Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 583: dragon carcass

Lin Feng looked at the Spineback Dragon King and asked in surprise, "What kind of power is this? It's so weird and evil!".

Lin Feng originally thought that the Spineback Dragon King, as the owner of this place, knew this very well.

But I never thought that even the Spine-backed Dragon King knew nothing about this strange energy.

The Spineback Dragon King said, "I don't know what kind of power this is. I have never sensed it before. I have been here for a long time and I haven't discovered this kind of power. It's really strange!"

Lin Feng touched his chin. This was a bit strange. After all, the Dragon King on the Back was so powerful. It was unreasonable that he had not been able to discover this special power in this place for such a long time.

But this special power happened to escape at this time. This is something that cannot be denied.

Lin Feng said, "Let's go deep and take a look, maybe we'll find something!".

"Okay!", the Ridgeback Dragon King responded.


Lin Feng and the others walked towards the depths. The deeper they went, the more intense this extremely special power became. When they reached the deepest position, Lin Feng and the others found that the mountain ridge here was broken. I wonder if it was because the previous battle was too fierce that the mountain ridge here was broken.

A large crack appeared in the center of the broken ridge.

Inside this large crack, extremely special energy is constantly escaping.

The Ridgeback Dragon King said, 'It's strange, I've sensed this place before, and I haven't found anything special about it! ".

Lin Feng said, "Go down and find out!".

Lin Feng took the lead and flew downwards.

The Ridgeback Dragon King followed closely behind, and the two of them flew towards the big crack. Soon Lin Feng discovered the problem. This big crack seemed to have been opened due to the war. There was no independent underground space below, that is, downwards After flying about three to four hundred meters, it was no longer possible to continue flying downwards. This was because there was already a rocky area below, and the rocky area below had not cracked.

If you want to continue diving, you have to use the golden escape technique.

However, Lin Feng had no intention of continuing to dive, because he discovered that the extremely special power did not come from below, but escaped from the left side.

The Ridgeback Dragon King said, "It seems that it is not the power escaping from this mountain range. It may be that some changes have occurred in other places and strange power has escaped. It may not be too far from us, so we may be able to Use this power to find the specific location where this power escapes!"

"That's right, I want to see what is it that emits such weird power!". As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng jumped out of thin air and directly penetrated into the soil layer in front of him. He used the soil escape technique and quickly traveled through the soil world.

From behind, the Spineback Dragon King also quickly chased after him.

Lin Feng glanced at the Spineback Dragon King and asked, "How is your health? If you can't hold on, you can find a place to heal first. It's no problem for us to meet up later!".

The Ridgeback Dragon King said, "Thank you, Master, for your concern. I can still hold on!".


Lin Feng nodded, and then without saying anything else, he pursued the special power that was dissipating in the soil and traveled about one hundred and thirty miles through the soil.

Suddenly, Lin Feng discovered that the soil layer became moist, and as he continued to move forward, the moisture level of the soil layer was increasing.

The Dragon King on the back of the spine said, "There may be an underground river!".

Lin Feng said, "I feel like we are almost reaching our destination!".

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng and the others saw an underground space.

An underground river is formed in this underground space.

This underground river is about fifty or sixty meters long, and its depth is unknown. It is very cold here because the water in this underground river is a little weird, and it is an extremely cold underground water.

Of course, this kind of temperature is nothing to Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King.

The two of them flew quickly along the underground river towards its downstream.

Not long after, they saw a huge skeleton suspended in the underground river.

This skeleton seems to be that of a dragon.

A kind of dragon with wings.

But from the appearance point of view, it is very different from the dragons of this era or this reincarnation. Therefore, Lin Feng guessed that the dragons who died here were probably the dragons of the previous reincarnation. Of course, they may also be the dragons that were extinct earlier in this reincarnation.

The Spineback Dragon King said, "They are the bones of the Golden Winged Heavenly Dragon. The Golden Winged Heavenly Dragon is a special race. The bigger their bodies are, the more powerful they are. Such a huge body of the Golden Winged Heavenly Dragon would have definitely been a pioneer in life. Even though he has a combat power of warrior level, he was killed by someone who doesn’t know who he is!”.

Lin Feng said in surprise, "There seems to be something in the water!".

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King both became a lot more cautious, cautiously looking at the water around the huge dragon skeleton.

Come and try it quickly. 】

"Bah!" The next moment, a sharp and piercing cry came out.

Lin Feng and the Ridgeback Dragon King saw it.

Endless purple mice quickly rushed toward Lin Feng and the Dragon King. These purple mice were not ordinary mice. They actually had dragon beards and dragon eyes.

The appearance is really weird.

Lin Feng guessed that these rats had probably eaten the flesh and blood of the golden-winged dragon.

directly mutated.

That's when it turned into this extremely weird appearance.

The claws and fangs of these rats are extremely sharp, and there are many of them, so their strength cannot be underestimated.

The key is.

Lin Feng has always felt that rats are disgusting creatures.

Lin Feng felt a little hairy when he saw this kind of thing.

He didn't want the rats to get close to him quickly.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng quickly used heavenly fire to burn the rats, hoping that they would not be able to get close to him.

Under the burning of the sky fire, many rats screamed in agony.

A large number of rats were burned to death by Lin Feng with sky fire.

Many rats saw that Lin Feng was not easy to mess with and stopped attacking Lin Feng and the Dragon King. They turned around and fled in other directions.

Lin Feng didn't go after those mice.

Lin Feng originally planned to leave here and continue along the underground river to find the place where the special energy escapes.

But at this time, the Spineback Dragon King said, "Sir, look, there seems to be something underneath the bones of the Golden Winged Heavenly Dragon!".

Lin Feng looked and saw that there was indeed something black underneath the skeleton.

Only one sharp corner of the black thing was looming.

Don't know what it is.

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