Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 580: Getting into the trap step by step

Lin Feng said, "Book of Prophecy, I heard some things before, about some causal curses. I wonder if those rumors are true?"

There are many types of curses. Just like the curse Lin Feng was hit by back then, it was quite terrifying. But in real terms, although the curse Lin Feng was hit by was scary, it was far from the most terrifying curse because it was a curse released by a monk. Human beings are one of all living beings. Even if they are extremely powerful, the curse they release is extremely terrifying, but there is a limit.

The curse of cause and effect is different. The cause and effect of the world is one of the things that monks are most afraid of. Even a strong man like Lin Feng, or even a strong man far beyond Lin Feng, is not willing to be involved in some cause and effect. This is " The power of "Tao". Of course, the Tao mentioned here is even just a vague way of saying it. There are many extraordinary mysteries at a deeper level, which are far beyond what can be explained clearly in a few words.

Cause and effect itself is scary enough, if you add a curse to cause and effect.

You can imagine how terrifying it must be.

It is precisely because of this that the curse of cause and effect is extremely difficult to resolve and makes people despair.

After hearing Lin Feng's question, the Book of Prophecy knew that Lin Feng might have gained insight into some secrets. The Book of Prophecy said, "The existences on this island, whether they are living beings or various underworld cultivators transformed after death, , indeed as you said, they are all affected by the curse of karma, and it is difficult for them to get rid of this curse of karma."

"However, it is not completely impossible. For example, becoming the master of this island, or getting the recognition of the Tree of Reincarnation, etc., may be able to get rid of the curse. In addition, I heard that there are some more vicious methods, such as , devouring outsiders who break the balance may also resolve the curse of karma. In addition, there is another theory that using these outsiders to decorate altars and perform ancient sacrificial techniques may also resolve the curse of karma, but which method is feasible remains to be determined for the time being. It is unknown, after all, you have just entered here not long ago, and many things have not been verified!"

Lin Feng said, "So, for outsiders, their fate is quite tragic when they enter here?"

Lin Feng only said this because Lin Feng had come into contact with some extremely terrifying indigenous creatures, such as the god-killing ant colony, the invincible being in the hulk, and even the old stone man who was suspected of helping him , it is not easy for these people to get rid of the curse of karma. It is a thought-provoking matter what methods they will use to try to get rid of the curse of karma, such as devouring foreign monks, or using foreign monks as Methods such as sacrifices and sacrifices are absolutely disastrous for foreign monks, especially for relatively powerful foreign monks.

The Book of Prophecy said, "Yes, in theory it should be like this!".

Lin Feng said, "Actually, I heard about something before, and it was also related to foreign monks."

"Oh? What happened?", the book of prophecy asked.

What Lin Feng said was actually what the spirit of Beating the Heavenly Whip told him before. Lin Feng's previous questions were just to attract others.

This was because Lin Feng knew that the question he wanted to ask would most likely involve a taboo topic.

If you ask the Book of Prophecy directly, this guy will most likely not tell you.

The best strategy is to guide him step by step. For example, this is what Lin Feng is saying now. Lin Feng said, "Didn't you say before that some strong indigenous people want to get rid of the curse of karma? One of the methods is to arrange an altar. , and then capture outsiders and use them as sacrifices to perform special sacrifices. Is it possible to get rid of the curse of karma? And the thing I heard about is also the same as altars, sacrifices, and sacrifices. Things are related, but unlike letting those strong indigenous people get rid of the curse of karma, we outsiders are used as sacrifices by certain beings in order to cultivate something!"

"Who did you hear about this?" Book of Prophecy couldn't help but be surprised, as if he didn't expect that Lin Feng had heard of this.

However, the Book of Prophecy soon returned to calm.

But this kind of calmness seemed more like it was deliberately pretending to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can generally judge some things. For example, what the spirit of Beating the Sky Whip said is probably not groundless, and Lin Feng can even judge that a large number of foreign monks were cultivated as sacrifices. There is a high probability that it is not to cultivate something of one level such as the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, but something of a higher level and more mysterious.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that this matter does exist!".

The spirit of the Book of Prophecy quickly said, "No, no, no, it doesn't exist. I have never heard of this, and I don't even know what you are talking about!".

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

Lin Feng naturally didn't believe what the Book of Prophecy said. This guy obviously didn't want to answer himself because he was involved in some taboo topics.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that this matter involves a taboo! That's why you deny it like this!"

The Book of Prophecy said, "Since you also know, then don't ask, and we have reached an agreement before. I don't have to answer you about some taboo things, but I can tell you one thing. There is no The request said that all outsiders should be used as sacrifices, and only a part is needed. Of course, the stronger the strength, the better. When the time comes, you hide and don't come out, and nothing will happen!"

Lin Feng sneered. If that time comes, it will not be so easy to hide and resolve this crisis.

There is a high probability that they will be found.

We still have to let the Book of Prophecy guy speak.

Because even if you really plan to resolve certain threats, you have to clearly know what these threats are before you can think of ways to resolve them.

If you don't know anything.

When danger comes, you can only act like a headless fly.

Nothing can be done.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "I have always felt that my destiny should be in my own hands, so let's not talk about hiding. It is meaningless, and it may not succeed. Of course, we did before We have reached an agreement. You don’t have to mention or talk about some taboo topics, but there is one thing. I have to remind you. Think about the things we just talked about, starting from the first thing to taboos. Topics, are some of the answers already related to taboo topics?"

Book of Prophecy thought about it carefully and found that this was really the case. He said angrily, "You are trying to trick me!".

Lin Feng said, "No, I didn't trick you. I just wanted to know some things. There are also some causes and effects between you and me. If I am damaged here, maybe you will not end well."

The Book of Prophecy said viciously, "But even so, I can't say it, unless I want to die quickly, but I don't want to!".

Lin Feng said, "Of course it's okay not to talk about it, but we can write it out. What do you think?"

"Write it down?". The Book of Prophecy was slightly startled. I had never thought of this method before, but it seemed like I could give it a try?

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