Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 581: The four powerful men of the island

Lin Feng saw that the Book of Prophecy's attitude had relaxed, and he knew that the Book of Prophecy had probably listened to his proposal.

But Lin Feng also knew that after all, it involved taboos. Even if it was written in words, there might be some problems, so formal writing methods could not be used.

The so-called formal writing method is a coherent writing method, which is absolutely not acceptable.

But you can choose a non-coherent way, for example, add an irrelevant word between two words.

Then, what is written becomes incoherent.

I don’t even know what it is written about.

Those who know it in advance can remove the words in the middle and read the remaining words together to make it coherent.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng told the Book of Prophecy about his thoughts.

The Book of Prophecy said, "Okay, let's try it. If there are problems with this method, then you can't blame me for not helping you!".

Lin Feng said, "Of course, if this method doesn't work, I will let you go directly and I will never embarrass you again!".

Hearing Lin Feng say this, the Book of Prophecy was completely relieved.

The Book of Prophecy said, "Okay, now I will follow the method you said and write down some things that I can tell you!".


Lin Feng nodded.

The Book of Prophecy condensed an energy brush, and this energy brush quickly wrote lines of text in the void.

Lin Feng memorized all these words.

A quarter of an hour later.

The Book of Prophecy ended its writing.

Lin Feng also extracted the contents of the words written in the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng was indeed extremely surprised by these contents. For example, the book of prophecy showed that although he had not seen the existence of being cultivated, he had sensed it.

There are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the beings trained by countless foreign monks may be the evil thoughts of a powerful person in the last reincarnation.

And this most powerful person is none other than the demonic thoughts left behind after the death of the master of the Sky Beating Whip.

It turns out that after the master of the Sky Beating Whip died, some residual thoughts remained, and the remaining residual thoughts were mainly demonic thoughts. There was a turmoil in the past, but in the end, he disappeared mysteriously, probably on this island. It is completing some extremely critical transformation.

If the transformation is successful, the strength of this being may be able to reach the combat power of the master of the Heaven-Defying Whip at his peak. There are even certain theories that the strength of this being can surpass the strength of the master of the Heaven-Defying Whip back then.

The second statement.

The existence of cultivation is probably the broken thoughts of the previous reincarnation.

That's right.

It’s the whole idea of ​​the reincarnation world.

The change of eras and reincarnation have some similarities in a sense, but there are also some differences. For example, reincarnation covers a wider area and is more unpredictable, while the mystery contained in reincarnation is also more profound. It is so unfathomable that many people cannot even understand the profound meaning of reincarnation.

It is even more impossible to understand what the whole idea of ​​reincarnation is.

This is far more mysterious, older, and more powerful than the will of heaven, etc., and it is far from as simple as the condensed thoughts of all living beings.

Even for the ancient strong men.

The thought of reincarnation is also fleeting, even for Lin Feng.

He has never been exposed to the so-called thought of reincarnation.

I have never heard of anyone else being exposed to the idea of ​​reincarnation.


But one cannot deny the existence of the idea of ​​reincarnation.

Aren’t we in touch now?

Lin Feng said, "Then, even you can't confirm which of the beings trained by countless foreign monks are sacrificed?".

The Book of Prophecy said, "Yes, it cannot be confirmed, but there is an 80% probability that it is one of them! There is also a 20% probability that it is neither of the two situations!".

This possibility does exist, and a monk of Lin Feng's level naturally understands it.

Nothing is 100% absolute.

This is why some people will tell you that you can’t talk too much, as it will easily slap you in the face.

This situation has been proven correct countless times.

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "If what you said really happens, when will it happen?"

The book of prophecy said, "It's hard to say, but I made some predictions before. I think this day is not too far away. There will be big changes. Anyway, be careful!"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for the reminder. By the way, can you sense the date when the Sacred Tree of Samsara was born?"

"What? You also want to rob the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation? It seems that you powerful foreign monks all have this ambition, but I advise you, if the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation really comes out, there will definitely be extremely terrifying beings who go there. If you are fighting for it, don’t fight against the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, lest it be damaged!” Said the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng said, "Who do you mean by the extremely terrifying existence? Lord Gengzi? Or the old stone man?".

The Book of Prophecy said, "You actually know about them? Have you been in contact with them?".

"To be precise, I had contact with Demon Lord Gengzi and got something from the place where he was suppressed!". Lin Feng said.

"Damn it, you dare to take the belongings of the Gengzi Demon Lord? Do you not want to live?" the Book of Prophecy exclaimed.

It’s no wonder that the book of prophecy looked so shocked. The Gengzi Demon Lord is really powerful. He is much more powerful than the average powerful man of the universe elder level. Moreover, this is the strength that he has just escaped from trouble. He is at his peak. It is impossible to imagine how terrifying the combat power is.

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "I've taken them all, why are I afraid of them?".

"I can only say that I admire you!", said the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng said, "If I guessed correctly, the Gengzi Demon Lord and the Old Stone Man should be two of the four powerful people banned on this island, right?"

Lin Feng knew about the four powerful men from the Poison Ancestor. As for the news about the four powerful men, it was also from the Book of Prophecy.

The book of prophecy said, "Yes, the Gengzi Demon Lord and the Old Stone Man are indeed two of the most powerful ones! One of them was a giant in the magic way in the past, but in fact, this Gengzi Demon Lord is not only powerful in the magic way. This guy is both a Buddha and a demon!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. When Demon Lord Gengzi dealt with him before, he only used demonic methods and did not show Buddhist methods. It seemed that he had something to hide, or maybe he didn't bother to do it.

The Book of Prophecy continued, "That old stone man, who is good at the ancient holy arts of the Stone Tribe, is also extremely terrifying!"

Lin Feng asked, "There are two other powerful men. Who are they?".

The Book of Prophecy said, "The other two powerful beings are the Qiankun Ghost Mother and... the Flower Demon Fairy!"

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