Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 584: Destroyed stone sword

Lin Feng waved his hand, and powerful magic power surged out, sweeping up the thing in an instant.


The water tumbles.

The next moment, the thing was rolled up by Lin Feng with powerful magic. After seeing the thing, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. It turned out to be a black box.

With a clang, the black box fell in front of Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King. Since there were rats in the water, Lin Feng felt that the black box might have been contaminated by the dirt on the rats.

So, Lin Feng burned the box with sky fire. In this way, some of the dirty things on the box were completely burned away.

What surprised Lin Feng was.

When the box was burned with sky fire, the material of the box actually changed. It was originally made of black material, but now it turned into red material. This change is really weird.

After turning into a red box, some mysterious words appeared on the box. These words were extremely ancient. Lin Feng didn't know what these words meant. He wondered if these words were words from the previous reincarnation. He looked towards He looked at the Spineback Dragon King next to him and asked, "Do you know what the text above is?".

"do not know!". The Dragon King on the back of the spine shook his head.

After Lin Feng removed the sky fire, the red box turned into a black box again, and the words on the box disappeared.

Lin Feng touched his chin.

This box is a little weird. I don't know if I should open it to see what's inside. But Lin Feng is worried that if there is something terrible inside, opening the box will seal it. If things are released, this will not be good.

However, Lin Feng felt that this possibility should be relatively small. After all, how unlucky it was to be able to encounter such a thing. With this thought, Lin Feng decided to open the box and see what was inside.

This box is unlocked, but it cannot be opened. This is because the box is sealed by runes.

The runes on the box are mysterious, powerful, ancient, and weird.

Lin Feng tried to break these runes, but something strange happened.

There is no way to destroy these runes.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little headache. This kind of rune was indeed not simple. In the past two years, there were not many runes that could give him a headache.

"The focus may be on those words!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

Those words were indeed special. It was normal for Lin Feng to focus on those words. He used the sky fire again. Under the burning of the sky fire, the black box turned into a red box again, and the disappeared words appeared again. .

The intertwining of words and runes makes this box full of a mysterious atmosphere.

However, Lin Feng still didn't recognize those words. He asked Yaojun, and Yaojun didn't know them either. There was no hope of knowing what the words meant from the Dragon King or Yaojun, but Lin Feng still had Other ways.

His method is quite simple, just try to sense those words. ….

Enlightenment is a wonderful state that can occur during practice. If this happens, the monk's cultivation will be improved by leaps and bounds.

In addition to enlightenment during cultivation.

In many cases, you can have an epiphany, or even sense an unknown text. If you have an epiphany, you may be able to know what the text expresses. Because the runes on the box are very strange, it is completely impossible to understand. Lin Feng felt that if some clues could be found from the text, the probability of opening these runes would definitely increase significantly.

Lin Feng's idea is very beautiful.

Whether it will be possible or not is not yet known.

As time went by, Lin Feng felt that he and those words gradually developed a very special resonance.

He seemed to be in a sea of ​​flames.

One by one, the firebirds flew from a distance and hovered around Lin Feng. These firebirds were transformed from those words.

The firebirds began to chirp as they hovered around Lin Feng.

These firebirds seemed to be telling Lin Feng something.

Lin Feng closed his eyes. He seemed to be immersed in this mysterious and mysterious state. This state made him feel quite comfortable.

And gradually.

Lin Feng seemed to understand something.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, his eyes shone with a dazzling luster. His eyes seemed to have turned into a pair of eyes that could penetrate countless secrets.

Lin Feng continued to break the formation.

This time, he changed his method of breaking the formation.

The effect really became noticeable.

One by one, the sealing runes were gradually opened by Lin Feng.

More than half an hour later.

All the runes were opened by Lin Feng.

After opening these runes.

Lin Feng opened the box as well.

Then Lin Feng saw it.

There is indeed something in this box.

Lin Feng was instantly attracted by one of the things and could no longer look away.

It was a broken sword.

But this is no ordinary broken sword.

It is a stone sword in itself, but now it is broken into two.

The part of the broken sword with the hilt was placed in this box, but the other part of the broken sword disappeared.


It's not in the box itself.

Lin Feng judged at a glance that this broken sword was probably one of the thirty-six stone swords.

Lin Feng quickly took out the broken sword and held it in his hand for observation.

Just now I was just doubtful.


This is completely confirmed.

This broken sword is really one of the thirty-six stone swords.

Lin Feng did not expect that the thirty-six stone swords could be destroyed by others. You must know that the material of these stone swords is extremely special.

Lin Feng originally thought that these stone swords could not be destroyed.

Only now do I realize that his ideas were a bit too simple and idealistic.

But for Lin Feng, it is not bad to find a broken sword, because Lin Feng believes that even if the half of the stone sword is not here, it has definitely not disappeared.

Now that he has got half a stone sword.


Theoretically speaking, Lin Feng still has a chance to get the other half of the stone sword in the future.

that time.

By merging the two swords, the broken stone sword can be restored to its original state.

At this moment, a cold breath suddenly filled the air from the box. This cold breath was mixed with a suffocating pressure.

"What?" Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked. .

Wangzai old steamed buns

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