these indigenous elders were relatively restrained and did not take action because of verbal conflicts.

The Corpse Emperor sneered, "Haha, your mouth is still as mean as ever. No wonder you were expelled from your original race and became an abandoned son like a bereaved dog!".

The Spineback Dragon King glanced at the Corpse Emperor coldly, snorted coldly, and said nothing more.

He then turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "Boy, go over and see what the book of prophecy is about!".

The Spineback Dragon King spoke to Lin Feng in a commanding tone, not a discussing tone.

Obviously, in the view of the Dragon King, Lin Feng was unable to refute his order, and he did not even dare to refute him.

This guy obviously regarded Lin Feng as an easy persimmon.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, this spine-backed dragon king is extremely powerful.

As for some weird things about the Book of Prophecy, these indigenous elders seemed to know about it. It was precisely because they knew how weird the Book of Prophecy was that they would not check it out in person at the first time, but asked Lin Feng to check it out. , the others seemed to have no objections, and all acquiesced to the words of the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

"I won't go, whoever you like will go!".

Lin Feng responded calmly.

If he was alone here, of course Lin Feng wouldn't mind going over to explore. Anyway, the exploration in the past was for his own exploration. Maybe he could discover the secrets of the Book of Prophecy, or even suppress the Book of Prophecy, but now he can't go there. It's the same. Now, in the past, it was all about making wedding clothes for these people. Lin Feng still thought that when these foreign elders and indigenous elders were fighting to the death, he was fishing in troubled waters and looking for opportunities to benefit from them.

How could he possibly listen to the orders of this guy, the Dragon King?

Seeing that Lin Feng dared to disobey his words, the Spineback Dragon King's eyes immediately became extremely gloomy, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He said, "Boy, do you know what you are talking about? I will give you another chance, will you go and explore the truth of the book of prophecy?".

Lin Feng looked at the Spineback Dragon King with some speechlessness, and said, "Didn't I just say that? If you want to go, you can go by yourself. I won't go. If you ask me a hundred times, I will still answer like this!".

The few people who were not dealing with the Dragon King on the Ridgeback laughed secretly. Although they also wanted Lin Feng to explore the Book of Prophecy, they saw Lin Feng being so angry at the Dragon King on the Ridgeback.

They were actually quite happy.

"Boy, go to hell!".

The Spineback Dragon King was angered by Lin Feng, and launched an attack on Lin Feng from a long distance away. Dragon claws condensed in the void and shot towards Lin Feng, while Lin Feng stepped forward in the void, avoiding Launched the attack of the Spineback Dragon King.

This made the Dragon King on the back of the spine even more angry. The Dragon King on the back of the spine launched several attacks in a row. The dragon claws were condensed and blasted towards Lin Feng. However, they were all dodged by Lin Feng. Mainly because there were some attacks on both sides. Far away, and Lin Feng's speed was surprisingly fast. Under such circumstances, it was not surprising that Lin Feng avoided the attack of Kaishinbei Dragon King.

The Spineback Dragon King, who was already quite angry, became even more annoyed after being dodged by Lin Feng several times. His eyes were spitting fire. He flew towards Lin Feng, as if he wanted to bring the two sides closer. distance, he went to deal with Lin Feng personally. Such a situation would be more dangerous for Lin Feng. Lin Feng was also very clear about this. Therefore, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless at all. He planned to leave here quickly to avoid the sharp edge. , this is currently the most beneficial strategy for him.

But at this moment, the goddess Ji Yao, who had never seen any movement, stopped the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

The Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge seemed to have heard of the name of Goddess Ji Yao. He said coldly, "What is Fellow Taoist Ji Yao doing? Could it be that he wants to stand up for that kid?".

Goddess Ji Yao said, "Yes, I want to stand up for him. I wonder if Fellow Taoist Dragon King Spineback can give me this face?".

Many people looked at Lin Feng and Goddess Ji Yao with great interest.

Although Goddess Ji Yao came to this island for a short time, her reputation is extremely resounding. Now Goddess Ji Yao actually stands up for a young human monk. What is going on? Could it be that that boy has some special relationship with goddess Ji Yao?

Thinking of this, many people looked at Lin Feng and Goddess Jiyao, and their eyes became "ambiguous"... "ambiguous".

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