Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 587: The mysterious iron box shows its power again


The spirit of the magic lamp roared angrily, "I was actually injured, and I was injured by an ant like you. Damn it, you really deserve death!".

Now the spirit of the magic lamp is looking at Lin Feng as if he wants to cut Lin Feng into pieces. It is understandable that this guy hates Lin Feng so much. After all, he is so arrogant and arrogant, and he does not take Lin Feng into consideration at all. Meaning, but now, he was actually injured by Lin Feng.

To him, this was like a slap in the face, hard. I wonder how he could accept such a thing.

Lin Feng responded coldly, "Go to hell!".

Twenty-three stone swords have already come to strangle, and they are in front of the spirit of the magic lamp, and they are about to strangle the spirit of the magic lamp.

But at this critical moment something happened that made Lin Feng a little depressed.

The magic lamp illuminated a beam of light, and the beam of light dispersed with a crash.

After spreading out.

That beam of light formed a defensive light shield. On the surface of the defensive light shield, there were countless mysterious runes. Each rune exuded the power of distorting time and space. This defensive light shield was really not simple. .

Lin Feng's stone sword failed to strangle the spirit of the magic lamp directly, but strangled the defensive light shield.

The defensive light shield directly resisted the strangulation of the stone sword.

I have to say that this magic lamp is indeed extraordinary. Whether it is attack or defense, it is extremely strong. The origin of this magic lamp is indeed worthy of doubt. Even the most top-notch quasi-pioneer level treasure should be He doesn't have this kind of strength. If it's not a quasi-pioneer level treasure, what level is that magic lamp? Even if it was placed in the previous reincarnation, it must be one of the most terrifying treasures.

"Little beast, I want you to die!".

The spirit of the magic lamp roared to the sky, "God's power is added to my body, my body is immortal, the gods and Buddhas are invincible, and the eternity will be destroyed!".

As soon as he finished speaking, the spirit of the magic lamp stepped towards Lin Feng.

There is still a powerful defensive light shield outside his body to protect him.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Lin Feng to use magic weapons to deal with him. At the very least, it will be difficult to do such a thing in a short time.

And after this guy encountered Lin Feng's soul attack.


In terms of soul defense, I will definitely be more careful.

It is also difficult for Lin Feng to hurt his soul again.

Due to various reasons, Lin Feng is actually somewhat passive now. When the spirit of the magic lamp walked towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng could clearly feel that the aura in his body was rising steadily, and his combat power was also rising steadily. He must have It was by mobilizing the power of the magic lamp and blessing him that he became so terrifying.

It's a pity that Lin Feng's undead army is still recovering.

If the undead army has returned to its original state, Lin Feng summons the undead army and arranges a military formation.

Trapped this guy in the military formation.

Grinding can grind this guy to death.

But the key point is that the power of the undead army cannot be mobilized now.

Lin Feng felt that he had to evacuate.

It is not appropriate to continue fighting with the spirit of the magic lamp. It will not do him any good to continue fighting.

But if Lin Feng wanted to withdraw at this time, the spirit of the magic lamp would not let Lin Feng withdraw so easily.

Seeing that Lin Feng wanted to retreat, the spirit of the magic lamp sneered and said, "Boy, you can't leave, just die!".

The spirit of the magic lamp slapped Lin Feng with a palm.

The attack contained in that seemingly not particularly powerful blow was absolutely unimaginable.

Facing such an attack, if Lin Feng was in peak condition, he could still find a way to deal with it, but Lin Feng's current condition is quite bad.

After all, Lin Feng has experienced many consecutive battles, and even used some top secret techniques before, which was extremely taxing on the body, and he did not recover in the middle. Then he and the Spineback Dragon King found the underground river, and then Here again, a battle broke out with the spirit of the magic lamp, and the wear and tear on his body, which was already severely worn out, became even more serious.

Compared with his peak state, his condition is naturally far behind.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

He felt that he had to use the mysterious iron box at this time. During this period, Lin Feng was a little reluctant to rely on the mysterious iron box to fight the enemy because Lin Feng felt that the mysterious iron box was getting more and more weird.

Naturally, the less we use such a weird thing, the better.

Lin Feng was really worried that one day he would be tricked by the mysterious iron box.

It's just that the current situation is special.

It’s impossible not to use the mysterious iron box.

Then use it.


With a flash of light, the mysterious iron box was summoned by Lin Feng. After the mysterious iron box flew out, Lin Feng activated the mysterious iron box and flew towards the attack from the spirit of the magic lamp.

The attack made by the spirit of the magic lamp.

It directly caused the mysterious iron box to move.

Some runes appeared on the mysterious iron box.

Those runes shook out terrible fluctuations.

And that kind of fluctuation seemed to have the power to sweep through the world.

The mysterious iron box did not disappoint Lin Feng, and instantly destroyed the attack of the magic lamp spirit.

The spirit of the magic lamp couldn't help but stare suddenly, and he said in surprise, "Isn't this...that thing?".

Immediately afterwards, he burst out laughing, "I never thought that I would have such an opportunity. This is because God is taking care of me!".

It seems that the spirit of the magic lamp also knows the mysterious iron box.

Even if he didn't know the true origin of the mysterious iron box, he must have heard some rumors about the mysterious iron box.

It's like others hearing about the mysterious man who can't be told.

I saw the spirit of the magic lamp striding towards the mysterious iron box, and the aura emanating from his body became more and more powerful.

When he got close to the mysterious iron box, the spirit of the magic lamp opened his big hand.

Countless runes flew out.

These runes gathered together and quickly moved towards the mysterious iron box.

The pressure on the mysterious iron box is also increasing, so the number of revival runes is also increasing.

at the same time.

Lin Feng used powerful magic power to open the mysterious iron box, and blood filled the air, covering the sky and the sun.

"Let me go!".

Lin Feng suddenly pushed it through the air, and the mysterious iron box was pushed forward by Lin Feng through the air.

The mysterious iron box collided with the suppression runes, instantly destroying those runes.

Under Lin Feng's push, the mysterious iron box continued to rush towards the spirit of the magic lamp.

It's obviously just a rather ordinary-looking box.


When the mysterious iron box crushes the void and rushes forward.

It was like a huge mountain crushing the sky.

In an instant, he was in front of the spirit of the magic lamp.

At this time, the spirit of the magic lamp discovered something was wrong. A horrified expression appeared on his face. The next moment, he saw that the extremely powerful defensive light shield was lightly hit by the mysterious iron box and collapsed instantly. broken.

And the mysterious iron box continued to hit the spirit of the magic lamp.

The spirit of the magic lamp is inevitable.

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