Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 582: secret

Qiankun Ghost Mother? Flower Fairy?

Obviously, these are two female nuns.

The existence of the ghost mother type is probably a corpse cultivator or a Yin cultivator type of existence.

Whether it will reverse destiny again and reunite flesh and blood is unknown for the time being.

The Flower Demon Fairy should be a demon cultivator.

In other words, the four powerful people who were sealed on the island were demon cultivators, demon cultivators, stone cultivators, and Yin cultivators.

It does belong to four different fields.

Lin Feng asked, "What are the personalities of the Flower Demon Fairy and the Qiankun Ghost Mother?"

"The Heaven and Earth Ghost Mother is in the far north, and she has gathered a large number of evil ghost cultivators under her command. Their combined strength is so terrifying that no one dares to offend her. However, it is said that the Heaven and Earth Ghost Mother is looking for some beautiful and powerful men recently. Monk, after those people were captured, they probably became her supplements!" At this point, the voice of the Book of Prophecy became a little weird.

Because Lin Feng obviously meets the goals of the Qiankun Ghost Mother. He is young, handsome, extremely powerful, extremely talented, and extremely lucky.

If she is seen by the Qiankun Ghost Mother, she will definitely become the number one target of the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Lin Feng knew that existences such as ghost mothers and grandmothers might have practiced some extremely vicious and evil techniques, and they needed to absorb Yuanyang to supplement some of the things they needed.

The Qiankun Ghost Mother may also be in such a situation. Of course, for now, this is just Lin Feng's guess. Lin Feng doesn't know whether this is the case.

Anyway, this Qiankun Ghost Mother is someone to be on guard against.

The book of prophecy said, "As for the Flower Demon Fairy, I don't know much about it. She is a bit more mysterious. Since she is called the Flower Demon Fairy, it is most likely just a nickname, not her real name. I am not special about what means she has. It’s clear!”.

The fairies born in flowers are basically female, and because they are born from flowers, they often combine the aura of heaven and earth. Such fairies in flowers are often extremely beautiful, so even though they are fairies, they are considered People are called demons and immortals.

Existences such as flower demons and fairies are not uncommon in the world of cultivators.

There are not many who can truly become the most powerful, because demons like them will be subject to certain constraints and want to break through the shackles and reach the top again.

However, once this kind of existence really rises, it is often very scary. The same is probably true for the flower fairy on this island. And the book of prophecy does not know the specific situation of the flower fairy. It seems that, That Flower Demon Fairy is indeed a powerful and mysterious figure.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "What's going on in the ocean world outside the island?"

"That doesn't belong to the island. However, there are also extremely terrifying existences in the ocean world, and there are even existences that are no less than the four powerful ones." Said the Book of Prophecy.

"So, it's almost impossible for a monk to leave the island from there?" Lin Feng asked.

The book of prophecy said, "That's true. Furthermore, there is no proof that the depths of the sea are connected to the outside world. Perhaps the depths of the sea itself are not the exit from this island."

Lin Feng asked, "How can we leave this island in the future? We can't be trapped in this place forever, right?"

The Book of Prophecy said, "Of course not. As far as I know, there are three methods. The first method is to become the master of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. The Sacred Tree of Reincarnation can guide the monks to leave the island!".

"The second method is like the Poseidon in the sea and the four super strong men on the island. They actually know how to leave here, but wanting to know the way out from their mouths is tantamount to It’s as difficult as ascending to heaven, don’t even think about it.”

"The third method, rumors say, when that being is really born, there will be a passage connecting the outside world. At that time, everyone can leave along the passage. However, if that being is really born, there will definitely be sacrifices. It can only be done by sacrificing countless outsiders, but how many people can leave the island alive?"

Lin Feng said, "Why do I feel that you are a little gloating?".

"Ha... misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am not gloating, I am just feeling a little emotional. This world is like this, the jungle eats the strong, and no one can change this! So if those people are really buried here, then we can only say that this It’s their own lives!”. Said the Book of Prophecy.

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "It would be great if there was any way to make that statue exist and not be revived!".


The Book of Prophecy quickly silenced Lin Feng. He said, "Don't say some random things. Misfortunes will come from your mouth...".

There is reason to be afraid of the book of prophecy, after all, no matter whether that existence is the evil thoughts of the master of the whip (Yang Tianyang), or the remnants of the previous reincarnation.

All scary enough.

Lin Feng didn't talk more about this matter.

The Book of Prophecy felt that Lin Feng was getting more and more outrageous as he spoke, so he shouldn't wait any longer, for fear that Lin Feng would say something even more outrageous.

That would be bad.


The Book of Prophecy said, 'I have answered many of your questions, and I have nothing to share with you now. Can I leave? ’.

Lin Feng said, "Okay, let's stop talking here, but before you leave, I have one thing I want to talk to you about!".

"What's going on?" the Book of Prophecy asked, with a vigilant tone in its tone, because it felt that Lin Feng's words were full of tricks, and maybe he wanted to trick it.

Lin Feng said, "Don't act like you're on guard against thieves. In fact, what I'm about to say will be of great benefit to you!"

The Book of Prophecy smiled and said nothing.

Obviously he didn't believe what Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng did not sell the Book of Prophecy, and said, "The Book of Prophecy has now reached the end of reincarnation. Although you have become an extremely powerful weapon cultivator, there are too many strong people in the outside world, and your uniqueness, Many people will inevitably regard you as their target! If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can provide you with a large amount of what you need, and even provide you with a high-status position. Do you think how?".

The Book of Prophecy said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't like to join any camp, so I can't agree to your proposal! Just let it go!".

As soon as the words fell, the book of prophecy quickly flew into the distance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time.

Lin Feng learned a lot of secrets from the Book of Prophecy, and also subdued a strong man like the Dragon King on the back of the spine. He was in a good mood. Lin Feng planned to let the Dragon King on the back of the spine heal his wounds, and it would not be too late for them to return together after his body recovered.

But at this time.

Lin Feng discovered.

Deep in the mountains, there was an extremely strange and dark power permeating the air, which made Lin Feng startled.

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