Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 579: Conquer fifty immortal palace-level giants

It is not unacceptable for the Book of Prophecy to want to reconcile.

After all, Lin Feng's current situation is exactly what the guy from the Book of Prophecy said. He and the Book of Prophecy continue to be in a stalemate, and no one can do anything about the other. There is a high probability that the Spineback Dragon King can get out of trouble. After reconciliation, he can quickly transform. Carrying the Dragon King on his back is the most important thing.


Even if he refined the Book of Prophecy, he still couldn't become the master of the island, so why did he insist on refining it?

Finding the conditions that are most beneficial to you is the most important thing.

Of course, even if we really have to come to terms with the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng will also strive for as many benefits as possible for himself.

Lin Feng said, "I can consider your opinion, but if you agree to the conditions I put forward, I will no longer embarrass you. Otherwise, I can only say I'm sorry and obey!".

The Book of Prophecy said, "I will agree as much as possible, but you can't put forward excessive conditions. If the conditions are too excessive, it will be difficult for me to agree!"

Lin Feng said, "Is this too much? I'll wait until you hear it before making any conclusions!"

"Okay! Say it!". Said the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng said, "First, you need to help me cross the Dragon King on the back of the crest later!".

The reason why he put forward this condition is because Lin Feng knows that the realm of the Dragon King on the back of the spine is too advanced. It is really difficult to transform the Dragon King on the back of the spine just by relying on his own strength. But if there is a book of prophecy, If a powerful person of this level comes to help, then the probability of transforming into the Dragon King on the back of the ridge will be greatly increased.

The Book of Prophecy naturally knew what Lin Feng was thinking. He was actually unwilling to agree to Lin Feng's condition because he still wanted to take revenge on Lin Feng later. If Lin Feng had someone as powerful as the Spineback Dragon King under his command, how could he still do it? There is a chance to retaliate against Lin Feng, but now that Lin Feng has proposed such a condition, and this condition is not particularly excessive, he cannot refuse, otherwise the two parties will not continue the negotiation.

Although I felt unwilling to do so, I could only choose to accept such a result.

After reading this, the spirit of the book of prophecy replied, "Okay, I can agree to your condition!".

Lin Feng said, "Second, you must swear that you will never be my enemy, nor serve my enemies to plot against me. Otherwise, you will be struck by thunder from the sky and die badly!".

"Damn! This **** is really thoughtful!" The spirit of the Book of Prophecy couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He felt that Lin Feng was too thoughtful.

Moreover, this request was not too much and he had to agree.

The spirit of the Book of Prophecy sighed in his heart, "That's all, I won't be the enemy of this kid anymore!".

He replied, "I can agree to this condition!".

Lin Feng continued, "The third thing is, I need to ask you something I want to know. If you know it, don't hide it from me!"

The Book of Prophecy said, "Although I don't know what you want to ask, I can guess that the questions you want to ask will definitely include some extremely sensitive questions that directly violate taboos!" .

"If I answer these questions for you, then I may be involved, or even be shrouded in bad luck, and end up with a tragic end. Therefore, I refuse to answer such questions!"

Lin Feng said, "If it's something particularly taboo, you can refuse to answer!".

Hearing Lin Feng's answer, Book of Prophecy couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The thing he was most worried about was that Lin Feng was one of those people with a particularly stubborn mind. He was one-minded and didn't know how to adapt. If this was the case, their negotiations would not work. There may indeed be some problems.

Fortunately, these situations did not happen.

Lin Feng thought for a while and felt that the conditions he proposed should be enough, so he continued, "I will just put forward these three conditions. As long as you satisfy me, I will not make things difficult for you. Now, you must make an oath first." Bar!".

The Book of Prophecy then swore, "I! Book of Prophecy! I hereby swear that from now on I will never be an enemy of you, nor will I help your enemies to make plans to deal with you. At the same time, I will also help you to cross the Dragon King on your back." , If I dare to violate my oath, I am willing to suffer the catastrophe of thunder and cracking from the sky, and I will not die a good death!"

After swearing the oath in the Book of Prophecy, Lin Feng summoned the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet back.

This guy has taken an oath.

There is no need to worry about him causing trouble again.

Lin Feng said, "Without further delay, now you and I will work together to transform the Dragon King on the back of the spine. You need to use special means to influence the consciousness of the Dragon King on the back of the spine. You should be able to accomplish this easily, right?"

"no problem!". The Book of Prophecy answered.

Immediately afterwards, the words on the Book of Prophecy radiated a special beam of light, and this special beam of light quickly poured into the mind of the Dragon King, and the consciousness of the Dragon King was immediately greatly affected.

Human actions are controlled by consciousness.

When consciousness is confused, actions will also be confused.

So Lin Feng let the book of prophecy affect the consciousness of the Dragon King on the back of the spine. In this way, the Dragon King on the back of the spine's consciousness of resisting Lin Feng's transition would be confused, and perhaps he would not be able to resist. Even if there is still a part of his consciousness that is resisting, but The consciousness of resistance is weakening, so the Dragon King on the back of the spine will be able to transform more easily.

The Dragon King on the Back of the Ridge roared angrily, "Book of Prophecy, you coward, coward, actually reached a cooperation agreement with a weak human monk. You are so shameful. Don't you feel ashamed?".

For the roar of the Dragon King on the back of the spine! The Book of Prophecy responded with a sneer, "Aren't you aware of it at this time? That boy is not an ordinary human monk, so you and I are completely defeated. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and I am too lazy to talk to you so much nonsense. Now, just wait to be transformed by him!"

With the help of the Book of Prophecy, Lin Feng's side will naturally be much smoother.

Although the Dragon King on the back of the spine was roaring and struggling.


No use at all.

Under Lin Feng's transformation, the Spineback Dragon King could no longer hold on.


The Dragon King on the back of the spine was completely transformed by Lin Feng.

From then on, the Ridgeback Dragon King became Lin Feng's slave.

Lin Feng asked the Dragon King on the back of the spine to go west, but the Dragon King on the back of the spine would never go east.

Lin Feng asked the Dragon King to commit suicide.

The Spineback Dragon King will not even hesitate and will definitely commit suicide directly.

Lin Feng removed all restrictions on the Dragon King.

The Spineback Dragon King, who was free again, knelt on the ground, saluted Lin Feng, and said, "My subordinate, the Spineback Dragon King, please see your master!".

After transforming into the Dragon King, Lin Feng was in a good mood. He raised his hand and said with a smile, "Not bad, Dragon King, please forgive me!".

Only then did the Dragon King stand up.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, looked at the book of prophecy.

Now, he was going to ask the Book of Prophecy something extremely important.

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