Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 585: The mysterious person who cannot be told

Not only Lin Feng was surprised, but even the Dragon King was also surprised, because the Dragon King also sensed something was wrong.

That kind of pressure.

It contains murderous intent and hostility.

To be so powerful is worthy of alarm.

The next moment, something flew out.

This thing turned out to be something like a bronze wine glass, with an extremely simple shape.

The pattern on it is also a relatively ancient pattern.

Bronze is a relatively special material, so bronze wares are often more precious. Of course, bronze is also divided into grades. The rarer the bronze, the more amazing the value of the forged treasure.

Although Lin Feng had never seen the kind of bronze in front of him, Lin Feng believed that it must be the oldest and most powerful bronze.

It's just that someone actually forged this bronze into the shape of a wine glass, which is really surprising.

And it's not a wine glass.

It's still a light.

A lamp similar to a wine glass.

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder, maybe that person had very special hobbies and was unwilling to forge magic weapons step by step.

Therefore, the magic weapon was forged into the shape of a bronze wine cup.

There may also be another reason, that is, the thing itself is not a magic weapon, but is originally a work of art forged by others.

But as time went by, such instruments became extremely extraordinary.

It is even possible to produce extremely powerful spirits.

Of course, for now, these are just Lin Feng's guesses. Lin Feng doesn't know whether this is the case or not. The answer will only be known after verification.

Lin Feng put away the broken sword.

From the thing that looked like a bronze wine cup, a gloomy voice suddenly came out, "Hahahahaha, finally see the light of day again, not bad, not bad!".

After the voice from the bronze wine cup came out, a phantom appeared.

It is the phantom formed by the bronze wine cup.

This phantom was an extremely feminine-looking man wearing a purple robe, with a pair of narrow eyes shining with an evil light.

He stood in the void, looking down at Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, although this guy had not done anything detrimental to Lin Feng and the others so far.

But Lin Feng still didn't relax at all.

The main reason is that this guy's eyes are so evil.

Have to guard against it.

Lin Feng guessed that the man might be the spirit of the magic lamp.

The spirit of the magic lamp looked at Lin Feng and said, "Boy, you have some skills. You can even open the Forbidden Mysterious Box. Thank you for releasing me!".

Lin Feng replied with a smile, "It's just a small effort, thank you is unnecessary, then let's just say goodbye!".

He gave the Spineback Dragon King a look and signaled him to leave here quickly.

Mainly because the spirit of the magic lamp made Lin Feng feel very uncomfortable. Although the spirit of the magic lamp later restrained its murderous intent and hostility, Lin Feng still felt that separating from him quickly was definitely the most correct choice.

The Dragon King on the back of the spine naturally understood what Lin Feng meant.

The two of them wanted to leave quickly.

But the power of the magic lamp sneered and said, "Did I let you go?".

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King both felt that a killing intent enveloped them.

They didn't dare to move around at will.


As long as they dare to move at will, what will greet them next may be a thunderous offensive.

Lin Feng asked, "What do you mean?".

The spirit of the magic lamp said, "I don't mean anything. In fact, I admire you very much. Now that I have officially left seclusion, I just lack all kinds of talents under my command. I think you and the person next to you are all good talents. , now, you kneel down and swear allegiance to me, I will not treat you badly!".

"Who do you think you are?", the Dragon King on the back of the spine choked back in a cold voice.

"Ha ha ha ha…". The spirit of the lamp laughed.

He said, "Well, if I don't let you know my origin, you won't succumb to me easily. Let me tell you, I am an ancient lamp in the room of the unspeakable person!".

"What?". The Spineback Dragon King exclaimed, his eyes almost popping out of his head with an expression full of disbelief.

As for Lin Feng, there was no such exaggerated performance, because Lin Feng had no idea what the spirit of the magic lamp was talking about.

"What on earth is this guy talking about?" Lin Feng looked at the Dragon King and asked.

The Spineback Dragon King whispered, "Master, it's like this. During the last reincarnation, a rumor suddenly appeared among the top experts. That rumor was related to a mysterious person. It was said that there was a mysterious person who divided the universe. Created reincarnation...".

The Dragon King on the Ridgeback didn't continue talking until he said this, because he didn't know much himself, and all he could say was told to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Is this really happening?".

"Of course it's fake!". The Spineback Dragon King shook his head, obviously not believing this.

Lin Feng also felt that this matter was impossible.

Because the universe and the formation of reincarnation are not man-made.

It’s not even driven by simple Tao, mysteries, etc.

Before the universe, reincarnation, etc. were formed, perhaps there was no Tao or secret.

This cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Even countless powerful monks cannot understand these contents.

Even Lin Feng can't say that his understanding is so profound.

And sometimes, we face things that cannot be explained clearly.

The world always likes to create a great being.

For example.

The mysterious man from the past was spread among the top powerhouses.

Although there have always been rumors about him.

But no one has seen him.

This is something extremely wrong.

You know, although there are many rumors about pioneers, many people have seen pioneers.

This is why the Spineback Dragon King was shocked when he heard the origin of the spirit of the magic lamp.

This is because no one can confirm whether the so-called mysterious man actually exists. In this reincarnation, no one even mentions the so-called mysterious man anymore.

And this guy, the Spirit of the Magic Lamp, actually directly said that he was a lamp in that mysterious man's room.

Everyone would question this.

Even Lin Feng felt that the spirit of the magic lamp seemed to be pretending to be a ghost. This was quite similar to the methods of some ignorant people in the secular world. For example, when some people wanted to rebel, they would lie and claim to be the emperor.

Some people also said that they had killed something like a white snake in their dreams.

Anyway, just to tell the world that I am not an ordinary person and to rebel will be recognized by God.

In the world of cultivators, there are also some people who like to weave a vague identity for themselves.

Let him watch, aloof and arrogant.

Naturally, the spirit of the magic lamp also heard the conversation between Lin Feng and the Dragon King, and probably knew what they were thinking.

The spirit of the magic lamp sneered and said, "Ignorant guys, I have told you my origin, and you still dare to stupidly question me. It is really hopeless. I am too lazy to tell you anymore. What, now, immediately, kneel down and swear to recognize the Lord, otherwise, die!".

As his words fell, the terrifying coercion spread out, heading directly towards Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King to suppress them.

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